39, Royal Terrace, Edinburgh. - Donald quite agrees about the London performance of his opera ["The Bride of Dionysus", for which Trevelyan wrote the libretto], and was glad Trevelyan expressed himself 'so decidedly'. Donald has been in bed for the last fortnight, except when he conducted the Reid Concert on 24 March. Has been much better the last few days, and she hopes his doctor will let him go out tomorrow and they can leave at the end of the week; they hope to go and stay with the Duncan Toveys at Worplesdon. Trevelyan's ideas for doing Donald's music in London all sound very interesting; he must discuss it when he comes. They will be glad if he comes and stays until 24 April; Eydua Liddell is coming then and Clara has invited her as John [Tovey] will be at home, so they only have one spare room, but she hopes he will come anyway. As for press seats, last time [Sir Hugh?] Allen brought [Henry Cope?] Colles up; thinks he was the only London critic and that any other English papers used their 'men up here'. They look forward to seeing Bessie when she is up. Donald is to conduct on Monday, Friday and Saturday. A postscript adds that Donald thinks it best to sent tickets for the critics 'without writing'; he particularly does not want Colles to come so perhaps it would be best to leave the "Times" alone, or to say that Colles was not wanted.
5 Apr [1932]
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan