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Add. MS c/60/103 · Item · 16 Dec. 1901
Part of Additional Manuscripts c

Paris, 16 R. Dupont des Loges - Has been ill, has three weeks before a kidney operation, has finished the first part of the translation of 'The Golden Bough' as [Léon?] Marillier told him to, Salomon Reinach will now write the preface, asks the meaning of some words.

FRAZ/17/136 · Item · 8 May 1901
Part of Papers of Sir James Frazer

Paris, 16 R. Dupont des Loges - Macmillan has instructed him to send the translated preface and first few pages [of 'The Golden Bough'], that he has tried to follow the text closely and not create something different in a French style.

Accompanied by an envelope with a note in Frazer's hand 'French translation of G.B.'

FRAZ/17/137 · Item · 11 May 1901
Part of Papers of Sir James Frazer

Paris - Is happy she liked his translation [of 'The Golden Bough'], agrees that it would be good to do a partial translation of the work and make it one big or two ordinary volumes, which would sell better in France than a 3 volume set, asks for a written confirmation that he has the right to translate all the parts of the work and the right to replace some chapters with summaries, will write to Macmillan.

Accompanied by an envelope with a note in Frazer's hand 'French translation of G.B.'

Add. MS b/37/240 · Item · c 1947-c 1955
Part of Additional Manuscripts b

Paris 16. R Dupont des Loges. Dated 16/12/1 - Has been ill, has three weeks before a kidney operation, has finished the first part of the translation of 'The Golden Bough' as Manillier [Léon Marillier?] told him to, Solomon [Salomon Reinach] will now write the preface, asks the meaning of some words.

FRAZ/33/423 · Item · 11 Dec. 1922
Part of Papers of Sir James Frazer

Paris, 25 Rue du Four (VIe) - Confirms the terms of their conversation, that he has no objection to a new translation being done of the abridged edition of 'The Golden Bough', that it will not use his translation with R. Stiébel.

Add. MS c/61/6 · Item · 19 Jan. 1902
Part of Additional Manuscripts c

Paris, 74 rue de l'Université [on mourning stationery] - René Stiébel, who was translating 'The Golden Bough', was one of his best friends; Madame Stiébel would like him to finish it; is also the friend of Léon Marillier, and is in charge of a school and knows the usefulness of a French edition of 'The Golden Bough'.