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Letter from Arthur Cole to R. C. Trevelyan
TRER/6/226 · Item · 29 July 1941
Parte de Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

44, Palace Gardens Terrace, Kensington, W. - Thanks Trevelyan for procuring and sending 'the Tovey alterations'. [Philip FitzHugh] Radcliffe, a Fellow of King's [College Cambridge] who acts as the Music Librarian and is a 'skilled musician' was 'delighted' with the vocal score and will appreciate these alterations; will send them with some other music in a week or two and hopes to visit himself in August to 'see them rightly placed', meet some people, including Broad if he is still there, and 'walk in your Great Court [at Trinity College] by moon or starlight'. Is 'increasingly impressed by Montaigne'; is now nearing the end of Book II, and looks forward to reading Book III with some of Trevelyan's translations. Agrees with him as to 'l'Art de conferer' at first sight, but 'will try to consider it deliberately later'. Postscript reads 'Views on lying much appreciated.'

Letter from Arthur Cole to R. C. Trevelyan
TRER/18/85 · Item · 23 May 1941
Parte de Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

15 Old Square, Lincoln's Inn, W.C.2. - Thanks Trevelyan for his generosity in sending him the "Bride of Dionysus" vocal score; does not wish for it for 'utterly selfish' reasons, as he thinks it should be in the Music Library at King's [College Cambridge]. Will have it bound and sent there with a record that Trevelyan is the donor. Irene Cooper-Willis says Trevelyan might like to see the 'enclosed bookplates' [no longer present], which were engraved for him by G. T. Friend; the 'simplest (& perhaps the most successful) was derived at some distance from one of the Trinity plates'.