Exeter College, Oxford - Arrangements to stay on the night of the [Frazer] lecture May 27th.
From the Rector, Exeter College, Oxford - Is at St Andrews, completing the first series of Giffords lectures; is sorry to hear about J.G.'s eyes, is staying with Professor Stout whose eyes and ears are bad; Farnell owes his poor sight to a collision with a motor bicycle, but has finished his 3 vol. Pindar; saw Sir James Irvine about the honorary degree at St Andrews, and they could renew the offer, said it was suspended indefinitely because of J.G.'s brother-in-law's [John Steggall?] excessive delicacy.
Trinity College, Cambridge. Dated 22 October 1907 - Thanks him for his kind words about his article ['Folk-Lore in the Old Testament' in 'Anthropological Essays Presented to Edward Burnett Tylor'], but he thinks the section on Sacred oaks and terebinths had too many quotations and was tedious; [Marcel] Mauss has pointed out that he anticipated Frazer concerning 'Not to seethe the kid in its mothers milk'; the psychology in Marett's essays does not interest him; a new edition of 'Adonis' comes out shortly, he has addressed [Lewis] Farnell's objections, would like his comments.
Trinity Coll. Camb. - In advance of a meeting at which he, Frazer, [William] Ridgeway, and [A. B.] Cook will be present, discusses his theory of the origin of the Olympic Games, mentioning that he had not heard of [Lewis] Farnell's suggestion.
Didsbury College, Manchester. Dated 13.7.06 - Answers a question about etymology of Zeus Kappotas, and asks if he has asked [Peter] Giles. Finds [Lewis Richard] Farnell's review objectionable, hopes he will put him right; thanks him for writing to [Edward] Clodd, is busy with his seccond edition and other work.
With annotations in Frazer's hand.
Trinity College, Cambridge. Dated 18 October 1907 - Encloses six copies of his [anthropological] questions; in the new edition of 'Adonis' he has considered the question of sacred prostitution in Western Asia much more fully in answer to [L. R.] Farnell.
From the Rector of Exeter College, Oxford - Thanks him for his charming letter of congratulations [on being elected to the Rectorship of Exeter College]; will be delighted to know Sir James Donaldson.