62 Bolingbroke Rd., London, W.14. - Was sad to have seen her so ill; called Ashman who said she was about the same; thinks of them with Jamie in his chair near her bed.
Woodend, Perth Road, Dundee - Is sorry to hear Aunt Lilly is unwell, they are very glad Ashman is looking after him; they get sirens a fair amount, but it does not worry her mother.
54 Cours Napoléon, Ajaccio, Corse - Is happy to hear of the devotion of Aschman [J. D. Ashman]; thanks her for the books and for the copy of the 'Post'; thinks rest frightens her; [Albert] Rivaud will be happy to hear from her; Rivaud had begun a course on 'The Sacrifice' when he was appointed to edit the Leibnitz manuscripts.
54 Cours Napoléon, Ajaccio, Corse - Is glad to hear that she is resting. André Berthelot has died of an embolism, which will make the publication on the book difficult as he is not in Paris. Is pleased to hear of the useful assistant they have in [J. D.] Ashman; thanks her for the study of metrology by [David] Davidson, will take it to Cannelle.
Woodend, Perth Road, Dundee - Is enjoying the garden; hears from Forrest Dodd occasionally, wishes to be remembered to Ashman; all are much interested in 'The Portrait'; thinks the photograph on the cover is excellent; is busy, misses her work of twenty-nine years.