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TRER/7/165 · Item · [Jan 1915?]
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

28 Rutland Street, Edinburgh. - Is sorry for 'unloading' things on Bessie and the R's [Röntgens], but G.B [Grete Busch]'s letter needs answering. Bessie's last letter was a 'great relief': makes 'all the difference in the situation' that Miss Weisse wrote to her about it at all; Miss Weisse showing 'the dangerous side of her mind' mainly to Tovey. Discusses his reluctance to sign up for military drilling, and the possible effect on his composition to be 'hanging about Northlands'. His work in Edinburgh may not be the height of his ambitions, but it has done much to dissuade him from maintaining the 'fiction' that what he is 'allowed to do at Northlands is useful to anyone concerned'. Assures Bessie that he sees the 'pathos' of Miss Weisse's situation, and realises that it is as much his fault as hers, and he ought to have 'cut [himself] adrift' on leaving Oxford - but everything then would have been so different that he might as well speculate on what 'Fritz Busch, General Joffre or the Alake of Abeokuta' would have done in his place.

Describes one of the 'jolliest incidents at Amsterdam', Johannes Rontgen's first public appearance - also Edward [sic: Edvard]'s, but Johannes was the 'clou' or showpiece. Encloses the programme (which bears joking annotations in Tovey's hand), praising Johannes's song. Madame Bakels is 'a voluminous veteran artist of excellent musicianship and powerful lungs', and Johannes's 'evident adoration of her' was 'delightful'. When he first arrived, a rehearsal of [Beethoven's?] "Ah perfido" was in progress, at full volume. Asks Bessie to tell Röntgen that [Catharina?] van Rennes meant two volumes in the parcel she sent Tovey for him. Quotes the inscriptions. Will take them when he goes to Holland again; asks Röntgen to thank Mrs van Rennes for the 'delicious songs'.

TRER/18/64 · Item · 26 Dec [1945]
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Lanercost Priory, Brampton, Cumberland. - Thanks 'Uncle Bob' for sending his poems ["From the Shiffolds"]; likes several of them 'very much, particularly "The Prison-House" which reminded her of a poem she herself wrote recently that was liked by Frances Cornford. Feels as Bob does about the 'modern poets - sure there is a spring of pure poetry there, but not very successful at making it flow!' Wishes 'somebody would write a book explaining T. S. Eliot, like Daddy did for [George] Meredith'. She 'hardly dare[s] ask, fearing the worst', whether Aunt Bessie has head any news about her Röntgen nephews, or whether Professor [Pieter] Geyl 'survived the ordeals he underwent'. She and her husband are 'very happy here, and thoroughly enjoy country life'; the church is 'superb - the ancient 12th century Augustinian priory'; the house 'partly consists of a tower built by Edward I', who came several times. They are just twenty miles from Hallington, which has been released from use as a hospital; her mother spent a few days there before Christmas organising redecoration, but it is 'still full of hospital furniture'. Saw Aunt Annie [Philips] before October, who is 'very old now, and tired, but her interest in things is undiminished' and she 'much appreciates Aunt Bessie's letters'.

TRER/8/70 · Item · 3 Nov 1912
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Northlands, Englefield Green, Surrey. - Originally enclosing some brown thread giving 'the length for the chain'; they could perhaps also supply a few opals if there are some missing. Is very tired after 'these anxieties and agitations' and very worried about Donald: he is showing the strain by behaving towards her as he did four years ago which makes it 'difficult to take care of him', and she has 'no dear Bob and Bessie to trust him to'. The 'affair itself threatens to end in bathos': she has had a 'rapturous' letter from 'the wife' [Guilhermina Suggia] saying how glad she is to be with her Pablo [Casals] again. Wishes Professor Röntgen could force Pablo 'to unsay all the wicked nonsense he wept out to all and sundry here'. Sends her love to all six Röntgens; they will be very grateful if Bessie's brother in law [Julius Engelbert Röntgen] can tell them what should be done. Regrets the loss of twenty-six pounds on Thursday's concert.