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TRER/8/99 · Item · 23 Aug 1914 [postmark]
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Pension Bruhn, Nürnbergerstr. 65, Berlin IV; addressed to them at Beethovenlaan, Hilversum, Holland. - Is worried that Donald [Tovey] who needs a cure, has no more of his medicine. Asks if they could write to Margaret Parratt asking her to tell Herbert in Egham at once to send two bottles, not directly to Donald but to Mrs Trevelyan at the Shiffolds. This is the new tonic he last received from the doctor. Would be very grateful. Bessie Trevelyan already cares for Donald; asks if they know she is also Dutch.

TRER/8/62 · Item · 23 Aug 1911
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Hôtel Bellevue, Bad Nauheim, Germany. - Thinks there has been a problem with the dispatch of Julian's picture book: asks Bessie to let her know if it has not arrived. Is sending another copy to 'Durchläuchting's' [sic: Durchlauting, or Serene Highness: Eydua Scott Elliott, née Odescalchi] little daughter, Aydua Scott Elliott. Tells Bessie off for paying for the Trevelyans' stay at the Wheatsheaf at her invitation; Margaret Parratt has a bag with the money which must be returned, so Bessie must not talk of washing bills for 'that wretched Donald [Tovey]' who has not yet written to her. Nonsense that Donald's compositions and operas ["The Bride of Dionysus"] prevent him writing: she is 'smothered' under many tomes by letters of Wagner and Brahms, 'quite prolific if undistinguished composers', and if she does not receive regular news from Donald she will come home as it is 'no use spending a fortune here just to be cross and desolate'. A postscript asks what has happened about 'Mr Hilary [sic] Belloc': hopes the matter has not been neglected; also asks Bessie to tell Donald she never got the Northlands programmes he promised, which they must have.

TRER/8/3 · Item · 5 Aug 1905
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Northlands, Englefield Green, Surrey. - Margaret Parratt, as requested by Sophie Weisse, begins answering Bessie's letter with advice about the piano: Miss Weisse is sending Bessie the Bösendorfer catalogue, and thinks a small grand ordered from that would be satisfactory; she is writing them a note telling them to serve Bessie well and is sure they will do so. Broadwood tunes Miss Weisse's Bösendorfers; the arrangement is 'quite satisfactory' though perhaps they are not quite so careful as with their own instruments.

Miss Weisse then takes over the letter: asks Besse if she is sure she wants a Bösendorfer as she could 'induce Broadwoods' to give her 'something good at a moderate price'. Also asks if Donald [Tovey] can come to stay straight after his stay with Mrs [Ellen] Joachim, about 6 September. He needs to work, which she feels means taking breakfast in his room 'so that he keeps his own bits of wits about him before beginning this work'; he has said he would be very interested to talk to Mr Trevelyan, and much enjoys playing with Bessie: says her playing is 'the real thing'. Writes out the addresses where Tovey can be contacted over the next couple of months. Has to go to Nauheim on the 14th, and would be happy to think Donald were with the Trevelyans, is 'so miserable when he is out of sight'. Invites Bessie to visit again.

TRER/8/144 · Item · 31 Aug 1914
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Danestream House, Milford-on-Sea, Hants. - Has written to Herbert [the pharmacist?] to send another full set of medicines [for Donald Tovey] from the most recent prescriptions. A postcard from Bessie to the Noordewiers 'would be a great comfort to Miss Weisse'. Fears the news that Mr [Fritz] Busch is to go to the front will be a great shock to Tovey; feels very sorry about it. Mr [Willi] Strecker 'seems quite safe with his entire family in England', having not gone to Germany after all. Gives the Noordewiers' address.