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TRER/8/8 · Item · 25 June 1906
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Northlands, Englefield Green, Surrey. - Apologies for late response: Donald [Tovey] is 'slaving at the Encyclopædia [Britannica]' and she herself has something wrong with her hands which means she can only write in pencil. Asks Bessie to 'entreat Mr & Mrs Fry' to stay for supper and meet Mr and Mrs Edward Speyer, who will be staying; offers to write to Mrs Fry if Bessie gives her the address. Asks if Donald can come to the Trevelyans in September after all, since he is taking her to Nauheim and may stay in Germany all August; Mrs [Ellen] Joachim wishes to have him for the third week of that month.

TRER/9/53 · Item · 27 Apr [1900]
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

10 Prinsegracht. - Originally enclosing a new photograph of herself, wearing a green dress and Bob's 'favourite hat'. Had an excellent evening at the Piersons' last night; [the Joachim Quartet] played a late Beethoven quartet she had never heard before, which made her 'nearly jump into the sky', and then a Schumann one. Talked to [Joseph] Joachim; hopes they will meet him again, perhaps at Harold Joachim's family's house at Haslemere. Alice and Herbert Jones arrived this morning; since Herbert is returning home tonight he has done lots of sightseeing with her uncle, then Bessie took him to the Mauritshuis picture galley. She and Alice are going to the Joachim concert tonight. Felt 'quite schooly again' seeing them; they talked lots about Bob. The Joneses were staying in the same pension at Dresden as Lily Hodgkin and 'her brother (the Oxford one); the brother is studying German and Lily music; Lily wanted Alice to send her Bob's address so that she could send a wedding present. Herbert 'seemed rather astonished if not shocked' that the wedding was not to be in a church; supposes the idea is rather 'awful' for an English clergyman. He is 'very bright & cheerful... & humorous as ever', though she does not think he is 'ein feinfühlender Mensch [sensitive man]'.

TRER/8/5 · Item · 31 Aug 1905
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Hôtel Prince of Wales, Bad Nauheim, Germany. - The Kurhaus [sanatorium] orchestra is playing "Wien Neerlands Bloed", and recently played 'Wilhelmus von Nassauen" [two national anthems of the Netherlands], but these are 'rare excellencies'. Hopes they will have many much better tunes from Bessie's 'Dutch book' when she visits again. Fears D.F.T. [Donald Tovey] may have made a mistake with his dates, and asks if the Trevelyans can keep him after the 14th, as he has some work to do at the Speyers. Would be very glad if so, as she feels he is 'so safe' with them and with Mrs Joachim. Has heard that Donald will play his concerto again at the Gürzenich in Cologne this winter, and that he is also wanted at Mayence [Mainz]; is very pleased, since 'English Concert Authorities won't have him'. Looks forward to seeing the Trevelyans when she returns to England.

TRER/8/4 · Item · [Aug 1905]
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Northlands, Englefield Green, Surrey. - Very pleased that Donald [Tovey] can stay with the Trevelyans; describes his habits and diet at length. Asks if they will 'hale him away from Mrs [Ellen] Joachim's' after his time there; hopes he will go to Mrs Freshfield after seeing the Trevelyans, as 'there house is splendidly high up and she will look after him'. Donald has just gone out 'abashed and mournful' to apologise to one of his best friends for forgetting to go to his wedding. Hopes Bösendorfer will send the piano quickly and that Bessie likes it; tells her not to let it get damp or stand in a draught or suffer extreme changes of temperature. Bessie should get Donald to play her the Brahms Violin Concerto frequently, which he does very well and will encourage Bessie to learn it if she has not already. In a postscript, writes out the places Donald will be while she is at Nauheim and says she will ask every one how he is doing or she will have no peace.

TRER/8/3 · Item · 5 Aug 1905
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Northlands, Englefield Green, Surrey. - Margaret Parratt, as requested by Sophie Weisse, begins answering Bessie's letter with advice about the piano: Miss Weisse is sending Bessie the Bösendorfer catalogue, and thinks a small grand ordered from that would be satisfactory; she is writing them a note telling them to serve Bessie well and is sure they will do so. Broadwood tunes Miss Weisse's Bösendorfers; the arrangement is 'quite satisfactory' though perhaps they are not quite so careful as with their own instruments.

Miss Weisse then takes over the letter: asks Besse if she is sure she wants a Bösendorfer as she could 'induce Broadwoods' to give her 'something good at a moderate price'. Also asks if Donald [Tovey] can come to stay straight after his stay with Mrs [Ellen] Joachim, about 6 September. He needs to work, which she feels means taking breakfast in his room 'so that he keeps his own bits of wits about him before beginning this work'; he has said he would be very interested to talk to Mr Trevelyan, and much enjoys playing with Bessie: says her playing is 'the real thing'. Writes out the addresses where Tovey can be contacted over the next couple of months. Has to go to Nauheim on the 14th, and would be happy to think Donald were with the Trevelyans, is 'so miserable when he is out of sight'. Invites Bessie to visit again.

TRER/18/18 · Item · 15 Aug 1900
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Highlands, Haslemere, Surrey. - His mother and all the family would be 'very glad' if the Trevelyans could come to lunch next week; they usually lunch at one but could easily make it later if that would be more convenient. They hope that Uncle Joseph will be staying with them - though this is a secret ; knows he would be very glad to see both Trevelyans.

TRER/8/11 · Item · 13 Sept 1906
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Train near Carlisle. - Cost her 'a great deal to leave [Donald Tovey] in Ireland yesterday' and cannot rid herself of 'apprehension while he is in this discouraged and suffering condition'; he has been shocked to find that there is a 'dickeFreundshaft' [great friendship] between Mrs [Mary] Berenson and both Kellys; 'that woman' is a real fraud as 'Miss Kelly would hate anything not entirely clean and right when she saw it'. Nothing could be better for Donald than to spend time with Robert Trevelyan and make music with Bessie; unfortunately he is probably not well enough to finish off the Encyclopædia [Britannica], though perhaps he could get it done in the mornings then make music in the afternoons. Asks Bessie to send him on to Mrs Henry Joachim on Saturday the 22nd. Also asks if Bessie can send a telegraph when Donald reaches her. Still in a nervous state and should have stayed longer at Nauheim; had to go to Ireland this time but does not think she will be able to do so again.