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Add. MS c/94/14 · Item · 11 May 1900
Part of Additional Manuscripts c

Claims to know of no book 'which exactly deals with the question [of the end of the world].' Discusses the treatment of the end of the world in the Bible, reported references made by Jesus to it, and the various theological views extant on it. Refers to Charles' Eschatology and Sanday's article Jesus Christ in Hastings' Dictionary of the Bible. Quotes verses from Mark and Matthew.

Gore, Charles (1853-1932) Bishop of Oxford
FRAZ/29/17 · Item · 23 Apr. 1927
Part of Papers of Sir James Frazer

16, rue St-Charles, Versailles - Admires 'The Gorgon's Head'; Bourdelle is happy his work is being displayed in front of an English audience; read the 'Adonis' to Nicolas Ségur; [Robert Henry?] Charles wrote a nice note about his 'L'Apocalypse'; he would be honoured to have a review in an English newspaper.