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TRER/8/76 · Item · 6 Dec [1912]
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Northlands, Englefield Green, Surrey. - Originally enclosing [?] letters which are 'reassuring though very maddening'. One of 'the "poky prigs" is Sir Walter Parratt' who passed the offer to go to Vienna on to Donald [Tovey]'. Assures Bessie that, if she think's [Pablo] Casals' leter was cold then Donald's was 'icy in its egotism and priggishness and tactlessness'. If Casals does not give concerts in London on 'those very dates' [previously agreed for performances with Donald] it will be 'a miracle of generosity'; she agrees with Willy Strecker that Casals is the 'most aggrieved party', which she could prove from Donald's own letter to her; it is 'disgraceful that he should use such foul language of them [Casals and Suggia] now'. Knows what trouble Casals took to interest [Franz] Schalk in Donald. Wants Donald to be a good man, which does not simply consist in obeying the seventh commandment [do not commit adultery]; lists the virtues which he can lack: 'Industry, humility, loyalty, candour...' Pities Casals. Her brother [Henry] told her 'some of the lies Guilhermina [Suggia] had concocted about Donald'; cannot help admiring 'that young woman's invention'. In October, Donald 'nearly threw a dinner plate' at her and 'dashed out of the house' when she said something in Suggia's conduct when they were in Paris needed explaining. Is sorry and very disappointed about the concerts, as is Mr Strecker; does not know what is to be done. As Fanny Davies and 'every sensible person' said, the 'only answer to the esclandre [scandal]' was to keep to the Chelsea Concerts programme, and it is Donald alone who made that impossible. He will have to lose money and reputation this year. Is relieved he seems better; fancy him having 'two terrific quarrels in one year', she herself has never had one on her own account.