Northlands, Englefield Green, Surrey. - Very kind of Bessie to write to her about Donald [Tovey]'s quartet; did not hear anything else about except for 'a very nice note from [Karl?] Klingler'. Donald 'has practically vanished into space since Friday before last', sending only a 'beguilingly optimistic telegram about the superiority of German copyists' so she knows nothing about the chamber concerts except for what she heard him telling Mr [Edward] Speyer (believes he is playing in Cologne tonight) nor if the symphony is finished. Must accept this, since it is the way 'poor old Donald's friends' have convinced him things should be, but if she had 'programmes and notices etc... Willy Strecker could have made a little réclame [publicity] with them in England'. Originally enclosing something she found when 'turning out a drawer' recently which made her smile, remembering a conversation with Bessie; [Leonard?] Borwick has increasingly 'become a "pianist"' which she has always warned her pupils such as Donald, Mary Beasley, and Kate [Friskin?] 'is a disgrace for a talented creature to be'. Never occurs to her to compare Borwick to Donald as a player; has compared Kate with him, 'latterly greatly to her advantage'; he was better when he 'tried to keep in Joachim's wake'. Asks Bessie to send back a particular 'astonishing notice from the Times'; Donald's Chopin was 'most rich and lovely' that evening; they called him 'Rodin' long time afterwards when 'his appearance was even less polished than usual'. Encourages Bessie to visit and bring the umbrella back.
The Shiffolds. - Has been away, or would have answered her note with his father's questions earlier. Cannot find a reference to 'levying an indemnity' in Murray or elsewhere; '"requisitio"' is used as a substantive in that sense, but may be general a word', as is probably the case also for 'fine' and 'tribute'; both 'ne'er do weel' and 'ne'er do well' seem to be 'used as nouns by quite good writers, such as Dickens'.
Paul 'seems quite well again now', though last week he was not so well; Bessie also seems well: she went with Robert to the Speyers' last Sunday, where Hausmann, Frau Soldat, and and Leonard Borwick were staying 'so there was a lot of music' and several pieces were rehearsed for next Wednesday's London concert.
Is glad Phil [Morgan Philips Price] is now recovering; Bessie has had 'a nice letter from Aunt Meg'. Has not had much news about the Frys recently, as Roger has been in Italy for the last three weeks; expects he will soon return. Imagines Helen 'is much the same, perhaps rather better in some ways', though 'doubt[s] whether there is any real improvement'. Robert's play [Sisyphus: An Operatic Fable] should be out this week, though he has not yet heard anything about it.