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TRER/8/110 · Item · 8 July 1919
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

London S.W.1., No. 3 Hobart Place. - They have just returned from a gathering of influential people, including Madame [Nellie] Melba and Sir Thomas Beecham, to hear Donald [Tovey]'s opera ["The Bride of Dionysus"]. Does not know what the outcome will be, but 'there is no doubt about the immense impression it has made'. The 'drawback is, as it is always, the "book"'; hopes the music will cause 'the over-ornate far too lengthy frigid stuff' [the libretto by Robert Trevelyan] to be forgotten. There are things which have long required saying, which she hopes would be 'less harsh spoken by word of mouth' in her own house than written. Wishes for peace, is always ready to forgive, but the 'menace' the Trevelyans have always been 'to Donald's best interests' must be removed; hopes it can be by 'a clear understanding' between them and herself. Asks them to come and see her before Friday evening, when Donald returns from Scotland.