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TRER/13/91 · Item · 29 Aug 1898
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

West Salford Liberal Association, 94, Broad Street, Pendleton. - [Misspells Trevelyan's surname in the salutation]. The Liberals are looking for a candidate for the next election, and Trevelyan's name has been suggested. Asks him to consider them if he is 'at all inclined for parliamentary life'; the Liberals should be successful there 'given good work & management on the part of the constituency itself, & the attention of the candidate'. Sketches out the recent history of the seat under the previous Liberal candidate, Benjamin Armitage, and his Conservative opponent Lees Knowles, whose recent victories were by small margins only. Also gives an account of municipal elections to support the claim that the Liberals have a good chance of regaining the seat; emphasises that there is no friction in the local party, and that Mr Armitage is one of their 'heartiest supporters both in purse and person'. Offers a 'conference' to discuss the suggestion.

O./11a.4/8/9 · Item · [early 20th cent.?]
Part of Manuscripts in Wren Class O

Numbering of items begins at 77 and goes up to 139. Other numbering is crossed out. Items listed by source:
'Discovered at "Fox Hill Hole" near Orwell, Cambs., in 1872. Presented by William White, sub-Librarian';
'Articles from a Saxon cemetery at Harlton, Cambs.; presented by Prof. Hughes, June 1875';
'Presented by Prof. Hughes... discovered at Haslingfield'; various dates from Feb 1876-Dec 1878. Items found at Six Mile Bottom presented in Mar. 1879
'Presented by Lees Knowles Esq., Trin. Coll... found near Barton', Jun. 1878
'Presented by H. J. Washbrough Esq., 7 Gloster Row, Clifton... found in the Townfield, Maydon, near Bristol'.
Also items from Barrington, Colchester, Stourbridge Common, Sandy, Newnham Croft and Blagdon, Somerset with no indication of donor.