Paris - Antoine Bourdelle is unable to give a set date for sending the bronze bust to Glasgow Art Gallery; they have asked the founder to work as quickly as possible; the price is 100 pounds; 100,000 francs was never in question, that is for millionaires whose busts would not be in museums or libraries; her husband admires Sir James, as he does Anatole France, and is a whole other affair; the five bronze busts are 100 pounds each; she has not received a letter from Lord Crawford.
8 Apr. 1925
Part of Papers of Sir James Frazer
23 Apr. 1925
Part of Papers of Sir James Frazer
Glasgow Art Galleries and Museums - Thanks her for communicating with Bourdelle; looks forward to receiving the bust; will be honoured to have it in his gallery, remembers well the first impression 'The Golden Bough' made on him in his schooldays.
30 May 1925
Part of Papers of Sir James Frazer
Glasgow Art Galleries and Museums - It was an honour to meet Sir James, is very pleased to have the Bourdelle bust in the gallery.