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TRER/9/94 · Item · 16 Dec - 17 Dec 1899
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Pension Palumbo, Ravello. - Has been out most of the day since there was some sunshine, and has written a few lines. Seems that old [Pasquale] Palumbo is 'in great danger'; has offered to move to another hotel for a week or two, but Pasquale's wife will not hear of it; she 'takes a sort of mother's care of him' and says the rooms of the Albergo Toro will be damp. Will stay for a while, but does not think he should stay if Palumbo gets worse; only Italians go to the Toro but sure he would be all right there. Has just received Stephen Philips' play about Paolo and Francesca; cannot see as much in it as 'many very clever people do'; it has 'effective theatrical scenes' and 'some rather fine poetry', and if it succeeds when acted next year it will make things easier for [Thomas Sturge] Moore and [Laurence] Binyon, and for himself, if he manages to finish a verse play, but it is still a bad play. Recommends that she read "Romeo and Juliet" and the "Merchant of Venice" if she has not already; thinks he should charge her a fee in kisses for giving her literary advice. Finishes writing for the day with a doggerel verse recommending that she wear socks in bed to keep warm.

Returns to the letter the following evening; glad she got on so well with the dentist, and 'recognises her portrait' in [Chaucer's] Merchant's Wyve. Hopes she will send her photograph soon. Found her account of 'the Russian ladies [Madame de Rhemen and Countess van Bylandt] and Tuttie [Maria Hubrecht; see 9/17]' very entertaining. Does not remember the Comtesse de Bylandt, but will ask his parents about her. Teases her for dreaming that she was married to [Bram] Eldering. Palumbo seems better today. Weather fine today, and he has got on well with his play; 'cannot get along in the rain'. Also thought of a new poem on Elijah in the desert, but might not write it now. Hopes to get over a month of work done, and not to return before the end of January; his mother has just written that she would like Bessie to stay with them at Welcombe early in February; thinks that would be the best plan, so he would probably not spend more than a few days in Holland on the way back; does not know whether it would be considered right to travel back together so she should ask her uncle and aunt.

TRER/13/84 · Item · [9? Dec 1899]
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Hotel & Pension Palumbo, Ravello, preso Amalfi. - She will see he did not need to 'test out the prudence and orderliness of his mind', as she instructed: he has almost finished Elizabeth's paper, but knew there would be plenty at 'so well-appointed a hotel as the Pension Palumbo'; expects Mrs [Helen] Fry has written to her again; has brought a strop, and also a new razor as he left his at the Hague. Hopes her photographs come out well; she must send one; he will get himself photographed on his return, meanwhile she has the drawing of him and the photograph from Taormina. Glad she had good music to 'compensate for her sufferings on Friday'; expects she will soon go to Amsterdam to see her new [violin] teacher [Bram Eldering]. Glad her 'translation ordeal' is over; reassures her that she must not worry about telling him little details: he likes learning how she lives, and she has 'the gift of making trifling events interesting'. Quotes [Hilaire Belloc's] "Book of Beasts" on "The Whale"; wonders how long '[Ambrosius] Hubrecht's whale' is, and how it will be taken to Utrecht; supposes it will have to be towed along the canal. Has not received the American speech. Honoured that she is dreaming about him; will try to 'live worthily of one who has been inside [her] head at night-time'.

Has been answering her letter [9/14] 'point by point'; little to say about herself as he has been 'pent up' by the rain since his arrival; fears it will be at least a week before the woods are dry enough for him to work there, but will have Mrs Reid's garden as soon as it is fair and some other places. Did not see Mrs Reid yesterday when he called as she was ill, only her companion Miss Allan, of whom Elizabeth need not be jealous: the Frys used to call her 'the grenadier', she is 'much too old' for Robert, though nice and good to talk to occasionally; Mrs Reid is 'a dear'. Has been reading Mommsen, which he likes 'better than almost any novel' and which makes him feel 'history is the only thing worth writing'; however, few people write it like Mommsen. Has also been re-reading [John Bunyan's] "Pilgrim's Progress" and liking it more than ever; those, with Chaucer and Sophocles, are his 'daily bread' until the storms are over, but Elizabeth is his 'wine'. Cannot 'quite put into words what it is... to have someone to whom [he] can and wish[es] to say everything that comes into [his] head'; has had many friends but always felt 'reserved in certain directions' in a way he does not with Elizabeth; makes him feel 'so much less lonely' than he has often done; will listen to and understand her as she will him. Is 'not afraid of marriage, in spite of Chaucer, and other pessimists'. Knows he 'linger[s] out his goodbye' as he used to do at her door in the evening; used to 'wish to run off' with her as she peeped round the door.

TRER/9/76 · Item · 23 Sept - 25 Sept 1899
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

3, Hare Court, Inner Temple. - Begins the letter in the National Liberal Club near Trafalgar Square, where he will soon go to an 'anti-jingo' meeting. Expects this will not be a big affair, as 'pacific people are only too few'; the 'self-satisfied Anglo-Saxon conceit gets worse and worse every year', and 'Kipling, Fashoda, Mr [Joseph] Chamberlain, and even the Dreyfus case' have contributed to it; wishes there was a 'good chance of a fiasco in the Transvaal, not so much for the sake of the Boers' but for the British; has never felt less of a patriot. Is working at the British Museum while his house is being decorated, for which [Roger] Fry has a free hand; expects the result will be 'most charming'. Glad the Frys are going to Ede; he is 'very interesting and full of ideas', though he always wants 'an orthodoxy to comfort him', not necessarily that 'of the multitude', and 'wonderfully sympathetic and imaginative'; she is 'delightful... in quite a different way to him'. Was not there when they cut into the cheese and did not send instructions, so it is now 'as dry as pumice' though they say they like it. Going to see a Japanese melodrama with them tomorrow; expects it will be 'pretty bad' but has heard the 'scenery and costumes are first rate'. Envies the Frys their trip to Holland, wishes that he could go there again so soon, and that Bessie were in the room with him now looking as he writes things he 'scarcely could put into articulate words, things which [he] dare not write now'. She would be safe, as [Charles] Sanger is away; otherwise he would be shocked, 'so mistrustful of ladies as he is wont to be'. His feelings have not changed, as he feared they may when he was away from her, and he now believes that they will not; will say no more, as he is 'not supposed to be writing [her] a love-letter', though he would if she gave him leave. Wishes they could see each other again soon; will come whenever or wherever she might say she wishes. Apologises for sending her that quote from [George] Moore [see 9/75]; meant to show her it was foolish of 'so muddle-brained a creature' as he is to try and understand such things; finds it easier to understand Moore when he talks than when he writes, as in writing he 'compresses his thought so small that it almost becomes invisible'; most philosophers 'sin' the other way. Says he sees nothing wrong in 'trying to think properly, which is all philosophy tries to do'; does not think it does imagination any harm. Could never agree with Neitsche [sic] that 'speculation is a kind of mental disease'. Quotes from Balzac ["Les Secrets de la princesse de Cadignan"] in French. Will send Bessie more books when she wants them.

Finishes the letter the day after the anti-war demonstration, which 'turned out to be antiboer', as the 'great majority of the crowd was for war'; they 'looked picturesque enough' but the meeting was dull since there was too much noise for the speakers to be heard and 'not even a decent fight'. Glad she is going to make some music with [Willem?] Witsen; asks when she starts her lessons with her new teacher in Amsterdam [Bram Eldering]. Is sorry he forgot to say goodbye [to her uncle]; they will think him vague and absent-minded, which is perhaps right. Hopes she is not worried by their suspicions; is glad Bramine [Hubrecht] is kind to her and that Bessie has taken her into her confidence. Fears there is 'only one way' [marriage] of things coming right for him. She guessed his age correctly: he turned 27 on 28 June. Guesses she is 24 or 25, but he is a bad guesser, and if she were '30 or even 40' he would not mind much, 'except that then [she] would not have as many years in this curious world'. Invites her to call him 'Bob', like his family and most intimate friends; is known in general as 'Trevy'. Now going to the British Museum to read Diodorus Siculus; he could make out he was 'very learnèd' in revenge for his confusion on saying 'something stupid about music'. Asks to be remembered to Bramine; is going to give one of her sketches to his mother. His mind is made up as to what he wants, but he can be patient 'for some time at least'.

TRER/9/64 · Item · [14 May 1900]
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

The Hague. - Does not think Bob ought to wait longer than Wednesday night to come, even if the papers are not yet ready; will meet him at the station on Thursday morning and they can have a quiet day to themselves, their 'private marriage day'. On Friday morning she will be busy with people who are moving her belongings; they will have to go to the Town House [Stadhuis] that day to declare their intention to marry so that the 'publication' [ondertrouw] can take place on the next two Sundays. Has her last lesson [with Eldering] at Amsterdam on Saturday, and wants to go to the Röntgens for the last time with Bob and stay the night, if he does not mind staying in a hotel; on Sunday they must take the 'alto violin' to Mrs Asser, who has moved from Leiden to Haarlem, and can show them her Japanese prints on silk. Has been tearing up her old school exercise books, but has kept some. This afternoon, is going to say goodbye at the Children's Hospital where she used to teach. The Salomonsons are staying at the Hotel Cecil; Jeanne would be 'immensely pleased' if Bob could call on them briefly. Asks Bob to give [Charles Percy] Sanger her 'warmest congratulations'; he is a very good friend to follow Bob's example so soon [in getting engaged to Dora Pease].

TRER/9/57 · Item · 4 May 1900
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

10 Prinsegracht, the Hague. - Is writing early in the morning because of Alice Jones's early departure; her uncle is taking Alice as far as Gouda to help her into the carriage to Flushing [Vlissingen]. Has generally much enjoyed her visit and talking over old school days; Alice is the only one of her old friends who knows something of Bob through her brother [Herbert] and the Hodgkins. She is 'very sensible about the [Second Boer] war'; though since she is 'very penetrated with English Church Christianity', is much pained by the thought that Bessie and Bob are not to have a church wedding; Bessie has tried to explain that it is 'a matter of custom & individual opinion', Alice tried to find out everything Bob thought and believed, but Bessie did not reveal anything. May have written too strongly in her last letter [about whether Sir Henry Howard and his wife should be invited to the wedding]; Ambro [Hubrecht] was here on Wednesday and her uncle and aunt talked it over when she was out of the room; thinks he may have influenced them in the right way but does not know as her aunt would not discuss it until her uncle was there; they may discuss it when she returns from Amsterdam tonight. If her uncle's view is still not 'satisfactory', they had better wait until Bob comes over. Her last letter was 'very unkind & ungentle'; she remembers saying it was private and hopes he has not acted on it. Discussion of his crossing, which is now very soon; will come to meet him at the station. Asks him to ask Booa [Mary Prestwich] to give him a parcel of clothing she is keeping for Bessie, and to unpack it and put the contents amongst his things to escape notice at customs; he must also bring the gold spectacles for Ambro. Asks if they could deposit some of their belongings somewhere in London instead of taking them all on their honeymoon. Tuttie [Hubrecht] is coming between 20 and 25 of May. The Hodgkins [Lily and Robert] are crossing today, with Alice; is sorry she could not persuade them to come to the Hague as she would have liked very much to see them. Alice has given her a pound to buy some books as a wedding present; asks if Bob has any suggestions, or whether she should get some Dutch books. Asks if he has ordered his trousers. Asks whether [Desmond] McCarthy and [Oswald?] Sickert are staying with Bob, and whether he is enjoying his 'bachelor party & manners for the last time'. Starting for Amsterdam, and her last but one lesson [with Bram Eldering]; will read Goethe's "Faust".

TRER/9/51 · Item · 22 Apr 1900
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

c/o Mrs Salomonson, 49 Wierdensche Straat, Almelo; addressed to Bob at the Mill House, Westcott, Dorking, Surrey. - Has been a week since Bob last wrote; hopes he is all right, and that he is in the country enjoying the sun. Went for a long drive yesterday to a place with an old castle and 'lovely wood' where they sat outside and had lunch; Jeanne [Salomonson Asser] seems well and happy and is very kind; gave Bessie a 'wonderful piece' of imitation Venice lace which she had worked herself, as well as an antique copper basket for flowers or fruit; Jeanne's husband went away yesterday, and Bessie is not sorry that she will see little of him again since she does not like him much, though he and Jeanne are happy and seem well suited. Jeanne has confided some little worries about her marriage which Bessie will tell Bob about later; does not think Jeanne ought to reproach herself as her husband does not seem to completely understand her. Received a telegram from Alice Jones this morning asking if she could come two weeks later; this will not be possible as they are repainting the rooms then and Bessie will be too busy; hopes Alice will still come. Writes later after receiving Bob's two letters. Discusses the material for Bob's wedding clothes again. Is glad he has written the letters to Sir Henry [Howard] and the consul [Henry Turing]. Would love to go to see Dan Leno with Bob some time. No reason why Bob should not go on sending letters to Irene Locco and writing letters to her, as long as Bessie and Bob love each other 'in the right way'. Tomorrow it is 'Venus day', as well as birthday and death day of Shakespeare. Is reading Turgenieff's "Väter und Söhne" [Fathers and Sons], which she thinks Bob has talked about, having read it in English translation as "Generations"; thinks it wonderful.

TRER/9/50 · Item · 18 Apr 1900
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

10 Prinsegr[acht], Hague; addressed to Bob at 3 Hare Court, Inner Temple, London. - After her lesson [with Eldering] on Friday, is going straight to Almelo and staying till Monday morning, so Bob should write to her there care of Mrs Salomonson; the last letter he wrote there was his reply to her request for him to come and work on Vondel with her in the Hague; he was willing but 'thought the Vondling a little dangerous [as a] pretext as it certainly was!'. On Monday is going to the Röntgens for the [Joachim] concert, then will stay with her aunt at Hilversum on Tuesday night before returning home on Wednesday. Describes dreams she had about Bob last night.

TRER/9/49 · Item · 17 Apr 1900
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

10 Prinsegracht, Hague; addressed to Bob at 3 Hare Court, Inner Temple, London. - Returns the samples of cloth, with comments on which she prefers for Bob's travelling suit; for his [wedding] trousers thinks he should find a light blueish grey cloth and encloses a sample of the colour she recommends; tells him not to get the coat of his travelling suit made too short as her aunt thinks he looks as if he is growing out of his old one. Has looked up the address at the British consul at Rotterdam, Henry Thuring [sic: Turing]; her uncle remains of the opinion that Bob should write to the consul and she agrees this is much more courteous; suggests he send the letter to Sir Henry Howard with a note informing him of their plans. Her uncle has been reading the marriage contract to her; it goes now to the notary 'for a last polish' and will soon be sent to Bob for his approval. Asks him to tell her when he does the shopping in London for the beds; discusses the things which his mother is kindly going to send some things from Welcombe. Will write to Charles and George [Trevelyan] to thank them for the music box. Goes for a lesson in Amsterdam [with Eldering] on Friday, and will stay the night with 'cousin [Gredel] Guye'; then goes to stay with an aunt at Hilversum till Sunday; will spend Sunday with her [half] sister [Theodora] who 'lives in the farm with her husband the socialist', and return to Amsterdam to [her sister] Mien, who has invited her to stay for the evening entertainment after Joachim's concert to meet him. When Joachim plays at the Hague next Friday, she will go with Alice Jones, who is staying a little longer than [her brother] Herbert. Cannot fit in a visit to Almelo [to see her friend Jeanne Salomonson Asser] and her other sister [Henriette] before May. Asks Bob to bring 'the gold spectacles' with him when he comes over. Tuttie [Hubrecht] is coming on May 17 or 18; her own birthday is on 21 May, asks if Bob could come before that. Encloses a newspaper cutting with a poem by Vondel's contemporary Hooft, translated by

TRER/9/47 · Item · 12 Apr [1900]
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

10 Prinsegracht, Hague; addressed to Bob at Penmenner House, The Lizard, Cornwall. - Thinks Bob must not have got her letter of Tuesday [9/46]; hopes someone will send it on. Thanks him for writing his note before setting off and for the drawing of the eye. Hopes he does not mind that she is writing so frequently; asks him to say what he thinks of the music box, for which she has written to thank Mrs Price [Bob's aunt]. Alice Jones and her brother Herbert are coming to the Hague on the 26th, after a trip to Dresden; has not seen Alice since 1895, and Herbert since 1893 when he came home from the holidays and ate all her 'hopjes' [Dutch sweets] 'in one sitting' (he later sent her a box of Cambridge ginger sweets at school). Is going out for a slow walk with her aunt soon as the weather is 'heavenly'. Tomorrow is Jan [Hubrecht]'s birthday; she wants to order [Robert Louis] Stevenson's "Suicide Club" for him, and will tell him it is a present from them both. Will probably have another lesson with [Bram] Eldering next week, then may go to see an aunt at Hilversum and her [half] sister who is married to a doctor [Henriette]. Poor Lula [Julius] Röntgen has been very ill and cannot go yet to Berlin to start work. Tuttie [Maria Hubrecht] does not plan to return before 20 or 25 May as she wants to spend time at Florence on the way back; perhaps Bob could come over just before she arrives.

TRER/9/43 · Item · 1 Apr - 2 Apr 1900
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

13 Sarphatikade, Amsterdam; addressed to Bob at The Mill House, Westcott, Dorking, Surrey. - Is writing from the Rontgens' house; is staying another night in Amsterdam and going to dinner with great friends of theirs. The Brahms concert last night was 'delightful'; there will also be music tonight. Had a good lesson this morning with Eldering; stayed on afterwards to see his wife, 'such a nice woman', and their child; Eldering strongly advised her to take lessons with [Johann] Kruse, to whom he will give her an introduction; they will also give her an introduction to their friends the Elders, a very musical family in London; seems Eldering also knows Charles [Trevelyan's?] friend [William?] Shakespeare the singer. All the Röntgens are well and send love; she will now go and play with Johannes, who is 'such a darling'. Dreamt last night she and Bob were having their first breakfast at the Mill House after their honeymoon.

Continues the letter next day, when she has returned to the Hague; very much enjoyed her dinner with the Röntgens' friends last night; felt like her 'last plunge into what is the nicest & best of... home life'; does not think she will have anything like that again, and recognises that she is talking as Bob was about Greece [see 9/40]. Found her alone when she returned and, perhaps because of the contrast with the Röntgen spirit, felt 'chilled and stiffened'; always a struggle not to see 'the tragic side of things in this house'; it would in some ways be good for her uncle and aunt to have 'lots of young people about them', though it would give them 'endless worry & fuss'. Had a very nice letter from Bob's mother.

TRER/9/42 · Item · 29 Mar 1900
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

10 Prinsegracht, the Hague'; addressed to Bob at The Mill House, Westcott, Dorking, Surrey. - Sorry that Bob has a cold; he should 'choose a better way of showing [his] sympathy' with her. Discussion of comforting and sharing things with each other. Bob will have received her uncle's letter; thinks he is right to advise waiting to write to Sir Henry Howard [British ambassador to the Netherlands] until they hear from 'the Paris oracle' [Mr Barclay; see 9/40]. Hopes Bob has a good Easter with his friends; he must decide whether to go to Salisbury Plain rather than Borrowdale [for their honeymoon] as she does not know either place, and just wants the place to be 'retired from tourists... real country'. Describes Bob's enthusiasm for Flaubert and a performance by him from "La vision de St. Antoine" while they were sitting by the edge of a wood. Charming of [Bob's brothers] Charles and George to think of giving them a box to hold music. Spent a long time yesterday working on her will; it will be almost the same as her sister's. Will go to Amsterdam on Saturday if her cold is better to hear a Brahms chamber concert and have another lesson [with Bram Eldering]. Has read a great deal of "Wuthering Heights"; it is 'tremendously fierce & powerful'. Asks whether Bob has copies of certain books, if so she will leave them behind or give them to someone. The Boers have suffered a great loss with the death of Joubert; asks what the feeling is about it in England. Has had to order more photographs of Bob as she has given so many away. Scolds him for not spelling the name of the place where he lives correctly.

TRER/9/39 · Item · 23 Mar 1900
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Written 'in train Amsterdam - Hague'; addressed to Bob at The Mill House, Westcott, Dorking, Surrey. - Has had a nice day at Amsterdam and good first lesson with [Bram] Eldering, who is a 'charming man and excellent teacher'; will go again soon as next Saturday there is a Brahms concert to which she will go and stay with her sister. Her aunt has been much better recently. Is just passing 'the famous bulb fields', although there are no colours yet except some yellow and purple crocuses. Has been talking with the Röntgens about the wedding day. Tells Bob off because she finds no letter from him when she arrives home. Tomorrow is going to see her sister [Maria] at Rotterdam, the district nurse, who came once to dinner when Bob was here; will also go and see 'old aunt of theirs... whom [she] hasn't seen for ages' and will show her and her sister their photographs. Has begun "Wuthering Heights", which is 'curiously fierce and bloody' but has not yet got far. Has just found a letter from Tuttie [Maria Hubrecht], asking her when she ought to come home; she will certainly return before mid-May when Bob may come. Tuttie says [Salvatore] Cacciola has 'made himself tremendously unpopular' with lawsuits against someone he accuses of lie; feels sorry for his wife [Florence Trevelyan]; Cacciola will probably come out of it badly but 'one can never tell with these Sicilians and bribery'.

TRER/9/36 · Item · 13 Mar 1900
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

10 Prinsegracht, the Hague; addressed to Bob at the Mill House, Westcott, Dorking, Surrey. - Thanks Bob for sending "The Speaker" with her letter; likes his poem though does not feel she entirely understands it. Her uncle has taken her aunt out in a carriage for some fresh air and she feels much better for it. Spent Sunday in Amsterdam with the Röntgens who were all well and cheerful; called on [Bram] Eldering in the afternoon and arranged to have lessons once a fortnight; he seems to be 'full of fun & humour'. Yesterday went to see Louise [Hubrecht] and had a very good conversation with her; Louise thinks Maria van Hoeven should go to Ems or Wiesbaden for a few weeks for her health with a nurse, while her husband stayed at home with Bessie to look after him; afraid that her uncle and aunt will take a lot of persuading. Is writing to Bramine today to tell her their plan to marry at Whitsuntide and see if she can come. Mien [Abrahamina Röntgen] is working some beautiful sheets and pillowcases, with embroidery and her own lace, to give them as a wedding present. Bessie is also practising the viola which they brought from Leiden so she can accompany the Brahms songs with Mr Kattendijke; today he sent an etching of a Dutch landscape as a wedding present. Hopes to be able to go to Ambro [Hubrecht]'s lecture tomorrow, then on Monday there is a Röntgen and Messchaert concert, though since Messchaert is at Wiesbaden and not yet well this might be cancelled. There is a Vondel exhibition at Amsterdam; wishes that they could go together. Asks how the Frys are. Has had a kind letter from Bob's mother, also a note from Dorothy Fletcher saying they were sorry to have missed Bob and Bessie's call.

TRER/9/24 · Item · 31 Dec 1899 - 2 Jan 1900
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

19 Prinsegracht, the Hague; addressed to Bob at Pension Palumbo, Ravello, presso Amalfi, Italia. - Has had a very quiet and solitary New Year's Eve, which is usually the time for 'family reunions and games'; knows the idea of the old year ending is artificial, but she cannot help feeling it. Last year she was at Taormina, after spending 'a very cold and unpoetical Christmas' at Messina; she and Grandmont had bad colds; had no idea what the year would bring; quotes Browning on love as 'a passionate drawing closer'. has had a busy day; the doctor has been and told her aunt to stay in bed for a few more days so she has household and nursing responsibilities, though Marie [Johanna Maria Hubrecht] and her two sons have left to stay with her mother at Scheveningen. Willy van Riemsdijk has decided to go to Transvaal after all [see 9/32], a 'silly & rash decision'. If her aunt is well, may go to Amsterdam on Wednesday to play for [Bram] Eldering; worries about how little time she has. Expects Mrs Cacciola [Florence Trevelyan] has written to Bob as well; asks if she writes 'in the same enthusiastic strain to her dear Calverley' as she did to Bessie and Bramine [Hubrecht] about him; the letter she sent to Bramine was also complimentary about Bessie.

Returns to the letter on the following morning; Ambro [Hubrecht] arrived unexpectedly the night before; his visit cheered her aunt, and he told them that Willy van Riemsdijk was not now going to South Africa. Has several pictures of the landslide in Amalfi in the paper; other houses as well as part of the Capuccini Hotel seemed to have been buried. Had a letter from Bob's mother this morning asking her to send her photos to Bob's aunt [Anna Maria] Philips and her friend [Miss Wicksteed]. On the next day, scolds Bob because she still has not received a letter from him. Her aunt is much the same.

TRER/9/17 · Item · 13 Dec - 14 Dec 1899
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

10 Prinsegracht, The Hague; addressed to Bob at Pension Palumbo, Ravello, preso d'Amalfi, Italia. - Bob's first letter from Ravello arrived yesterday; it arrived just as she was going to the dentist and gave her strength to stand all the treatment; at the end she 'nearly hugged the doctor'. Bob's quotation from Chaucer is 'charming'; hopes he will never need complain of his 'wyve's cussedness'. She got the proofs for her photos yesterday and is quite pleased with them: 'the one without the eye glasses is almost pretty'; will send them to Bob's mother and Bob himself. Writes on the 14th to say that she went to hear a rehearsal the day before 'more worth than last time'; heard an ouverture by Chabrier, 'an empty French piece of music', then Beethoven's second symphony to her 'great delight'. Then she heard Bob's 'friend [Frederic?] Lamond' play the Tchaikowsky piano concerto, and admired his playing but did not care much for the piece. Was sitting with a Russian lady, Madame de Rhemen, who is married to a Dutch Baron and 'a great swell... and a would-be patroniser and enthusiast for musical life at the Hague', 'very clever & intellectual.... though narrow-minded and hard in her opinions'. She 'fascinated Tuttie [Maria Hubrecht] at one time' until 'the tables were turned' and Tuttie became rather tired of her, and 'taken up with her American friend [Maud Howard]', it was 'such a comedy'; now Bessie thinks the feelings on both sides have 'fallen rather flat'. Her husband is 'a dry stolid old Dutchman', and the marriage not happy. Had not seen her since the summer; she wanted to hear all about Bob; is going to dine with her on Saturday then go to a music recital. Another old Russian lady, the Comtesse de Bylandt, came to sit with them; told Bessie she had lived twenty years in England, knows Bob's parents, and knew his grandfather very well. Returned home and took down some 'dull' dictation for her uncle [Paul François Hubrecht]. [Her brother-in-law Julius Engelbert] Röntgen writes that the family are all pleased with their new sister, except Johannes 'who began to howl when the baby was shown to him'. Is very cross that a letter from her sister [Abrahamina] inviting her to come to hear a chamber concert on Saturday only reached her yesterday; she could have played to [Bram] Eldering and got some preliminary advice, as he is too busy to start her lessons before January.

Gredel Guye is coming again on Friday, as her oral examination is on Saturday; remembers the day of her last visit, which was when Bob had his interview with her uncle. Had a strange dream last night in which 'some curious law' forced her to marry someone else, she thinks Mr Eldering, and woke with great relief. Got Bob's father's "Life of Macauley" from the library recently (they only have that, his "American Revolution", and Bob's brother George's book ["England in the Age of Wycliffe, 1368–1520"]. Macauley's life looks 'very interesting'; has glanced through and seen a letter of his to his sister Margaret about his other sister [Hannah]'s marriage to Bob's grandfather, speaking very highly of him. Agrees that she must read [Theodor] Mommsen, as Bob said at Taormina, to see whether he can inspire with 'the true love of history' she has never possessed. Happy thoughts about her feelings for Bob and their marriage. Now going to stay with her cousin Louise Hubrecht again at Leiden; is taking her [Bob's] "Mallow and Asphodel" as she asked to see it.

TRER/9/16 · Item · 9 Dec - 11 Dec 1899
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

10 Prinsegracht, The Hague; addressed to Bob at Pension Palumbo, Ravello, preso d'Amalfi, Italia. - Has had the happy news that the Röntgens have had a little girl and all is well; charming that 'a little maiden is added to the family of boys' and her sister will be very happy; the girl will be called after Rontgen's first wife, Amanda [Maier]; hopes to go and see them in a few days. Wonders what she will be like; she is bound to grow up musical. Writes in the evening that she has had had Bob's letter from Cava; teases him for the 'biting jealousy with which [he] looked upon... two innocent German spooners in the train'. Had a pleasant walk with her aunt [Maria Pruys de Hoeven], who bought her some handkerchiefs as a present; went to the dentist but felt faint so has to go again on Tuesday; her mother was equally sensitive to such pain but 'was the bravest woman & had such splendid self control in all her sufferings". Encloses a letter from Bob's brother Charles which she received this morning, and thanks Bob for sending [Jack] McTaggart's letter; hopes and trusts their experience will be the same as his.

Writes the next day that she looked up Cava, Corpo di Cava, and Ravello recently, finding plenty of 'useful and dry Baedeker information'; can now imagine what it must be like and hopes Bob has a very happy time. There are wonderful things in [Plato's] Symposium; would like to ask Bob many things about it; asks what she should read now. The following day, she writes she is going to the library to see what of Bob's 'family literature' she can get to 'study hard' before going over to England; remarks that they will not see each other again 'till next century'. Had a good practice on her violin yesterday; must be prepared to have some lessons with Mr [Bram] Eldering at Amsterdam. Her aunt wrote to Bob yesterday; was very pleased with his letter.

A small photograph of Bessie is attached to the letter.

TRER/9/156 · Item · 20 Mar 1900
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

8, Grosvenor Crescent, S.W. - Thanks Bessie for the cheque; will pay the bill and send it to her. Mrs Prestwich is delighted she likes the things. Sure she will enjoy the violin lessons [with Bram Eldering], which will be an interest for her until she sees Robert again; a long separation, especially with the sad prospect of leaving her old home soon. Hopes the [Second Boer] war will soon end; the 'country is at present quite mad, & no reasonable opinions can get a fair hearing'. It will return to its senses, but not till after 'a great and terrible injustice has been perpetrated'. Many thinks as she does, and are very unhappy, but they are 'very helpless at present'. Hopes her aunt will soon be able to get out again. George sends his 'best love'.

TRER/9/100 · Item · 6 Jan - 7 Jan 1900
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Pension Palumbo, Ravello, Golfo di Salerno. - Apologises if his letter writing has fallen off; has been more absorbed in his work recently. Has received her New Year's letter; a delight to know she loves him so much; discusses separation and distance. The Straughn Davidsons came today, 'two brothers and the wife of one' [James Leigh Strachan-Davidson and either of George or William, his brothers?]; they are nice people, though they do break up his 'pleasant solitude'. Has not got on well with his writing recently; thinks he is stale and should take the day off tomorrow to read novels. Is going to bed now to read Stephenson's letters, which Davidson has lent him.

Returns to the letter next morning with a description of last night's dreams, one about eating a breakfast of 'the staple diet of trout in a pond', and another about kissing an unknown young lady. Some of Stevenson's letters are well worth reading; thinks he was 'a pleasant fellow with a real streak of genius', though does not join in the 'prevalent R.L.S. worship'. Asks if she knows "Treasure Island", "[The Master of] Ballantrae" and his short stories. If the forecast is correct and they are due 'some dirty weather', the Strachan-Davidsons will be an 'acquisition'. Has skipped on to the second act of his play, and is 'plugging away at the faithful wife'; the difficulty is the villain, who is 'a plausible gentlemanly kind'. Encloses a dried beetle which he found 'in that state' on his cliff; sends it in response to her almond, and has placed 'not a few kisses on his back'. Very sorry her aunt is so unwell. Glad Willy v[an] R[iemsdijk] is not going [to the Second Boer War]; does not know what is going to happen. Sorry that she is to have so little time with [Bram] Eldering; hopes she will be able to go on her return from England. Returns to the letter after 'midday tea'; has not yet heard from [Bernard] Berenson but thinks he will pay him a visit of a couple of days if he wishes. Has finished [Shorthouse's] "John Inglesant", which he now does not think is a real success; looks forward to being able to discuss such things with her in their own house. Quotes a music hall song of Eugene Stratton about love. Is not a natural letter-writer; she is much better than he is.