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TRER/46/119 · Item · 21 Dec 1906
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

The Shiffolds. - Is writing before he goes to bed to let her know that all is well; the telegram from Welcombe came this morning and they were glad that their wire [46/118] had reached her. Bessie is 'really very well, and very little tired'; the baby [Paul] is also doing well, 'sleeps a great deal, and does not cry much when he is awake'. Robert 'cannot say he seems... beautiful exactly, but on the other hand he is not ugly, and at least he has plenty of hair'. The Enticknaps say he is like Robert, but he can't judge. The nurse is 'very satisfactory' and Bessie likes her.

Sent 'the little sweets [muisjes]' to his father and Booa in the last post; it seems to be an 'old Dutch custom' to give them to friends and relations, and they should be 'eaten sprinkled on bread and butter'. Has been busy sending 'post cards and telegrams etc', will probably have more time to write tomorrow.

Tovey's concerto was 'splendidly played by Richter's orchestra'; Richter seems very pleased with it and wants to do it again. Robert 'found it rather difficult, but liked some of it very much'. Bessie sends her love and Pauls'.

TRER/46/141 · Item · 5 Feb 1908
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

The Shiffolds, Holmbury St. Mary, Dorking. - Sends thanks for his parents' letters. Bessie is on a two night visit to the Fletchers [Dorothy and Mary, her fellow students at St Andrews, and family?] near Petworth so he is alone except for Paul, who is well. Has not heard anything new 'about Sicilian matters' [the will of Florence Cacciola Trevelyan], and has not seen Withers or Crompton [Llewelyn Davies] for 'some time'.

Went to the English language performance of Wagner's Ring last week [conducted by Hans Richter]; the 'English singers came through the ordeal very creditably, considering that few of them had any operatic experience'. Hopes this will be a 'good omen' for the performance of Ariadne [The Bride of Dionysus], for which Tovey 'seems to be getting on with the music', though it will take some time. Gives dates of Tovey's concerts at the Chelsea Town Hall in Feb-Apr, in case his mother can go to any. Went to Charles and Molly's 'at home' last week, which 'was very pleasant'; saw George there, who seems well.

Paul is well, except for a little trouble with his teeth which are taking a long time to come through. He 'can stand up alone now, at least when he does not think of it, though the moment he does, he falls down'. Hopes his parents are well.

TRER/15/277 · Item · 28 Oct [18]96
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Copse Cottage, Fernhurst, Haslemere. - Has thought sine he left Edward on Monday that he was 'overheated' in his defence of V[aughan] Williams; though 'every one has the right or rather the duty of defending his friends' just as everyone has the right 'or call it duty too' of criticising those he disapproves of, he thinks he went in his 'heated and clumsy manner of defense' beyond what was justified by Marsh's criticism. He 'got to know [Vaughan Williams] and like him a lot' at Bayreuth, but quite understands that 'if you don't happen to find the likeable part, you are bound to dislike him'. Marsh cannot come next Sunday as Bob Is playing [rugby] at Harrow on Saturday then going to the [Hans] Richter concert on Monday with Tucket [Ivor Lloyd Tuckett?]; hopes it will be better, since the 'program looks more promising', and that he will see Marsh there.

TRER/10/7 · Item · [17 Mar 1903?]
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

8, Grosvenor Crescent. - Amused to hear about 'the tea making at Rocca Bella [the Grandmont's house in Taormina]; hopes the concert was a success. She went to hear the Manchester [Hallé] orchestra, which was good but not as good as the Meiningen, conducted by Richter last night. Has not seen Robert's play ["Cecilia Gonzaga"] yet, but Mr Longman dines with them on Thursday so she will hear about it then. Can imagine that Mrs C[acciola Trevelyan] could be 'exacting & tiresome' but they will not be long near her. Hopes Elizabeth will get her visit to Holland; Lord Reay told them a while ago that the strike was serious, but she has heard nothing about it recently. Expects they will have a good view of Vesuvius erupting on the way back. Sir George saw a cyclist hit by a car, which drove off without stopping, this morning; it is 'quite unsafe to walk about now!'.

TRER/9/81 · Item · 24 Oct 1899
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

3 Hare Court, Inner Temple. - Apologises for using 'lubberly thick English' paper. Came to London to hear [Julius Engelbert] Röntgen on Monday, but found he was ill and the concert off; hopes it is nothing serious. Went to hear [Hans] Richter conduct Tchaikowsky's 6th Symphony instead. Fears she may not have got the letter with his poetry last week, as he thinks he addressed it wrongly. Agrees that Bessie's proposal that he should come to see her again in the Netherlands [see 9/9] is indeed bold, but is very glad she has made it. On his side, the difficulties are small: he can easily conceal his visit, or let it be known that he is calling there on the way to Italy. Feels that the excuse she suggests of them translating Vondel together is very thin; true that he would like to read some with her, and that she could teach him German or 'even Dutch', though he does not feel ready to learn both at the same time; however, her family are still likely to see through this, 'especially if they were suspicious before'. Perhaps it would be better to be more honest with them; otherwise, would be willing not to go and see her at home at all, but for them to meet privately at his hotel and talk or go for walks. Realises that she will probably think this wrong, and her feelings must be 'paramount', though see it would be difficult and perhaps 'unwise' for her to take her uncle and aunt into her confidence. Will want 'horribly' to be with her all day, as he always does. She must decide what is best; expects her uncle will think he has come to see her whatever excuse they give. Promises to be 'quite reasonable, and prudent, though very much in love'. Must not read the Brownings' letters, or he will start writing 'too sentimentally'. Has had a 'rather nasty business looking after [Roger] Fry's affairs', his publisher [Oldmeadow] is 'swindling him' and he has had to write a long letter to Fry. Will give this letter to [Charles] Sanger to post as he is going out for a post; he may wonder 'who the lady with the long foreign name is' but will not tell him.