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TRER/10/1 · Item · 6 Jan 1903
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Wallington, Cambo, Northumberland. - Good to hear from Elizabeth [about Ravello]; sure 'the two elderly gentlemen' will be pleased to have them at meals; hopes she does not walk alone in 'very wild parts' because of 'wild dogs and uncultivated natives'. George has had his friend Robertson to stay and has just 'walked him off to Reedsmouth' in a downpour to meet his bag and go on to Carlisle. Has been busy with last arrangements and interviews; they leave by the early train on Thursday. Booa [Mary Prestwich] has left for Welcombe today. Sir George has been well recently but has just got a cold. Glad Elizabeth is going on with the translation, and looks forward to reading it; always thinks it 'foolish to spend time in translating french books, as everyone can read french', but very few people read Dutch. '[V]ery cheerful that the Liberals have 'won the Newmarket [by]election most triumphantly' [candidate Charles Rose]. Charles has not yet returned from Scotland; seems to be having a good time. Asks to be remembered to Mrs Reid and Madame Palumbo; asks if 'the old man at the Capucini at Amalfi' is still alive.

TRER/4/101 · Item · [Jan 1903]
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Pensione Palumbo, Ravello, prov. di Salerno. - Explains how the rumour of Fry's death [see also 4/46 and 4/47] spread: it originated from [William] Sharp who told the Grandmonts at Taormina that he had seen an obituary; they then wrote to Helen [Fry], and to Bessie who wired to the Enticknaps who replied this morning that the Frys were both well, and only then told Trevelyan. Hopes the obituary was not that of Fry's brother, cousin [Lewis George Fry] the painter or any other near relation. Has finished the first act of his new play, on a mediaeval theme. His "Cecilia Gonzaga" is coming out in a month or two. Johnson has been bothering him over the £10 Trevelyan would not pay [for printing “Polyphemus and Other Poems”], claiming it is Fry's fee, which Trevelyan does not think has been paid. Does not want to quarrel with Johnson as he has the remainder of the edition but thinks he is trying to swindle them. Asks whether the Frys have changed houses; also whether he has done anything on their Claude, whether the Bellinis [works by Jacopo Bellini discovered by Fry in Venice which he hoped would be bought by the National Gallery] will come, and about 'the Cosimo and your petition to the Balfours'. News from Ravello about ‘the Kershaw’, Madam Palumbo, Tufti, Francesca and Mrs Reid. Fry’s portrait of ‘Old Pal. [Pasquale Palumbo]’ is much treasured by Madam Palumbo. They are reading [Richardson's] "Clarissa". Going to Palermo in about a month, and hope to see Lina. Berenson is in good humour with Fry; Trevelyan has been correcting some of his proofs.

TRER/11/106 · Item · 29 Sept 1904
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Wallington, Cambo, Northumberland. - Sorry the 'pretty girl' [Hylkia Halbertsma, see 46/100] cannot stay with Elizabeth; wonders if she will have more success elsewhere; wonders whether, when Robert is settled with Madame Palumbo, Elizabeth could visit the Grandmonts at Taormina. Wishes she could have heard the concert [organised by Dolmetsch, see 46/100]; asks whether it was an artistic and financial success. Asks how she got on with the Arnolds; he [Ernest Penrose Arnold] 'had his faults' but both Robert and George owe much to him and his school [Wixenford]. The Arthur Severns have been visiting; she was Ruskin's niece [actually second cousin], and they live at Brantwood. Sir Courtenay Ilbert has also been; his daughters [Olive and Jessie] stayed with C[harles] and M[ary], as did F[rancis Dyke-] Acland and H[ilton] Young. George and Janet return to London on Monday; they want Robert and Elizabeth to dine with them and Caroline on 19 October, with a 'little party afterwards'; they could go to the theatre the night before. Amused by the idea of Elizabeth teaching a class; they are lucky to get her. Hopes [Helen] Fry is recovering; 'wretched for her' to be away from home as well.

TRER/9/107 · Item · 22 Jan - 23 Jan 1900
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Hotel & Pension Palumbo, Ravello, Golfo di Salerno. - Expects this is the last letter he will write her from Ravello; will start on the 24th, spend some of that day at Pompeii and take the evening express to Florence, arriving next day. Bessie's last account of her 'patient' [her aunt] was better; hopes she may be recovering by the time he reaches the Hague. Has been unlucky with the weather for the last two years but should not complain, as if the weather had not been bad last January he may not have accompanied his brother [George?] to Sicily and met Bessie. In the same way, if the Grandmonts had had a cook at the start of 1896, they would not have dined at the Timeo so he would never have met them and heard of her; he ought to 'like all cooks for that henceforth'. Bessie's quotation from Dante was 'very charming'; asks if she copied it out at Ede before 2 September or after. Encloses a 'little relic' he found in his waistcoat pocket, which he has kissed; she too should 'put the bits [of the railway ticket] together and kiss them' since they brought her and Bob together and made them kiss each other, though she did not kiss him till November, and he kissed her wrist 'a whole month and more before'. Did not sleep well last night as '"that horrible little dog" Gyp (as Mrs Cacciola [Florence Trevelyan] would say' was barking; Madame [von Wartburg] has the dog safe in her room tonight.

Finishes the letter next day; the weather is lovely, and he almost regrets leaving, but will enjoy a few days in Florence and seeing [Bernard] Berenson; wants to see what he thinks of his last year's poems, and what he has done on this play. He usually likes Bob's work, but not always. Discussion of how no one person can be relied on to say whether something is good or bad. Hopes to see a few pictures at Florence, though does not mean to do much sightseeing. Sorry that Bessie had to miss Ambro [Hubrecht]'s lecture; thinks she is right that she should not come to England before her aunt is nearly well. Glad that her cousin [Louise Hubrecht] and the Röntgens liked his poems; Bessie is indeed a 'fine advertising agent'. Describes his breakfast here and in England.

TRER/11/112 · Item · 25 Dec 1904
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Wallington, Cambo, Northumberland. - Hopes Elizabeth is settled at Ravello and having a good Christmas day; expects it will be quiet, as theirs is. Had their 'very mild festivity' last night; George is staying, and C[harles], M[ary], and Mr Fitch came to dinner. They had music after dinner - Mary has greatly improved Charlie's singing - then 'played a letter game'. Most of their packing is done, and they leave [for Welcombe] on Tuesday; George will travel some of the way with them as he is joining Janet at Stocks for a week. The fogs in London, Manchester, Leeds and so on 'quite terrible last week'; hopes they will have gone. Asks if she may use one of Elizabeth's 'supernumeray [sic] silver inkstands' at Welcombe, as she is having a small room set up to use in the morning. George is well; he and Sir George discuss 'their respective works & the treatment of History &c &c &c at length & very amusingly'. Does not think George's book ["England Under the Stuarts"] has 'had a brilliant success', but it has been well reviewed. Asks to be remembered to Madame Palumbo; supposes Mrs Reid is still alive. Has received a postcard of Vesuvius from Heathcote Long so supposes he is somewhere near Naples. Asks if 'the diplomat' is any relation of Elizabeth's.

TRER/17/154 · Item · 29 Jan 1900
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Hôtel & Pension Palumbo, Ravello, Golfo di Salerno. - Thanks Trevelyan for his letter; has distributed the money he enclosed as he said and thinks it 'most kind & generous of him'; both servants thank him very much. Understands his requirements regarding the wine, which will be sent as he wishes. The weather has got worse since he left, 'pouring in torrents'; a family who were due to arrive today are 'weatherbound at Capri'. Mr Kershaw is 'coquetting with Mr[?] Streecher in the Chapel... he is rather older [emphasised] this year in spite of "efforts"'. Hears that the Cappucin Convento is likely to be opened again before long [after the landslide at Amalfi] if terms can be arranged with the 'municipio'; the carriage road through the tunnel will open again too, though only a few days ago some authorities were saying it was 'quite unsafe'. Mrs Reid is still here; is unlikely to leave Ravello this week as her cough has been so bad. Will let Trevelyan know when she has sent the wine to Mr Grandmont. Wishes him a 'very pleasant journey & every happiness' as he deserves it.

Text on recto, with additions and corrections on facing pages; extract from play begins with dialogue between Godfrey and Raymond. Insertions [between ff. 8 and 9]: three lined sheets with draft of this portion of the play, several gaps filled in with pencil with suggested dialogue or précis of ground to be covered; three sheets [perhaps from an account book?] with dialogue between Eustace and a forester.

Letter, 14 Oct 1900, from Sophia Caroline Reid to R. C. Trevelyan, written at Selham House, Petworth. - Wonders if Trevelyan is in the neighbourhood, or is likely to be; came here a week ago to stay with her nephew Charles Lacaita and his wife [Mary]; will leave the week after next so fears there is little chance of seeing Trevelyan and making his wife's acquaintance until they come to Ravello. She herself hopes to be there by the end of October. She and Miss Allen were in London for the very hot week in July, looking to hire a new maid; she has 'secured a Swiss woman' whom she hopes will appreciate Ravello. She then spent several weeks in Scotland; enjoyed seeing friends and relations but found 'the climate very trying', with 'almost constant rain' so she did very little travelling. Madame Palumbo [Elizabeth von Wartburg] went with Jipi [?] to Switzerland for several weeks and is better for the rest and change on her return to Ravello; thinks the Pension [Palumbo] re-opens this week; knows Madame Palumbo will be very glad to welcome Trevelyan and his 'sposa' so hopes he will keep to his 'promise' and get there in 'good time'. Pencil notes in French on the back of the letter about the first Crusades and Gérard de Balagne [Godfrey de Bouillon?], also on one side of a printed sheet of meetings of Cambridge University congregation, sent out by Trinity College in October 1900, and a small slip of paper which has a reference to the "Histoire des Trou[badours] by Vaschalde.[with a shelf number, perhaps for the British Museum library?]; also on the back of the letter from Thomas Sturge Moore described below.

Letter [from Thomas Sturge Moore] sending his [poem] "Danaë" to Bob again; hopes it is 'improved'; it is 'certainly longer'. Also returns Bob's 'commentary' so he can see how many of his 'suggestions and corrections have produced an effect' and judge the result. Willing to act on others but thinks it best to talk them over with Bob first. Afraid that George [his brother] 'does not care' to correct now, and Thomas does not like to ask him when his 'interests lie so far apart from poems about little girls'. His eldest sister has done a 'great deal' for him recently, and he hopes she will continue to do so, but he thinks Bob should correct directly onto the proof. Meant to ask him to do this for "Absalom", but forgot. Is 'horrified' about "Danaë's" length and would be glad if about two hundred lines could be cut, but has not preference for one passage over another. Very grateful to Bob for 'taking so much pains'. As well as the pencil notes on the Crusades, the letter has also been used by Trevelyan to note down the name of a hotel, 'Hotel St. Romain, Rue St. Roc [Paris] and a reference to printer Firmin Didot.

TRER/9/20 · Item · 19 Dec - 21 Dec 1899
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

The Hague; addressed to Bob at Pension Palumbo, Ravello, presso Amalfi, Italia. - Teases Bob by suggesting his poetry is a fraud, and for his 'untidy, would-be genius look'. Hopes the weather has improved; asks if Ravello is a rainy place, as she remembers it being wet when he was there with George, and whether he cannot work well unless he is outside. Glad Mrs [Sophia] Reid is so kind to him. Hopes [Pasquale] Palumbo is better; asks if his wife and daughter would keep up the pension if he died, about Bob's room, and whether he is now the only guest. Has got a new hat; her family say it suits her, and her uncle [Paul François Hubrecht] teases her by saying 'Varello', his new name for Bob, would like to see it. Reads from Bob's letters to her uncle and aunt as they are 'so interested to hear anything'; was annoyed that her aunt seemed to have the idea that her feelings about the [Second Boer] war were 'gradually changing' but this is all resolved. Later, writes that she has just returned with her uncle from a rehearsal of Haydn's "Schöpfung (Creation)" which she much enjoyed.

Writes on Thursday morning that she has received Bob's letter with his plans for returning towards the end of January; has been discussing them with her uncle and aunt. There are no real objections to it on her part, though she does feel it 'rather a pity' for her visit to England to be so much sooner; worries about leaving her uncle and aunt alone in the winter since Tuttie [her cousin Marie] will not have returned; also thinks it is a shame for Bob to leave Ravello so much earlier than planned, though she is delighted that she might see him in a month; Bob's parents have first say in the matter. Since he will only be in Holland for a short time, she thinks he should return later in spring when she is back from England, to be introduced to some friends and relations. Feels it would probably be better if she travelled to England by herself, though he knows her opinion that sensitivities on the subject are 'absurd & silly'; asks him to tell her what his mother thinks. Very glad [Pasquale] Palumbo is better, for his wife and daughter's sake and because now Bob will not have to move to a 'damp hotel'; begs him never to do this, and asks if Mrs Reid could take him in; if Mrs Palumbo is 'so fond' of him he can have fewer scruples about staying. Jokes about the fee in kisses which Bob asks for his literary advice; has read "Romeo and Juliet", but not yet "The Merchant of Venice". Had a happy day yesterday in Amsterdam seeing the baby [Amanda Röntgen]; her sister [Abrahamina Röntgen] 'asked at once how many letters from Ravello' she had in her pocket, and she read some of the latest one to her with the Vaughan and Blake poems. Went in the evening to hear the whole of the oratorio ["The Creation"] which delighted her, as Haydn's music always does. Is sending Bob the three photographs of her; likes the one without spectacles best, which reminds her somewhat of her mother's face; will also send them to his mother. Describes a dream she had with him in last night. He must not be anxious about her feet; is managing keep them warmer with 'footbags, gaiters etc etc' and a hot brick, thought she does have chilblains at the moment. Calls Bob her 'dearest dearest diddle-diddle-darling (as Jos Sedley said in Vanity Fair when he was drunk!'

TRER/9/261 · Item · 23 Dec - 24 Dec [1901]
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Wallington, Cambo, Northumberland. - Very wintry weather; they were 'almost snowed up for three days' and the station could only be reached across the fields. The Runcimans have been here since Saturday; they are 'very pleasant young people' and she thinks Elizabeth would like Hilda, who was at St. Andrews and Girton and 'is very energetic and intelligent'. There is a shoot today; Mr [William?] Watson-Armstrong has joined them. Expecting a party of Charles and George's friends after Christmas, and hope to have 'three cheerful days' before leaving for Welcombe.

Returns to the letter on the following day; does not have an address so will send this to Ravello. Glad to hear that Elizabeth has had 'plenty of music at Amsterdam'. Pleased that Elizabeth's uncle liked George's article ["The White Peril", in "The Nineteenth Century"]. George is 'rather distressed about it' and would have written it 'with much greater care' if he had known it would attract so much attention; she thinks though that it has been useful. Asks if Elizabeth's uncle will soon return home; supposes he will not go south but stay there quietly for the winter. Sir George has now read "Polyphem[us & Other Poems]" carefully and will soon write to Robert. Hopes they had a pleasant time with Mr [Bernard] Berenson; asks how 'the ménage' goes on. Sends regards to Madame Palumbo and Mrs Reid wants to hear all about the Pension now as they know it. Has been very busy with Christmas presents, but all have been sent now. They think 'L[ord] R[osebery]'s speech helpful to a Peace [to end the Second Boer War]'

TRER/12/41 · Item · 22 Feb 1901
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Hotel Londra, La Cava [de' Tirreni]. - He and Caroline have been visiting all of Robert's 'favourite haunts', but the weather has been very bad and cold. Sir George had Robert's old room on the terrace from the second night, Madame Palumba [sic: Palumbo] made them very comfortable, and the cuisine was 'above criticism' though unfortunately the young cook is soon joining the army. They went twice to Cembrone [sic: the Villa Cimbrone] and were caught in a storm both times; the only good walk they had was up the valley through the chestnut woods. However, they very much liked Ravello. They called on Mrs Reid, who was very kind. When at La Cava today they drove up to Corpo di Cava, and again were unlucky with the weather, so did not take a walk but saw the abbey, church and town, and the inn where Robert is 'greatly considered'. They go on to Rome tomorrow, and at least will be 'warm inside St. Peter's'. Sends love to Elizabeth, and best regards to their host and hostess [the Grandmonts].

TRER/12/48 · Item · 25 Dec 1901
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Wallington, Cambo, Northumberland. - Sends Christmas wishes to Robert and Elizabeth and expects it is very different to theirs; the "Times" says it is the most wintry Christmas since 1895 and although he generally believes nothing they print supposes they are right. Has read all of Robert's book ["Polyphemus and other poems"] and thinks there is 'very genuine refinement and delicacy throughout', while the form is 'very ingenious'. Having a 'largish party' on Friday: Eleanor Cropper, Dorothy Ward, [Kenneth?] Swan, 'Mr Ridge MP,' and Geoffrey Young; the girls 'ought to have enough beaux'. The shooting has finished and it has been a 'record year'. Is reading Tacitus through slowly; thinks his style is 'Carlylean': 'rugged, amorphous, intensely individual - carrying everything off by its being the mode of expression chosen by a very strong man'. Asks Robert to remember them to Madame Palumbo [in Ravello].

TRER/9/93 · Item · 14 Dec - 15 Dec 1899
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Pension Palumbo, Ravello, presso Amalfi. - Filthy weather, as it has generally been since he arrived; has sent off his 'interminable commentary' on [Thomas Sturge Moore's] "Danaë", and has been reading Byron's play "Cain"; finds it 'surprisingly fine', though there are great faults, as in all of Byron; does not agree with Goethe's claim that Byron 'is a child the moment he begins to think'. Always pleased when he finds good things in Byron, as he is much criticised nowadays; people do not really read him, or 'only his inferior early things, e.g. Childe Harold'. Teases Bessie, pretending that 'an unconscionable young lady' keeps 'tormenting him with a stupid school-girl correspondence' and there is no telling where her reading of Plato may lead her. Is sorry that Bessie is having so bad a time with the dentist; best to go through with it in the end. Dined at Mrs Reid's last night, hearing 'local tales about brigands etc' and drinking good wine. They have 'some wonderful cats, the most beautiful [he] has ever seen'; would like to get 'one of the family some day'. Delighted to hear about [the birth of Bessie's niece] Amanda Röntgen; Bessie's aunt told him first, sends thanks for her letter. Copies out poems by Vaughn [sic: Henry Vaughan, "The Retreat"], and Blake ["Infant Joy"]. Will finish this letter and 'per-haps, as Grandmont says' send it by the early post. Is glad to have Bessie's photograph but wants the bigger one when she gets them.

Finishes the letter next day. Bad weather again; is not in good spirits as his host Palumbo is dangerously ill; Palumbo has suffered from the same paralysis before and may recover; he is a 'very good fellow' and Bob will be sorry if he dies; pities his wife and daughter. Has just read the news of the great British losses at Ladysmith; does not know whether this means the town has fallen, but it looks as though Methuen was not strong enough to relieve it; if Redvers Buller does not do better than Methuen, expects Ladysmith will fall in a few weeks and would wish that if it would lead to the reopening of peace negotiations, but this seems unlikely. Says Bessie 'deserve[s] a whipping' for interpreting his jealousy of the lovers in his carriage as a desire to hug his female fellow-travellers. Is very glad she likes the "Symposium" so much; discusses it briefly and suggests other dialogues by Plato she could read. Copies out Blake's "Infant Sorrow" and "Cradle Song". [His brother] Charlie's letter was very nice; is sure she will like him, and he 'evidently means to like [her]'. Reminds her that the new century does not begin until 1901. Glad her practising is going well.

TRER/9/94 · Item · 16 Dec - 17 Dec 1899
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Pension Palumbo, Ravello. - Has been out most of the day since there was some sunshine, and has written a few lines. Seems that old [Pasquale] Palumbo is 'in great danger'; has offered to move to another hotel for a week or two, but Pasquale's wife will not hear of it; she 'takes a sort of mother's care of him' and says the rooms of the Albergo Toro will be damp. Will stay for a while, but does not think he should stay if Palumbo gets worse; only Italians go to the Toro but sure he would be all right there. Has just received Stephen Philips' play about Paolo and Francesca; cannot see as much in it as 'many very clever people do'; it has 'effective theatrical scenes' and 'some rather fine poetry', and if it succeeds when acted next year it will make things easier for [Thomas Sturge] Moore and [Laurence] Binyon, and for himself, if he manages to finish a verse play, but it is still a bad play. Recommends that she read "Romeo and Juliet" and the "Merchant of Venice" if she has not already; thinks he should charge her a fee in kisses for giving her literary advice. Finishes writing for the day with a doggerel verse recommending that she wear socks in bed to keep warm.

Returns to the letter the following evening; glad she got on so well with the dentist, and 'recognises her portrait' in [Chaucer's] Merchant's Wyve. Hopes she will send her photograph soon. Found her account of 'the Russian ladies [Madame de Rhemen and Countess van Bylandt] and Tuttie [Maria Hubrecht; see 9/17]' very entertaining. Does not remember the Comtesse de Bylandt, but will ask his parents about her. Teases her for dreaming that she was married to [Bram] Eldering. Palumbo seems better today. Weather fine today, and he has got on well with his play; 'cannot get along in the rain'. Also thought of a new poem on Elijah in the desert, but might not write it now. Hopes to get over a month of work done, and not to return before the end of January; his mother has just written that she would like Bessie to stay with them at Welcombe early in February; thinks that would be the best plan, so he would probably not spend more than a few days in Holland on the way back; does not know whether it would be considered right to travel back together so she should ask her uncle and aunt.

TRER/9/95 · Item · 19 Dec - 20 Dec 1899
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Pension Palumbo, Ravello, presso Amalfi. - Has received the "Descent of the Primates" from Professor [Ambrosius] Hubrecht and found it very interesting; a long time since he read Darwin and 'tried to imagine [his] hairy, long-eard, tail-bearing, tree-haunting ancestors' and the paper has 'quite revived' the old fascination; never thought the hedgehog was 'so comparatively near a relation'. He and [Roger] Fry used to have one in London to kill black-beetles, which they called Hochi-Weechi, the Romany for hedgehog. Obviously Hubrecht's work is 'of great importance and value'. Had forgotten to send him the address of his own spectacle shop, and will do so when he writes to thank him. Had also forgotten to tell Mrs Cacciola [Florence Trevelyan; about their engagement]; will write at once. Hopes Gredel [Guije] gets through [her exam].

Continues the letter next day. Has got on 'fairly well' with his play recently; the sirocco is blowing today so he cannot do much except copy out what he has done so far, translate some Sophocles, and deal with correspondence. Old Palumbo is about the same; his wife does not want Bob to go unless absolutely necessary. Has not yet had a letter, or rings from which to choose one for her, from the Frys, but has written to them. Has had a 'charming' letter from Tommy Phelps [17/156], whom he calls 'almost my eldest friend' and had jokingly warned him against Dutch ladies when he would not tell him why he was going to Holland again so soon; it was also Phelps who originated the Vondel / fondle pun. Also returns C [Charles Trevelyan?]'s letter. Copies out some lines from "Troilus and Cressida", which he discusses briefly.

TRER/9/96 · Item · 21 Dec - 22 Dec 1899
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Pension Palumbo, Ravello. - There is not sufficient paper in the hotel to answer her long letter as it deserves. Strange that he is not inspired to write Bessie love-poetry, but says he is 'not good at putting difficult and elaborate and wonderful thoughts into verse', which would be needed; will try one day. Sorry that Gredel [Guije] failed. Since he sometimes misses out words in his letters, Bessie need never be shocked by his 'wicked opinions' but can add 'nots' when she pleases and 'convert the sense to please [her] fancy'. Glad she is re-reading [Joseph Henry Shorthouse's] "John Inglesant". Sends her kisses "blown through the ether like waves of light or electricity'. Continues the letter next morning, copying out an extract about Shorthouse from a piece of paper in Mrs Reid's book an extract from a letter from Isabel Balfour; this recalls what his brother [George?] has heard about Shorthouse. The book reminds Bob of Pater's "Marius the Epicurean"; thinks one must have influenced the other; also thinks "Marius" the better book on the whole. Asks his waiter to settle their dispute about Italian grammar, which he does in Bob's favour. Returns to the letter in the afternoon: old Palumbo died this morning, and since his wife did not want Bob to leave, he is staying in a separate part of the house where he is 'quite out of the way'. News has just come that the Cappuccini hotel at Amalfi 'has subsided on a great part of it' and some people have been killed. Writes again in the evening having gone to see the landslip, which was as bad as the rumours; seven or eight people died, and 'part of the end of the hotel had gone'. The people say it is St. Francis' doing, "angry because his monastery had been put to base uses". Had never been to Amalfi before, though this is his third visit; not much to see 'except the people and the beggars', and the Cathedral is 'spoilt by restoring'. Palumbo was dying about the same time as the landslip, and the proprietor of the Cappuccini, a friend, was here comforting Madame Palumbo when the news about the hotel came. 'They say he almost fainted... [and] will probably be ruined, as no one will dare come to his hotel now'. Bob exerted himself greatly on the journey down to Amalfi and back and 'sweeted (in Grandmont language' despite the bitter cold.

Originally enclosing a 'charming letter from [Eddie] Marsh'; his 'first Cambridge friend' who works in the Colonial office 'though, like many there, he does not like the war'; gives a brief character sketch. Has also heard from [Goldsworthy Lowes] Dickinson. Has not heard from [Bernard] Berenson, but has from [Mary] Costelloe, whom he just asked Berenson to tell; 'rather annoying', as he 'care[s] for Berenson very much, and dislike Mrs C.', though it was a 'perfectly proper letter'. Is very troubled by [Lina] Duff Gordon's letter: her wish for his happiness is 'unmistakeably sincere', as she always is, but her reply to his wish for them to remain as good friends is that since he told her nothing about this when he saw her 'constantly' in London last October, things can never be quite the same. It would have been very difficult to tell her, but feels that perhaps he should have done, not because she was an 'intimate friend' - the only one of his friends he told, 'for special reasons', was Fry - but because Mrs Costelloe had been spreading rumours that she was in love with him. Perhaps this was true, and he should have realised, although he does not think he gave her reason to believe he was in love with her; it is possible that Mrs Costelloe has stirred up trouble, as 'she has a great influence over Miss D. G.' and he believes her 'really to be a bad woman, though with many good qualities'. Is going to see Palumbo's funeral start for Naples. Writes again in the evening, after writing at 'my cliff, the Cembrone [Cimbrone]'. Quotes from a letter from Tom Moore: Moore thinks he will 'make a good husband' but spoil all his children. Has received Bessie's next letter, but not the photographs. He can skate, but not very well. Does not think Buller's defeat will make much difference to British attitudes to the [Second Boer] war; discussion of the war; does not think it would be good if all of South Africa were governed by the Dutch, would not object to 'an independent Dutch South Africa if it were well governed, and the natives treated properly' which currently happens in the Cape but not in the Transvaal. Methuen and probably Buller are not equal to the people against them, but this does not mean the English have fought badly; however, she need not worry that he is 'becoming Jingo'. Sorry Bessie has missed Tonina [van Riemsdijk]'s violin; when one good enough becomes available, will get it for her. They must visit Ravello together; Madame asked if they would come here on their honeymoon, which they will have to discuss; she intends to keep the hotel for some years at least.