Studying with Mr Rawle at Cheadle
Amount to be gained from a tutor depends on the diligence of the pupil, CJM must follow Rawle's advice concerning books
Dined with the Bullers at Dilhorne, rise of Catholicism in the North West, Rawle raising five chapels in the parish, Dr Stockers at Draycote has another Etonian pupil called Pulman
Is glad that CJM is pleased with Rawle's tuition, the Vice-Master suggests that Monk does not accompany him to Cambridge, CJM is promised rooms in College
On Rawle's advice he has been studying Mathematics before going up to Cambridge
Receipt for cheque, has high opinion of CJM's scholarship, wants self-confidence in mathematics
Selected Orellius' Cicero for his prize, recommended by Rawles, Mathematics a load on his time, encourages his fatherto buy sheep
Congratulates him on his success in the Members' Prize, death of Gordon a great loss for the parish
At Cheadle with Mr Rawle, reading mechanics, reading Whewell's 'Mechanics 'but "gets up" a great deal from manuscripts of Rawle, "amuses" himself with the classics in the evening