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TRER/10/96 · Item · 23 Aug 1910
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Wallington, Cambo, Morpeth. - Was judging at the Exhibition on Saturday; 'Sunday we went to Church!'; Sir George read his chapter to her for two hours on Monday. Elinor Middleton, Kenneth Swan and 'M. Burnett' have been staying with them; tomorrow it is the tenants' party. Sir George was very pleased to have Julian's photograph; intends to come to see him in the autumn. Theo and Humphry have had measles and are recovering; Mary shows no sign of it; the children's visit may be delayed a little but George comes on the 31st. The [Henry Yates] Thompsons visit soon. Pleased to have good news of Julian; would like to see a photograph of him in the donkey cart. Hopes they are enjoying Mr [Donald] Tovey's visit and that he is better.

Continues the letter after having been interrupted by Mary and her guests Mr and Mrs Runciman, then 'the children with the poney [sic]'; Pauline is 'beginning to ride nicely'. Has read Rosalind Murray's The Leading Note, which is 'nice and simple, but a girl of that age does not know enough to write a novel'. Hopes Robert is enjoying having 'Ariadne clothed and adorned [by Tovey's composition of the score of The Bride of Dionysus].

TRER/11/96 · Item · 17 Mar 1904
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

8, Grosvenor Crescent. - Glad that the Hardys [G. H. Hardy and his sister?] have arrived. Caroline mentioned La Croiz to the Arthur Elliots, as they are going to the Riviera at Easter, but could not tell them whether there were 'good drives' which is important as he is 'very lame'. The last days before [George and Janet's] wedding are most exciting; the Wards are 'wonderfully energetic' and their arrangements go well. Went to see the presents yesterday; there seemed to be almost as many as C[harles] and M[ary] had, though there were fewer presentations and large things. Janet had 'some very nice offerings from her girls, & many servants & poor people'; lots of books, silver, cheques; Janet's trousseau was 'nice and useful'. Hopes the weather at Oxford will be good. Caroline, Sir George and Booa [Mary Prestwich] are going down before the special train to be at the registry. She and Sir George have not been well; thinks Sir George was doing too much, so he is resting. The Duke of Cambridge has died, so there will be no question of going to Court tomorrow; is glad as it 'seemed so inappropriate'. Has a note from [Bramine Hubrecht at] Taormina saying that the things have been sent; hopes they will arrive soon. Hopes the concert went well. The H[enry] Y[ates] T[hompson]s 'would be sorry not to be able to stop'. They [the Liberals] have won another [by] election, and 'the Gov[ernment] are in a poor way'.

TRER/11/92 · Item · 14 Feb 1904
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

8, Grosvenor Crescent. - Found C[harles] and M[ary] settled at North Street, a 'bright little house' which they have made pretty, furnishing it 'economically' and suitably for a small space; their [wedding] presents looked nice, and they have an excellent book collection. Mary looks very contented, and 'Charlie's hair is curling as it has not done for a long time!'. One of the two small drawing-rooms has two pianos in; if they play them together their neighbours will think it noisy, but 'they are humble folk, & the children who swam in Westminster will come & listen in the street!'. George looks as if he needs a holiday; Caroline is glad the wedding is not far away, on 17 March. Janet looks very happy and says she is busy with her trousseau. Dorothy has returned and said to be 'much better for her journey'. Saw the H[enry] Y[ates] Thompsons yesterday; they start for Sicily tomorrow; Caroline will ask Mrs Cacciola [Florence Trevelyan] to let them see her garden. Asks whether Madame Grandmont [Bramine Hubrecht] would let them call on her; thinks she would like Dolly. Harry is telling people that Caroline and Sir George like their new daughters-in-law, but will not say 'either of them come up to Elizabeth in character or walking!'. Glad he has the right impression, though of course they will all have a 'separate place' in their hearts; Mary is good, sensible, and suits Charles, but 'needs a little polishing'.

If there are things at La Croix which would be suitable for a bazaar at Stratford, asks if Elizabeth could buy her two pounds worth; she can send them by post if she likes. Going today to see if they can find out about Aunt Margaret [Holland]'s health; fears it is her 'old trouble, clots'. Meta [Smith?] has reached Egypt; is said to be better. Very glad life at La Croix suits Robert's work. Caroline has found a cabinet at Stratford which she thinks will suit their new house; asks whether the work on that has begun yet.

TRER/13/76 · Item · 20 Mar 1904
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

8 Grosvenor Crescent, S.W. - The wedding [between George and Janet Trevelyan] is over, and now the family is 'all married'; wishes Robert and Elizabeth had been there as it was a nice, well arranged occasion. She, Sir George, and Booa [Mary Prestwich] arrived by train in Oxford just in time for the Registry, which was 'in a shabby little first floor room', made nice with 'carpet & flowers' but much inferior to the Hague; description of the short ceremony there, with only the 'nearest relations' and some of George's friends. They then went to [Manchester] College to meet the friends who had just arrived by special train from London. The chapel is 'extremely pretty, with lovely Burne-Jones windows'. Order of service originally enclosed; describes the address, in which 'there was nothing the least doctrinal, but it was very high toned & 'ethical'". Many guests, including Meggy [Price], Annie [Philips], Harry Greg, 'a number of Wards & Arnolds & Croppers', the 'H.Y.T.s' [Harry Yates Thompson and his wife], 'the Bell connection, & the Stanleys in numbers'. Also Mrs [Alice] Green, Henry James, 'Ritchies, Freshfields, Sidgwicks, Mr [Hugh?] Clifford, the Holman Hunts, Russells, Muggins Runcimans', many Oxford people and 'an array of George's friends'.

They then went into the library, a 'fine room with beautiful woodwork, & painted windows, & a statue of Dr [James] Martineau' for tea, took the special train back and were in London by 6 pm. Sir George was unwell with a bad cold for two days before, but got through; it was a warm day and he does not seem worse this morning. George and Janet went to 'a quiet place in Surrey' for a few days then on to Cornwall; will then return to London to 'put their house in order & go abroad'. Describes Janet's wedding dress and travelling dress.

Received the box of things from Taormina yesterday [see 11/93]; 'very nice, & just suitable for a bazaar'; will write and thank Madame Grandmont [Bramine Hubrecht] for ordering them. Sir George sends love, and thanks for Robert's last letter; he is reading Lord Acton's letters 'with amusement and interest', having had to stop work for a while; she thinks 'working too long at the B.M. [British Museum] made him ill' and is 'sure it is full of germs'. Charles and Mary were 'much to the front' at the wedding, and Mary looked 'magnificent'; dined with them last week in North Street, where everything is arranged nicely. Supposes Robert and Elizabeth will return to lots of business about the new house and hopes it goes well: 'the old judge [Sir Roland Vaughan Williams] has had plenty more time to think it over'. Sir John Swinburne's engagement has been broken off. Hester Lyttelton and Victoria Buxton are both going to be married.

TRER/11/7 · Item · 29 Aug 1914
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Wallington, Cambo, Morpeth. - Julian has just left; hopes he will get comfortably through the long journey. He had a 'great game' here last night with the others [his cousins]; will miss him very much. The H.Y.Ts [Henry Yates Thompsons] and Lord Bryce are coming today; will be good for Sir George to have company. The 'terrible news is so exciting and tiring'; Elizabeth must be anxious about the Netherlands. Janet and her children come on Friday. Feels 'very idle in all this turmoil' but actually is as busy as she can manage. Sends love to Robert; sure he will be as glad as Elizabeth to have Julian back.

TRER/11/65 · Item · 10 Aug 1918
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Wallington, Cambo, Morpeth. - Had not written, expecting to hear something definite about R[obert]; he is 'not going just yet' [to France to work for the Friends War Victims Relief Committee ]. Sorry Julian has not been well. If Robert goes this month, Elizabeth could bring Julian up to Wallington before he starts school. George arrived this morning; he is going to London on Monday and then hopes for some time in the lakes with his family. Very distressing news about Mrs Tovey [going into an asylum]; [Donald] Tovey will 'be "at a loose end" again in domestic matters'. Glad that Elizabeth has found a 'good home' for Miss B[arthorp, Julian's governess]. Miss Clarke has left so C[harles] and M[ary] 'have the children to themselves'; it will be hard work, but they seem happy. Janet and the children go to Robin Ghyll on Tuesday; the H[enry] Y[ates] T[hompson]s come a few days later. Sir George is not well, but it is not serious; he gets worried by change and visitors though 'in reality he likes it'. Asks Elizabeth to tell Julian that Humphry has caught a fish 'at last', and Georgie has shot a hare as well as rabbits

TRER/12/45 · Item · 29 Sept 1901
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Wallington, Cambo, Northumberland. - Will instruct Drummond to pay fifty pounds into Robert's account as he did last year. Harry Thompson, his wife, and a niece are here, as well as George's friend [Robin] Mayor. Charles is going away on visits tomorrow; George and Mayor set off on food on Tuesday. Asks Robert to remind him of the 'very apt quotation' which was a parallel to 'Unde pares somnos' [Lucan "Pharsalia", 28]. Lord Ridley is coming to shoot, and he wants 'to prove to him that his brother [Sir Edward Ridley] was wrong'; there is a note by Grotius in Sir George's old 1669 edition which has it right. Life is generally quiet; he and Caroline are reading Carlyle's early letters; it is interesting to see 'all his great literary qualities in a vigorous but ordinary style'.

TRER/46/37 · Item · 2 Dec 1895
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

29 Beaufort St, Chelsea [on headed notepaper for the National Liberal Club, Whitehall Place S. W.]:- Thanks his parents for their 'joint letter'. The weather here has suddenly turned 'almost absolutely perfect, at least for December', and the 'nights are wonderfully lighted by this full moon'. Florence must be 'gorgeous by moonlight'; wonders if they ever go to 'the portico where the David used to be and think of the poor painter of Henry James' Madonna of the Future, who was found there by night', but expects they go to bed 'quite early'. Dined recently with the [Yates] Thompsons, and Harry 'pretended to be indignant' that the Trevelyans had not gone to a hotel he had recommended; he 'was in a familiar, you-be-damned sort of mood', since there was no-one there but the Wilberforces, Spring Rice and Robert. Dolly 'had to reprove him for swearing at table before his guests'; thinks 'the Canon was rather shocked by his way of going on'.

[Edward Ernest] Bowen has given a 'lecture to the school [Harrow] upon the American Secession & Civil War', speaking 'for nearly two hours without becoming embarrassed or stumbling over a single word'; they say that throughout 'the excitement was so intense that you could have heard a fly's buzz'. At the end 'they got up and cheered him till it was thought they would never stop. They had not realised before what he was'. [Roger] Fry has a commission to paint 'a certain Smith Barry, the brother of the notorious M.P'. He has almost finished his lectures; he set 'certain passages in Browning's Fra Lippo to be annotated', which contain 'several bad blunders as to dates etc': '[m]ost of the young ladies trip up prettily into these pitfalls, taking it for granted that Browning must be right.

Robert 'quite agree[s] about Dante's deliberate purpose of making a great literary success', though thinks this would be 'indignantly repudiated by most of his idolaters'. It is 'very dull' in England at the moment; as far as Robert can tell people talk of 'nothing but Armenians.[a reference to the massacres in the Ottoman Empire]... and the Vailima letters [written by Robert Louis Stevenson to Sidney Colvin between 1890 and 1894, and recently published]'.

TRER/12/294 · Item · 18 Aug 1918
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Wallington, Cambo, Morpeth. - Most interested to have Robert's definite arrangements [for his work in France with the Friends War Victims Relief Committee]. Very sorry about the Toveys' 'calamity' [Grettie Tovey going into an asylum]; would have been most surprised if they did not know from experience 'how definite a physical illness mental disturbance is' and that the 'most helpful and strong-minded people' can be subject to it; hopes for the best for them both. H[enry] Y[ates] T[hompson] and Dolly are visiting. Was very sorry to finish Aulus Gellius.

TRER/46/26 · Item · 30 Apr 1894
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Trinity:- Is glad that his father's 'Committee has not miscarried', and hopes it 'will not be unproductive and without issue'. Has not had time to 'follow political developments closely', but read Asquith's speech 'with great interest and approval'. Harry [Yates] Thompson and Dolly were at Trinity yesterday to stay with the Master. Thompson 'turned up' in Robert's room at 10 a.m. as he 'was dressing for a late Sunday breakfast', and found him 'covered by just that amount of clothing in which Nelson's sailors fought at the Nile and Trafalgar'.

Robert also saw Thompson at [Henry?] Jackson's after hall. There was discussion of the [Apostle's?] dinner, which will be on 20 June: they are 'for obvious reasons, very anxious to get a good attendance this time' and will try to get infrequent participants to come. Asks his father to 'use [his] powers of persuasion' if he meets anyone in the House of Commons or elsewhere 'who might perhaps come without it'. They are 'anxious to know [C. H.] Tawney's address'; asks his father to send it to him if he knows it, or 'tell [James] Parker Smith, the president'. Welldon has been asked, and Robert hopes he will 'turn up'. Asks whether Lord Carlisle every comes. The 'Chancellor [of the Exchequer] is for various reasons we fear impossible'.

Asks whether all is well at home. Chanced to see 'an energetic counter-attack of C[harles] upon [Edward?] Stanley', but has not 'seen the provocation'; supposes Charles will keep it so Robert will be able to see it in London. Is staying inside all today with 'a cold in the head of the kind that makes one very stupid', but is otherwise well. George is speaking tomorrow 'on Disestablishment'; he 'must speak at least once a term, as he is now on the committee'; he is well, and 'thoroughly engrossed in his work'. Robert sends his love to his mother, whom he proposes to call 'Matuschka' in future. Harry Thompson says the Master 'ate something that did not agree with him at the Saturday dinner, and has to keep to his bed all Sunday from indigestion'.

TRER/9/234 · Item · 28 Sept [1901]
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Wallington, Cambo, Northumberland. - Glad to hear the news of the 'Pinewood relations [the Knutsfords]; sure they are happy to have made it up with L[ionel?], though she does not understand quite 'how things stand about him'. Expects Dolmetsch is 'very interesting to talk to about music'; he has a 'touch of genius'; asks if his 'money difficulties' are settled. Sent some game on Thursday as it was the last grouse shooting on Wednesday and Sir George thought they should go; they should be eaten quite soon. Expecting the H[enry] Y[ates] Thompsons and R[obin] Mayor today; Charles leaves on Monday and G[eorge] on Tuesday. Glad Elizabeth has recovered; 'curious how hurtful fruit seems'. George read an extract from his history yesterday, which they 'all thought very good'. Hopes Robert is refreshed by his 'outing this week'.

TRER/12/220 · Item · 13 Oct 1914
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Wallington, Cambo, Morpeth. - Glad Robert is reading his book [the last volume of "The American Revolution] 'at the pace a true author wishes to be read'; discusses printing errors. A thousand copies were sold in the first nine days, excellent 'under the circumstances'; no reviewers now question his presentation of the war and [Lord] North's government.. Sends a letter from Dolly Thompson, and a belated one from Charles Adams, which went by mistake to Wellington in New Zealand.

TRER/12/210 · Item · 14 Mar 1914
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Welcombe, Stratford on Avon. - Envies Robert going to dine at 19 Portman Square [home of the Yates Thompsons]; they have 'delightful letters' from her. Agrees that the estimates [of expenditure for the forthcoming Budget] are 'shocking'. Was also pleased with the review of "Parsival" [Robert's "The New Parsifal"] in the "Times". Asks if [Arthur?] Clutton-Brock 'is the same as' Charles Brock, and calls this 'an Irish form of construction' which he 'picked up as Irish Secretary'. Has been reading all of Samuel Butler's notebooks since his illness. Glad Julian only has a slight cold, and that Elizabeth and Robert are enjoying London. Is correcting the early part of his book, and has cut out 'at least ten pages of type'.

TRER/46/208 · Item · 13 Mar 1914
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

8 Grosvenor Crescent, S.W. - They are again having bad weather, but are all well, though Julian has a 'slight cold'. They are dining with the H[enry] Y[ates] Thompsons tonight, and may perhaps go on to Charles's At Home, where they will 'see plenty of politicians, and hear how things are going. The Estimates look very bad', with the 'only comfort' being that 'the stand made by the Treasury seems to have reduced them considerably'.

Was pleased by the review of his book [The New Parsifal] in the Times, by Clutton-Brock; likes to think his praise was 'justified'. As for Clutton-Brock's 'regrets' that Robert writes 'only for a small and hyper-cultured audience, no one shares them more completely' than Robert himself. However, if the opera [The Bride of Dionysus] he has written with Tovey is performed, 'as it probably soon will be in Germany', it is possible that they might collaborate again 'on a comic opera, which would have to be more on the scale of a Gilbert and Sullivan, or an Offenbach'. Robert's latest play, and Sisyphus, are 'too long and too elaborate for opera'. For the present, though, he and Tovey are both busy with other things.

It was a 'great pleasure' to him that his father liked Parsifal so much. He and Bessie are very glad to hear that his father's book [George III and Charles Fox] is finished; Robert looks forward to 'reading it as a whole'. Bessie sends love.

TRER/46/179 · Item · 28 Jun 1911
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

The Shiffolds. - Her 'delightful present' came this morning with her letter: the letters [of Robert Louis Stevenson?] are 'indeed a charming book in every way, both inside and out', and he has 'long wished to have a good edition', since he has only read them 'in a desultory way'. Of course 'this edition with the new letters must be far the best': he and Bessie are looking forward to reading it this summer, and Robert is 'very grateful... for so delightful a present'.

Is glad she has had a good time abroad; supposes the weather has 'changed for the worse now', and it is still 'very unsettled' here. Julian has taken to the new nurse 'without much difficulty'. He can now walk very well, and his cold seems almost to have gone.

Robert has been to two funerals recently: on Saturday he went to Haslemere for the funeral of 'old Mr [Henry Graham] Dakyns', who 'died suddenly', and on Monday to Eastbourne for Jonathan Sturges' funeral. Will 'miss Sturges a good deal' though cannot regret his death, since 'he had a very lonely life, and was usually more or less ill'. His death will be sad for Henry James, 'who was perhaps more intimate with him than with anyone else'. Mr Dakyns will also be 'much missed' by Robert and Bessie, and many of their friends.

Saw Charles briefly in London yesterday, who 'seemed very well, and cheerful'. His mother must go to the Grafton Gallery exhibition ['A Century of Art, 1810-1910'] when she returns: the 'Preraphaelites are especially well represented'.

Tovey now seems to be getting on well with 'Ariadne' [The Bride of Dionysus]; they hope he will be able to come to the Shiffolds near the end of July and stay for August. Röntgen has been setting several of Robert's poems for a chorus of women's voices; he has not sent them yet, but. 'they are sure to be interesting, as everything he does is'. Robert hopes to assemble a book of short poems and translations this autumn; thinks he has enough, especially if he includes the first act of his and Bessie's translation of Vondel's Lucifer.

Is very glad his parents have had 'such a restful time at Mürren'; lucky that the H[enry] Y[ates] T[hompson]s happened to be there as well. Sends love to his father.

TRER/9/172 · Item · 20 July [1900]
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Wallington, Cambo, Northumberland. - Wonders if Elizabeth got to Tunbridge yesterday. The H[enry] Y[ates] Thompsons, Hilda and Audrey Trevelyan have been to stay; they had 'a "tea picnic" on Wednesday at the Gibbet'. Miss Martin came last night and is to stay for a long visit as she is 'quite "one of the family"; hopes Elizabeth will see her. As 6 Aug is Bank Holiday, would be best if Elizabeth and Robert keep to their first plan and come the week before; Friday would be best as the trains 'are terribly late on Saturday'. She should bring lots of music, as Heathcote Long is coming early in August and is a good musician. Audrey Trevelyan played 'very nicely' when she was here. Glad Elizabeth liked Dolmetsch, who is 'a genius in his way'. Asks how the Frys are, and whether they are coming north this year. Hopes the furniture is arrived, that things are getting settled, and that Robert can 'work comfortably'.

TRER/17/170 · Item · 20 Dec 1899
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

19 Portman Square, W. - Many congratulations on Robert's 'international match'; only got Robert's address from Mrs Dugdale yesterday so could not write sooner. Has asked 'every Dutch authority' he knows about Robert's fiancée - Lord Reay and Mrs Lecky - and thinks the 'world will say [Bob] is a wise poet'. Sends his and his wife's best wishes; asks Robert if he could send them a photograph, and whether the wedding will take place in the summer as his mother suggests. Envies him his visits to the Hague; there are 'some splendid illuminated MSS there!'. Postscript saying he is 'deadly pro-Boer', and wonders how Robert manages on that topic; hears Mrs Lecky 'leads her husband a life on that subject'.

TRER/9/165 · Item · 15 May 1900
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Welcombe, Stratford on Avon. - She and Sir George have had some good walks, despite the cold wind; are returning to London today where they will see Robert; hopes the business can all be settled so that he can be with Elizabeth on Thursday morning. Looking forward to staying at the Hague and meeting Elizabeth's family; expects soon to be able to let her know when C[harles] and G[eorge] will be there. The H[enry] Y[ates] Thompsons have sent a wedding present for each of them; note from Mrs Thompson 'to explain the butter dish' originally enclosed. Supposes Robert will open the parcel when he comes.

TRER/14/11 · Item · 1 Oct 1896 [postmark]
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Wallington, Cambo, Northumberland; addressed to Bob at 29 Beaufort Street, Chelsea, and forwarded to the National Liberal Club. - Is glad the show [an art exhibition organised by Roger Fry] is coming to Cambridge; has only even seen prints and engravings; has written to [Arthur] Shipley. Bob won the battle [of toy soldiers]. Had 'two splendid days' stalking and driving grouse with Howey and Shade.

TRER/14/10 · Item · [16 Jul 1893]
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

8, Grosvenor Crescent, S.W. Lord's exeat. - Harrow were 'licked yesterday' [in the cricket match against Eton]. Spirits kept up by a 'very good lunch' with the Yates Thompsons; 'impossible to be depressed in the company of Dolly'. Went to the Royal Academy after the match, then went to see 'the Bastille taken' at Earl's Court; there were plenty of very pretty women, but he did not 'see any Turks'; he then took a 'water-toboggan' ride and went home. Wants to sends his pictures to Cambridge at the end of the term; asks what address at Trinity he should use; asks if Bob could put him up in Cambridge at the beginning of August to 'arrange business'; will go on 4 August to see Aunt Annie at Tunbridge Wells, and then to Wallington on Monday.