Hotel Bristol [Rome]. - Sorry to hear that Elizabeth has been unwell again; hopes she will be careful and take the Grandmonts' advice. They are having a pleasant time, and have been to Veii, Albano and Nemi; hope to go to Frascati tomorrow and up Monte Cavo. Has been doing some sketching, and they have met many friends. They are dining out this week: with Monsignor Stanley at the British Embassy, and 'with some Americans to meet the American Ambassador [George V. L. Meyer]' who is very keen to see Sir George; it is 'very amusing to see how much excited they are about him'. Think they will stay in Rome till 20 or 21 March. They were 'delighted' by the result of the L.C.C. [London County Council] elections, which is much better than expected; they hope 'it shows a turn in public opinion'. Charles was helping and will be very pleased. Elizabeth's description of the Carnival is 'very funny'. The Pope performed Mass in the Sistine Chapel last Sunday, and 'almost everyone in the hotel' except them 'went off very early to the Vatican & stood for 2 1/2 hours to see him pass'. Rome is very full; mostly of Americans, but also many English and Germans. Asks how long Robert and Elizabeth think of staying in Taormina; sends love to Robert and hopes he is 'progressing'; regards to Elizabeth's cousins [the Grandmonts].
6 Mar 1901
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan