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TRER/9/206 · Item · 27 Feb 1901
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Hotel Bristol, Rome. - Pleased to hear that the weather at Taormina had improved; she and Sir George were unlucky there. Arrived in Rome on Saturday evening, and they have had some lovely days; have just returned from a long expedition to the site of the old town of Veii, near Isola Farnese, when they had to 'cross rivers on stepping stones & get across boggy places, & slip down banks' but enjoyed it very much. They will make many excursions to places round Rome; just regret there are no flowers or green leaves out yet; their guide today said the woods were 'usually carpeted with violets & anemones' at this time of year. Elizabeth should 'arrange it with the little people' if she thinks it would be best for the five lire to be saved; agrees it would 'be a very nice thing if they are not disappointed at not having it to spend'. Asks if they can send some bougainvillea and an asphodel plant to Mr Keith [the gardener] at Wallington before they leave Ravello. Aunt Margaret [Holland?] has had laryngitis but has recovered. Sir George is very happy; 'he loves Rome'. Lanciani [?] is going to take them 'over the Forum to explain the new discoveries'. Hopes Elizabeth has 'made friends with the dogs' and is 'enjoying Mrs C. T.'s [Florence Cacciola Trevelyan's] gardens'