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Add. MS c/100/247 · Item · 17 Feb. [1874]
Part of Additional Manuscripts c

Announces that he 'went over to [b.m.b.] to arrange with Hall: but found everything settled...through the medium of the Telegraph.' Claims that he 'halfpersuaded' Hall to stay the night '[with the ladies] - holding out the bait of the Great Seeley[;] one of the objects of the poytheistic adoration of the Cross family'. Suggests that if the matter 'comes off' Myers might let Sidgwick have the [Frederic] Harrisons to breakfast, and 'will do lunch on Sunday so as to get [the Charles] Bowens.' Refers to Myers' last letter as 'thrilling', and wishes to speak to him.

Claims that he himself is 'in gloom and inertia.' Asks Myers if he will stay over on Monday. Announces that he goes over to dine with Hall on Sunday, coming back on Monday morning 'with the ORATOR [Jebb?].' Remarks that there are 'several good concise points about the Conservative reaction.' Asks about Myers' plans to come [to Cambridge] on Friday. Adds: 'Hans Gladstone led a Barty Vere ish dat Barty now?', and asks '[h]ow much has C_l_l Ps had to pay for the privilege of not sitting in Parliament'.

TRER/10/10 · Item · 17 Apr [1903]
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Welcombe, Stratford upon Avon. - Amused by Elizabeth's letter, and glad Robert is returning so soon. Both Lord Welby and Lord Davey are 'very good talkers', and Lady Davey is 'charming' so their visit has been very pleasant; she tells Caroline that there is a house to be let at Fernhurst called "Ropes"; just built, by a Miss Coats, who now thinks there is 'not enough view & is going to build another'. Lady Davey also says that Blackdown Cottage is very damp and has no foundations; Mrs Frederic Harrison [Ethel Harrison] was 'very ill there with Rheumatic gout' and two people died in the house while they lived there. Likes to think of Elizabeth and Robert both at home again, 'with the good Enticknaps'. S[idney?] Colvin is not coming; she is glad as the 'row in Stratford seems to be growing, & he is in it' while they wish to keep out of it. Was very good to have Elizabeth to visit them; Sir George sends his love, and 'much appreciated' the letter from Robert.