Wallington, Cambo, Northumberland. - Originally enclosing a letter; does not think she answered Elizabeth's last as Sir George said he would write to say what they thought about the rent [to the Vaughan Williamses for the new house to be built at Leith Hill?]. Hopes Robert returned 'refreshed and well [from the Lakes]' and that she is not too bothered by 'the house business'; business arrangements with friends are always difficult. Hopes something will be settled at Leith Hill as it is such a beautiful place. Has had a letter from Janet [Ward] describing 'their interview with "the Master [of Trinity, Montagu Butler?]". He was very deaf, & George shouted, but his talk seems to have been very good'. She then walked fifteen miles with no ill effects: "Surely George has found the right wife!" 'The lady mother' [Mrs Humphry Ward] is coming to Wallington next week, as she is opening a school in Newcastle. They were expecting the Monkswells today, but [Lady Monkswell] is unwell and cannot come. Various young people are coming next month; asks if Elizabeth and Robert can come on 20 August for a week, returning on 1 September, or whether another time would suit them.
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Part of Myers Papers
31 July 1903
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan