Wallington, Cambo, Northumberland. - Glad Elizabeth is seeing some friends, and that the '[house] business is moving on'; advertisement from "Country Life", showing prices usually asked in Surrey, originally enclosed. Went to Newcastle yesterday to hear Mrs Ward 'speak at the opening of some "Special Schools"', which she did 'very well. Saw various 'Hodgkins & Peases's', and brought Mrs Ward and Dorothy back to stay at Wallington. Next week they are expecting Aunt Annie [Philips], Phil [Morgan Philips] Price, Hilton Young, Eleanor Cropper and Cicely [Frances?] Wedgwood; next week Theodore [Llewelyn Davies?], Mary Bell and Dorothy Wedderburnl. Elizabeth and Robert will see them if they come on 20 August, though they do not have to decide yet. The weather is so windy she has to tie on her hat. Keith [the head gardener] is sending some more fruit today. Sorry that Mrs Fry had 'the trouble of writing twice'; it was 'such a pretty letter, in picturesque handwriting'.
6 Aug 1903
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan
1 Sept 1910
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan
Wallington, Cambo, Morpeth. - Very sad news about the nurse [Mrs Catt]; hopes Elizabeth will be able to find another as nice; asks if Mrs Catt has a home to go to for a chance of recovery. Good that Julian is so well. George came yesterday with 'a nice young Huxley', with whom he had walked 'over mountains from the Lakes 94 miles in 3 days'. The A[ndrew?] Langs are here, and Mrs Lang asks about Elizabeth; Mrs Pease and the Hunsfields are coming to lunch, and the Booths for the night; Janet and the children come tomorrow. Sending a brace of grouse; asks whether the last ones arrived. Lucky that Nurse Shephard can come; it will give Elizabeth time to find another nurse. Booa is very sorry [about Nurse Catt?]