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TRER/10/37 · Item · 23 Sept 1903
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Wallington, Cambo, Northumberland. - Elizabeth and Robert are very kind about Charlie's engagement; she and Sir George are 'more & more satisfied about it', as Mary 'writes very nicely', and Charlie is 'extremely happy in a quieter way' so she thinks 'her influence must be good'. The family are 'very well thought of' and her father has been 'frank and sensible'. Thinks Mary was much in love when she was here 'and found it difficult to behave quietly'. Charlie likes the family; hopes they will visit next month. The Bells are going to Berlin for a fortnight while Charlie goes to his constituency. Has had many letter; 'rather an undertaking' to have two sons engaged at once. Hope Elizabeth and Robert soon have their agreement so that the architect 'can get to work [on the new house at Leith Hill' in the fine autumn weather'. They are going to Belsay [home of the Middletons] and she will tell them why Elizabeth could not come. Dr [Thomas?] and Mrs Hodgkin, Mr [Herbert?] Paul, Sir John and Lady Evans, and the Henry Gregs are all staying; they are 'agreeable & easily amused'. Would like to asks the Russells back again, but next week must be quiet, and there is 'so much to settle'. A postscript says she knows Elizabeth will tell her about Holland when it is settled.

TRER/12/65 · Item · 23 Sept 1903
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Wallington, Cambo, Northumberland. - He and Caroline are very pleased with what Robert says about Charles's intended marriage [to Mary Bell]; they are 'delighted' by Charles's happiness and 'freedom from restlessness'. [All their sons] are 'very nicely settled now'; hopes the plans for Robert and Elizabeth's new house come about. They have Sir John and Lady Evans, the [Thomas?] Hogkins, [Herbert Woodfield?] Paul, and the Henry Gregs; Greg is their trustee, 'a very nice, clever fellow, and a good liberal'. Went to put out his 'best blue tie' in their honour, and was reminded of Elizabeth by 'a faint, delightful fragrance'; regrets not having asked her to play for him more often. Glad Robert saw Arthur Coleridge, 'the most pleasant - perhaps the most characteristic' of a large family in which each generation is 'pervaded with a certain intellectual and emotional flavour'. Is anxious about politics: fears the Duke of Devonshire 'may have a great deal to answer for' and the 'end of his career may be very disgraceful to his glorious name'. Is reading the fourth book of [Cicero's] "De Finibus" and wishes to discuss some ideas about ancient philosophy with Robert.

TRER/13/76 · Item · 20 Mar 1904
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

8 Grosvenor Crescent, S.W. - The wedding [between George and Janet Trevelyan] is over, and now the family is 'all married'; wishes Robert and Elizabeth had been there as it was a nice, well arranged occasion. She, Sir George, and Booa [Mary Prestwich] arrived by train in Oxford just in time for the Registry, which was 'in a shabby little first floor room', made nice with 'carpet & flowers' but much inferior to the Hague; description of the short ceremony there, with only the 'nearest relations' and some of George's friends. They then went to [Manchester] College to meet the friends who had just arrived by special train from London. The chapel is 'extremely pretty, with lovely Burne-Jones windows'. Order of service originally enclosed; describes the address, in which 'there was nothing the least doctrinal, but it was very high toned & 'ethical'". Many guests, including Meggy [Price], Annie [Philips], Harry Greg, 'a number of Wards & Arnolds & Croppers', the 'H.Y.T.s' [Harry Yates Thompson and his wife], 'the Bell connection, & the Stanleys in numbers'. Also Mrs [Alice] Green, Henry James, 'Ritchies, Freshfields, Sidgwicks, Mr [Hugh?] Clifford, the Holman Hunts, Russells, Muggins Runcimans', many Oxford people and 'an array of George's friends'.

They then went into the library, a 'fine room with beautiful woodwork, & painted windows, & a statue of Dr [James] Martineau' for tea, took the special train back and were in London by 6 pm. Sir George was unwell with a bad cold for two days before, but got through; it was a warm day and he does not seem worse this morning. George and Janet went to 'a quiet place in Surrey' for a few days then on to Cornwall; will then return to London to 'put their house in order & go abroad'. Describes Janet's wedding dress and travelling dress.

Received the box of things from Taormina yesterday [see 11/93]; 'very nice, & just suitable for a bazaar'; will write and thank Madame Grandmont [Bramine Hubrecht] for ordering them. Sir George sends love, and thanks for Robert's last letter; he is reading Lord Acton's letters 'with amusement and interest', having had to stop work for a while; she thinks 'working too long at the B.M. [British Museum] made him ill' and is 'sure it is full of germs'. Charles and Mary were 'much to the front' at the wedding, and Mary looked 'magnificent'; dined with them last week in North Street, where everything is arranged nicely. Supposes Robert and Elizabeth will return to lots of business about the new house and hopes it goes well: 'the old judge [Sir Roland Vaughan Williams] has had plenty more time to think it over'. Sir John Swinburne's engagement has been broken off. Hester Lyttelton and Victoria Buxton are both going to be married.