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FRAZ/33/174 · Item · 14 Feb. 1918
Part of Papers of Sir James Frazer

Corraith, Symington, by Kilmarnock [on mourning stationery] - The money has been lodged with the Royal Society, and invested as a War Loan until Roscoe's Expedition is ready to set out; the delay is unfortunate, but a wise one; his only son Logan died in Palestine in December, taking a Turkish position outside Jerusalem; asks what she thinks of Russia now, and the result of Socialism; the idea of Socialism is to prevent man from rising; sends her a copy of 'The Keeper's Book', suggests she read the Preface but not the Introduction, which would be a waste of time; he is only a common vulgar tradesman trying to make 'filthy lucre which the intellectuals claim to despise'.