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TRER/10/86 · Item · 25 Apr 1910
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

8, Grosvenor Crescent, S.W. - Glad to get Elizabeth's letter; thinks Julian will prosper even more with warmth and sunshine. She is recovering, though too slowly; hopes to go down to tea as Annie [Price?] is coming to see her. Mary and Pauline entertained her yesterday; wants to have them painted, probably in miniature. Sir George is reading "Mr Polly" [H. G. Wells: "The History of Mr Polly"] aloud to her, which is very amusing; is reading [Samuel Butler's] "Erewhon" himself, which she will return when he finishes it. Would very much like to see Elizabeth if she comes up again; glad she has 'put things right with nurse'. Nice 'to have a little W.L.A. [Women's Liberal Association]'; likes that the work 'brings one into contact with people you cannot reach in any other way'; was never able to do 'charity visiting' and there are 'such nice women in the WLA'. Asks if Elizabeth would like to represent the Upper Wansbeck W.L.A. at the Council meeting on 10 and 11 May; could put her up. Has sent five pounds to the People's Suffrage Society [Federation?] since she 'approve[s] their principles, though... cannot be bound to one plan'. Asks in a postscript whether Elizabeth has a photograph of Julian.