5 Cadogan Gardens, S.W.3. - Thanks her for the lovely presents: the review of Sir James' book, 'Pasha the Pom', 'M. Blanc' ['Histoire de Monsieur Blanc'], and 'Victor & Victorine'.
Part of Papers of Sir James Frazer
15 July 1936
Part of Papers of Sir James Frazer
3 Cromwell Gardens, London - Thanks Lady Askwith for the copy of her daughter Betty Askwith's book 'Foreigners; or, The World in a Nutshell'.
17 Apr. 1938
Part of Papers of Sir James Frazer
[Trouville?] - Concerning plans for her trip to London, hopes to see Miss Askwith there.
7 Sept. 1940
Part of Papers of Sir James Frazer
5 Cadogan Gardens, S.W.3. - Thanks Lady Frazer for Downie's biography; Betty has been reading 'The Golden Bough' as have all the more intelligent young people; reminisces about two visits with the Frazers; there is a tremendous air battle going on as she writes with 'guns & planes & smoke all getting mixed up in the sky'; visited the East End, finds people cheerful; admires airmen particularly.