Wallington, Cambo, Morpeth. - Glad that Elizabeth found the school [Dunhurst?] satisfactory; believes it will be 'quite safe' to send Julian there; he is young, but very sensible. Miss Barthorp [his governess] is 'extremely bright & sympathetic and intelligent' and keeps him well in order, but it will be good for him not to be 'the first care of any one'. Feels most sorry for Elizabeth; she herself was very miserable when Charlie went to school, and she had the other two still at home. Asks Elizabeth to let her know if she would like to bring Julian for a visit before he goes to school. There are six children at Cambo; Miss Clarke 'is going to leave, and looks unhappy'. The 'little Bicknell boy' [Claud] is there, as well as 'two Gordons' [Maud and Stephen]. Annie [Philips] knows a lot about Bedales and approves of it. Asks how many children there are in the junior school. It will be nice for Julian to see it.
10 June 1918
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan