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Add. MS c/106/1 · Item · [29?] Nov 1906
Part of Additional Manuscripts c

Returns the obituary of Henry Sidgwick [included: 106/1B], which he describes as 'a very extraordinary production, and yet touching.' Supposes that 'her feeling pressed for utterance and she [Meta Benfey] thought it was so long ago that it did not matter'. Has translated the exordium and sent it to Minnie; thinks that he had said to Nora the previous night that he would send the translation of the Benfey article to her, but failed to send it, and so sent it to Minnie. With envelope addressed to Nora Sidgwick, postmarked 28 Nov 1906

Sidgwick, Arthur (1840–1920), educationist and classical scholar
Add. MS c/104/44/1 · Part · [after Aug 1900?]
Part of Additional Manuscripts c

She and her family 'always considered Mr Sidgwick, when [they] were all young together, as the most lively, interested talker' they knew. Remembers a visit he made to them as an undergraduate [in 1858], when he stayed some time, 'joined in everything the family did, and... made everything he joined in more amusing'. He suggested they 'should get up Tableau vivants'', proposing 'Sleeping Beauty' for her, and saying that Miss Tawney - her sister-in-law - 'would do excellently for the beauty.'

Relates another incident during the same visit in which she went to the drawing room to help her mother receive some callers 'and saw at the other end of the room Mr. Sidgwick asleep in an easy chair, dressed in an Afghan costume of white felt belonging to [her] father, and wearing the fur cap belonging to it', with a sleeping kitten asleep on top. Declares that he was such a charming visitor, 'always amusing and always making himself at home with [them].'

Latham, Marianne Frances (1839-1926) née Bernard, mistress of Girton
Add. MS c/95/1 · Item · 15 Jan. 1890
Part of Additional Manuscripts c

Reports that he made the enquiry of which they spoke 'from the [ ] of the Colonial Office respecting Government by Companies', and encloses his reply [not included], which reached him on the day on which he writes. Remarks it to be 'a curious thing that after [England] has, as many thought entirely shaken itself clear of this form of dual [Govt.] after the E[ast] I[ndia] Co. had been made an end of - that it should have slid back again into this old [favour] and sanctioned the establishment of so many new companies of the old plan.' Asks Sidgwick to return the 'Gazette copy of the [ ] [Borneo] [Charter]' and Meade's letter when he has finished with them. States that he has written to thank the latter. Asks Sidgwick to write a short article 'on the subject' for his Dictionary [of Political Economy]. Claims that when he has had to write on any special subject that 'requires care', he has never minded writing a short article on it first, 'as the doing so seems to help to clear one's mind'. Refers to his meeting with Sidgwick in Cambridge, and invites him and Mrs Sidgwick to visit himself and his wife during the summer.

Add. MS c/101/10 · Item · 12 Sep 1900
Part of Additional Manuscripts c

Expresses his and his wife's 'most heartfelt sympathy' on the death of Henry Sidgwick. Refers to his [Breul's] days as a student in Berlin, where he heard 'Dr Sidgwick's' name often mentioned in relation to the study of ethics. Claims that since then he has looked on him as 'a great scholar and the leading English moral philosopher', and when he came to Cambridge he 'soon learned to admire him equally as a man.' States that he will never forget the great kindness the Sidgwick's have always shown to him and his wife.

Breul, Karl Hermann (1860-1932), Professor of German, Cambridge University
Add. MS b/71/10 · Item · 9 Aug 1901
Part of Additional Manuscripts b

Explains that she heard from [James] Bryce that Nora would like to have part of Henry Sidgwick's correspondence with her father [Arthur John Patterson]. Reports that she has spoken to her mother, who will be happy for Nora to have the letter as soon as they get back to town, which will be in the early part of September.

Patterson, Charlotte Frances (b 1872) daughter of Arthur John Patterson
Add. MS c/103/100 · Item · 5 Jan 1906
Part of Additional Manuscripts c

Apologises for what he feels to be 'an apparent intrusion into matters too private and personal.' Explains that he has read Henry Sidgwick's works, such as The Methods of Ethics, Outlines of the History of Ethics for English Readers and Philosophy, Its Scope and Relations as a student of philosophy at Queen's College in Belfast. States that the first result of studying The Methods of Ethics was to fill him 'with a reverence towards the moral and intellectual nature of its author', and claims that there is no man to whose opinion on any question which he investigated he would attach so much importance and authority. Claims that the works also inspired another feeling in him 'one of a purely emotional nature, something, perhaps, akin to love, if that were possible towards one whom one has never met.' States that as the feeling has grown stronger he has wished to know more about Henry's life and character, but has only been able to secure two short biographical sketches - 'one in Bryce's Contemporary Studies, and a short obituary notice in Frederic Myers Fragments of Prose and Poetry'. Wonders whether a memoir might have been printed for private circulation and if so suggests that she might send it to him.

Add. MS c/104/100 · Item · 9 Jun 1900
Part of Additional Manuscripts c

Only heard of Henry's serious illness the previous day, when she was in Cambridge for the afternoon; would like to send her sympathy to Nora now. Hopes that his operation has proved successful. Is sorry for the Cambridge students who will miss Henry's university lectures; believes that he was the most just critic she has ever heard, and remarks that in Moral Science 'people seem particularly apt to be impatient of the opinions of others.' Is sure that she is only one of many Cambridge students who remember with gratitude the time and trouble which Henry spent upon his classes and the help which he was always ready to give to individuals. Will be eager for news of Henry's progress, but hopes that some Newnham students will keep her up to date.

Add. MS c/100/101 · Item · 1876?
Part of Additional Manuscripts c

States that what Myers has told him 'is certainly a relief', and claims that he shall now find it easier to tell those who have to be told, 'without saying anything about his insanity.' Refers to a séance, at which he, Nora, [Henry] Slade and Lankester were present, and which is the subject of some controversy. Thinks that Myers had better go, 'when Miss B[ibby]'s sittings are over, if nothing else turns up.' States that if Myers comes across anything good, he [Henry] will instantly come to town and go with him. Undertakes to send back Miss B[ibby]'s note the following day. Sends his regards to Myers' mother.

Add. MS c/103/101 · Item · 19 Dec 1894
Part of Additional Manuscripts c

Thanks her for the report of Eusapia Paladino's performances. Declares that it is 'deeply interesting', and claims that he 'cannot conceive where a flaw in the evidence is to be discerned.' Asks if 'E.P.' would rebel at the proposal of putting handcuffs on her wrists and ankles'.

Cecil, Robert Arthur Talbot Gascoyne- (1830-1903), 3rd Marquess of Salisbury, Prime Minister
Add. MS c/104/101 · Item · 24 Oct 1900
Part of Additional Manuscripts c

Since her signature 'cannot reach England in time to be sent in with the others', hopes she may send a few lines separately to say how, like everyone else who knew Henry, she feels 'what a real loss to all his death has been.' Can never forget that it was owing to his generosity that she originally came to Newnham College, and wishes that during the time she was there she could have been more capable of appreciating him. His influence on her will never be forgotten. Hopes to be back in England the following March, and suggests that she might have a chance of seeing Nora.

MacLeod, Emily (1862-1948), wife of Roderick Henry Macleod
Add. MS c/100/102 · Item · n.d.
Part of Additional Manuscripts c

States that he and Nora are 'intensely interested' by Myers' letter. Claims that, taken in connection with their experience, 'the evidence for "spiritual [thoughtreading]" at least is strong in proportion to the improbability of unconscious self' on the part of both Nora and Myers. Does not think the evidence of identity strong, 'unless the statement about the M.S. turns out correct.' Claims that the long message seems 'vague; and the mention of Edward [ ] not very strong.' States that he has found it very difficult to think of questions to which Myers will not know the answers, but has put down some.

Add. MS c/104/102 · Item · 16 Nov 1900
Part of Additional Manuscripts c

Explains that there is a question of her writing an article for the Pilot, 'which the Editor proposes to call - "Professor Sidgwick's theological position" '. Wishes to know if Nora would be agreeable to such an article being published. States that it would be 'an explanation of the last chapter of the Methods [of Ethics] by what Dr. Sidgwick said in class in answer to questions.' It has always been a great distress to her that the chapter has been so completely misunderstood, 'even by those whose mere knowledge of his meaning of words ought to have enabled them to understand it.' Adds that her own sense of personal loss 'seems only to go on increasing': she hardly ever saw him, 'but he was there', and adds that he was probably the only person in the world to whom she could at any time have talked with the most absolute freedom and confidence. Until she met him she never had the opportunity of talking with anyone whom she was not afraid of shocking if she said what she really thought. Says that 'it was like entering a new world when [she] first went to his lectures.' Hopes that she did not trouble or vex him when she used to ask him so many questions. States that he was her conscience in all religious difficulties at Newnham, and that it was a great help to her 'in those new conditions to consider what he would have said in any difficulty.' Reports that they were praying for him every day during his illness. Is glad to hear that Nora is going abroad. Tells her not to answer with more than a postcard, saying 'yes' or 'no' in relation to the article.

Mason, Frances Agnes (1849-1941) founder of the Community of the Holy Family
Add. MS c/103/102 · Item · 20 Jul 1901
Part of Additional Manuscripts c

Reports that the letters [from various correspondents to Henry Sidgwick] have all arrived, and that the Myers file are the best he has read. Declares that the latter 'evoked more and had more to give than any other correspondent' he has yet read, and were more valuable autobiographically 'than even the highly valuable Dakyns letters'. Includes a list of letters, with information such as the addressees and dates. Also includes a note 'To be added...' in Nora's hand.

Sidgwick, Arthur (1840–1920), educationist and classical scholar
Add. MS c/104/103 · Item · 9 Mar 1902
Part of Additional Manuscripts c

Thanks Nora for her letter, and admits that she had felt that HS might be too busy for an introduction. Supposes that Nora must be very busy with all the work she has besides Newnham business. Has been watching for the announcement of a memoir of Henry, but presumes that it will take a long time to prepare. Of the notices of his life that she read, she liked best the one in the Pilot. Only attended four of Henry's' lectures, which were 'on some of the great names in French Literature for the Group B students in [her] first year at Newnham', but found his teaching inspirational, and has never forgotten the illuminating effect his lectures had on her.

Is not only at work at writing: she is 'Maths Mistress in the Brighton House High School', where she came five years previously to fill a gap, and stayed. Lives with one of her colleagues, who is a friend of hers. Has applied for most of the jobs that have become vacant in the 'Company's Schools', but has had no success so far. Undertakes to send Nora a copy of the [Story of] Arithmetic when it comes out. States that Mr [ ] 'is thinking of bringing out some County Readers', and, if so, she [Cunnington] may do Sussex; has asked George Allen to let her annotate Ruskin's Queen of the Air, 'in a way similar to the Emerson [Emerson's essay on beauty. A class study in English composition]', but has had no final decision yet.

Cunnington, Susan (1856-1950) mathematician, writer, and educationist
Add. MS c/93/103 · Item · 22 July 1900
Part of Additional Manuscripts c

Expresses his happiness at the news that Sidgwick is recovering from his illness, and is convalescing at Margate, which, he claims, has 'the finest air in England.' Expresses wish that Sidgwick and his wife could be with him on [Minchin]hampton Common, which he describes, and also that some of the 'Children of light' could join himself, Mr and Mrs [ ] and his sister Mary there. States that they often talk of Sidgwick and Mrs Sidgwick, and have been anxious to know how they have been getting on. Expresses the affection and friendship he feels for Sidgwick.

Add. MS c/103/104 · Item · 2 Mar 1906
Part of Additional Manuscripts c

Returns letters [written about Henry Sidgwick: A Memoir; not included], and states that they are all very gratifying. Reminds Nora that 'of the pleasure and the praise 601/633 (exactly)' is hers. Remarks that those by 'ACB[enson], GOT, [James?] Ward, [Sir George] Young, and Tennyson were all good to read, and of course Cornish.' Says that he knew about William Sidgwick of Skipton having given evidence before the Faculty Committee [see 103/94], but that it was outside his drama. Has some duplicates of hers and a few more, and undertakes to send them to her when they reach 'a batch'. Note added in red ink saying that for real criticism they must wait for 'the unbribed Reviewer', but that 'it is a great thing to please the old friends'.

Sidgwick, Arthur (1840–1920), educationist and classical scholar
Add. MS c/104/104 · Item · 21 Sep 1900
Part of Additional Manuscripts c

Did not wish to write to her at once [after the death of Henry Sidgwick], but now as she has returned to England, writes to tell her how deeply he feels his loss. Since Henry first taught him thirty years previously he was a great influence to him both in intellectual matters and 'practical matters of conduct and wisdom, considerateness, unselfishness, and resolute impartiality....' Expresses his gratitude for having had so many opportunities of conversation 'with so noble a character.' Adds how entirely [his wife] Kathleen feels with him, and how deeply she has been sympathising with Nora throughout the period since Henry's death.

Lyttelton, Arthur Temple (1852-1903), Suffragan Bishop of Southampton
Add. MS c/103/105 · Item · 18 Mar 1906
Part of Additional Manuscripts c

Thanks Nora for the reviews of Henry Sidgwick: A Memoir, which he returns to her [not included]. Agrees that the people who did not know Henry or his work are the people who disapprove of the book. Adds that they could not accommodate everybody. Also returns [letters from] J.B. Mayor, 'O[scar] B[rowning]' and Lady Rayleigh [not included]. Lists the publications from which he has reviews of the book, and undertakes to send Nora any that she has not got. Has already given away five copies of the book, and has 'not quite finished yet'.

Sidgwick, Arthur (1840–1920), educationist and classical scholar
Add. MS c/103/106 · Item · 8 Jan 1907
Part of Additional Manuscripts c

Sends Nora a letter, which seems to him 'a sincere and touching tribute' [not included]. Hopes that she is well, and has had some rest. Explains that he is still tied [to Oxford] by an effort to reduce his arrears. Wishes her well for 1907.

Add. MS c/103/107 · Item · 17 Jan 1907
Part of Additional Manuscripts c

Reports that Ryland Adkins has been staying in Oxford for a political dinner, and mentioned that he had been reading Henry Sidgwick: A Memoir 'with the greatest possible interest', and that an aunt of his had also been reading it 'with the keenest interest within quite a few days of her death.'

Sidgwick, Arthur (1840–1920), educationist and classical scholar
Add. MS c/100/107 · Item · 31 Dec. 1885
Part of Additional Manuscripts c

Announces that they are all going to London 'on the 6th', and he proposed to attend regularly from that time forward. Adds that he will come 'on the 4th', if Myers really wants him. States that five of them (including Lady Rayleigh and Nora) propose to attend 'from 6th to 17th, at Holland's invitation'. Reports that because he had not heard from him he 'concluded to put off Dakyns.' Reports that he has just heard 'the terrible news'. Asks Myers to write to him.

Add. MS c/100/108 · Item · 23 Sept. 1879
Part of Additional Manuscripts c

Is very glad to hear from Myers. Refers to his excuses about 'the stay of Capua'. States that he and Nora'shall be glad to hear about the Ghosts.' Invites him to Cambridge, and states that they shall be alone until 10 October. Refers to the 'Poem', which he describes as 'st[ ] and entertaining and pleasure-giving', but open to some criticisms, which he proceeds to set forth. Sends his kind regards to Myers' mother.

Add. MS c/103/108 · Item · 10 Mar 1906
Part of Additional Manuscripts c

States that by Herbert [her son]'s kind help she is in time to greet Nora the following day. Sends their love to her and best wishes that she may have comfort and the joy of knowing her work is of increasing value. Remarks that Henry Sidgwick: A Memoir seems to be occupying much attention. Has just come from a visit to the O[gles] in London; reports that everybody she met spoke of the great pleasure the book was giving them. Liked the review of it in the Times Literary Supplement, but did not like the one by H. Paul. Adds that those to whom she spoke in London said that the effect of the book was to make them feel as though they had been talking to Henry again.

States that the effect of melancholy to which the reviews allude could not be avoided 'because the letters naturally deal so much with his theological feelings and his deep thoughts on life.' Claims that he was 'so bright and happy in his intercourse with his friends', and how he showed his best side when he felt 'the answering sympathy'. Refers to his complaint of the want of humour in George Eliot, and declares that she has just been reading some of her work, and 'had been feeling this so much - in spite of Mrs Poyser [in Adam Bede] and the 4 aunts'. Declares that they are glad to see that Arthur Balfour 'is so much better for his sea air' and hopes that Monday night won't try him too much. Reports that she had lunch with Nevil the previous day at Lincoln College, and that he could only spare her three hours. Refers also to Arthur. Has been reading [Memoirs of] Archbishop Temple , and remarks on how carelessly it has been edited [by E. G. Sandford]. Remarks that Henry's memoir is 'a charming size', and that one volume is much more likely to be read than two.

Sidgwick, Sarah Isabella (1832-1918), wife of William Carr Sidgwick
Add. MS c/103/109 · Item · 24 Apr 1906
Part of Additional Manuscripts c

The final pages of Henry Sidgwick: A Memoir have just been read aloud to her; thanks Nora for 'this profoundly interesting and moving book.' Refers to the great debt owed to Henry by all of those 'who have had the happiness of wonderful years at Newnham', and states that now after reading the book, their gratefulness 'will be warmed and deepened into abiding attachment and affection'. Thanks Nora for having made her and others know Henry 'so nearly'. Recalls two occasions on which Henry and Nora showed kindness to her which she 'can never forget'.