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FRAZ/33/279 · Item · 6 June 1925
Part of Papers of Sir James Frazer

Paris - Thinks she has the man for 'l'affaire G.', [Geuthner?] a lawyer by name of Clément Charpentier in Paris, who was a classmate of her son-in-law Dr d'Allonnes; will write to Charpentier if she wishes, and let him know the situation; will be going to London in July and asks if she will be there.

Accompanied by the envelope addressed to North British Station Hotel, Edinburgh.

FRAZ/33/280 · Item · 18 June 1925
Part of Papers of Sir James Frazer

Paris, 16 rue Chaptal - Is going to Folkestone, and asks for the name of her hotel; sends a letter of Charpentier's because she thinks she gave her the wrong address; has to go to Lucien's graduation but will be back in Paris at the beginning of July.

FRAZ/33/282 · Item · 28 July 1925
Part of Papers of Sir James Frazer

Paris - Is very grateful for the lovely visit, is sorry that it tired Lady Frazer and that she was bored of her work as grandmother [to Lucien Psichari?], apologises for him, pointing out he was entrusted to her by his father [Michel Psichari] and is at a difficult age, but that Mr Headlam looks after him well; admires Lady Frazer's courage, which she lacks; is preparing her best room for her; will write to Charpentier that she will be there.

FRAZ/33/298 · Item · 9 July 1925
Part of Papers of Sir James Frazer

Paris, 16 rue Chaptal - Congratulates J. G. Frazer on the letter ["Our Debt to France"]; sends a copy [?] of 'Le Petit Parisien' [possibly the issue now at FRAZ/7/1/8?]; hopes she will stay at rue Chaptal if she is in Paris; has spoken to the editors, but nothing will happen until October and after having resolved the Geuthner affair; Armand Colin house is very solid and M. Charpentier will obtain satisfaction.