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FRAZ/33/295 · Item · 24 Oct. 1927
Part of Papers of Sir James Frazer

Paris, 16 rue Chaptal - Thanks her for the book Lady Frazer sent her and admires it; her daughter [Henriette d'Allonnes] writes from Argentina, is enjoying the people there but she and her husband [Dr Gabriel d'Allonnes] misses France terribly; her second daughter is very much better and also progresses with her art; hopes to hear how they are; has sent Sir James' books to Buenos Aires.

FRAZ/33/291 · Item · 3 Feb. 1927
Part of Papers of Sir James Frazer

Paris, 16 rue Chaptal - They have been so ill she would not wish her near; the departure of her son-in-law Gabriel [d'Allonnes] at the end of the year preoccupied them; since then her son-in-law Robert Siohan has experienced success with his music; she is starting work on the second volume of her father's correspondence; all at the Société Renan hope to see her in April; mentions the Loisy Congress; prefers time with her to all the ceremonies.

FRAZ/33/290 · Item · 29 Dec. 1926
Part of Papers of Sir James Frazer

Paris - Read the poem Sir James wrote [about Lady Frazer] with great emotion, and notes it reminds her of her parents; sends them good wishes for the new year; Dr d'Allonnes is on his mission to Argentina where he will be able to try out new methods; spoke to Dr Alphandéry, who says the Frazers will be there in April, which will be a great pleasure.

FRAZ/33/289 · Item · 8 Dec. 1926
Part of Papers of Sir James Frazer

Paris, 16 rue Chaptal - Is very glad to hear what he has to say of her father [Ernest Renan], but the news of Lady Frazer's health is alarming; thanks him for thinking of her young musicians, she will send the works of her son-in-law [Robert Siohan] to Frazer's friend in Dijon; will send [Robert's] concert programmes; her other son-in-law Dr d'Allonnes is going to Argentina on a scientific expedition.

FRAZ/33/279 · Item · 6 June 1925
Part of Papers of Sir James Frazer

Paris - Thinks she has the man for 'l'affaire G.', [Geuthner?] a lawyer by name of Clément Charpentier in Paris, who was a classmate of her son-in-law Dr d'Allonnes; will write to Charpentier if she wishes, and let him know the situation; will be going to London in July and asks if she will be there.

Accompanied by the envelope addressed to North British Station Hotel, Edinburgh.