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MCKW/A/1/15a · Item · Mar. 1914
Part of Papers of R. B. McKerrow

10A Chandos Street, Cavendish Square, London, W.—Thanks him for the news of his (Power’s) election to the Bibliographical Society.



10A Chandos Street, Cavendish Square, W.

Dear Sir

Very many thanks for your letter telling me of my election to the Bibliographical Society {1} & also for a further one about the price of a set of the Transactions. By sheer good luck I found a complete set up to date in Francis Edwards’ catalogue {2} this evening for £15.00 including the News Letter to the end of 1913 so I have bought it & stacked the volumes on my shelves.

As a present may I have the 1899 reprint of Erhard Ratdolt {3} & if its permissible the list of Corrections to the Iconography of Don Quixote? {4}

I have sent a cheque for £2.2.0 to Mr Graves. {5}

Yrs very truly
D’Arcy Power


Black-edged paper. Formerly pinned to a calling-card (MCKW A1/15b), also black-edged, which was probably sent with it.

{1} Cf. MCKW A1/14. Power was among fourteen members elected on 2 March 1914; the others included Sir Sidney Lee (re-elected without a fee) and the Reform Club. (Ex inf. Robin Myers, honorary archivist of the Bibliographical Society.)

{2} Booksellers and publishers, of 83 High Street, Marylebone. The firm was founded by Francis Edwards in 1855.

{3} Gilbert R. Redgrave, Erhard Ratdolt and His Work at Venice: A Paper read before the Bibliographical Society, November 20, 1893 (1894; reprinted 1899).

{4} H. S. Ashbee, An Iconography of Don Quixote, 1605–1895 (1895). It is not clear when the corrections referred to were issued.

{5} R. E. Graves, the Society’s honorary treasurer.