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Add. MS a/718 · Item · 1807-1944
Part of Additional Manuscripts a

Green leather volume, with embossing and gold decoration. Printed illustration from 'Happy New Year' card pasted to inside front cover. Bookplate, 'Ex Libris Bryan William James Hall', with coat of arms and illustration, pasted to front free endpaper.

Numerous autographs, mostly in the form of ends of letters and addresses on envelopes, pasted into book. Notes beneath items (sometimes also pasted in) often identify writers. Complete letters etc have been described in individual records dependent to this one, referenced by their folio numbers; signatures and addressees are referenced by linked authority record only. Some names remain undeciphered or unidentified.

Compiled by a sister of C. W. King, see part letter from King on f. 14r, 'I enclose the autograph of a distinguished Grecian for your book. With love I am, my dear Sister, yours affect[ionate]ly C. W. King'. Although no first name appears, C. W. King's only sister appears to have been Anne, sometimes known as Annette (1824-1874). A letter from W. G. Clark to C. W. King, preserved on the verso of the flyleaf, was sent with 'some autographs for your friend', and there are also envelopes and letters addressed to William Aldis Wright and other members of Trinity suggesting King was actively gathering material for his sister. The bulk of the collection appears to have been assembled between the late 1860s and early 1870s.

King, Anne Hawes (c 1822-1874), sister of Charles William King
Add. MS c/73/71-72 · Item · 1883
Part of Additional Manuscripts c

Two letters. He declines to propose Robert Burn to membership at the Athenaeum; reflects on the death of Edward FitzGerald, mentions a recent visit to Trinity, and his negative opinion of Thomas Woolner.

Add. MS a/607 · File · [c 1875?]
Part of Additional Manuscripts a

Three plans with MS descriptions on versos, with the plan of the Forum Romanum described as "[Henri] Jordan's Plan of the Forum Romanum". The plans are executed in pen and ink and wash.

The watercolours depict two friezes from the Constantine Arch featured in Giovanni Bellori's Veteres arcvs Avgvstorm [sic] trivmphis insignes es reliquiis quae Romae adhuc supersunt, Rome, 1690, plates 45 and 47, and carry MS captions in pencil at bottom right, "Victoria Dacica Trajani, Bellori 45" and "Constantine in Forum, Bellori 47".

Burn, Robert (1829-1904), classical scholar and archaeologist
Add. MS d/3 · Item · 1865-1997
Part of Additional Manuscripts d

Items pasted in include printed letters relating to the fund; list of subscribers; notices of meetings; notice requesting applications for the professorship; handwritten copies of 'My Psalm' by John Greenleaf Whittier 'Sent from Acton by A. B. on Oct 22 1897', biblical references, and [Tennyson's] "The Death of the Duke of Clarence and Avondale".

TRER/12/3 · Item · 21 Oct 1891
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

8, Grosvenor Crescent, S.W. - Pleased with all Bob tells him [about Cambridge]; happy to pay for the valuation of his rooms; advises him to borrow from Charles if he wants money. Much impressed by his succeeding to Bristed's rooms. He and Caroline are about to start for Lucerne, from where they will go to Milan and Pisa. Will enjoy being in Rome with Bob someday very much. Is reading [Robert] Burn's "Rome", which is a great work; asks whether Burn is still alive; he was always known as 'Bobby Burn' in Sir George's day.

Add. MS c/101/179 · Item · 28 Jun 1868
Part of Additional Manuscripts c

Refers to her recent visit to Cambridge, which she fully appreciated and very much enjoyed. Describes having been received by Dr Lightfoot after Henry was gone on the Saturday, and their meeting with Mr [Robert] Burn and Mr [Ralph] Somerset. Describes how they were entertained by 'Professor Sedgewick' [sic], who was 'as merry as ever, full of kindness....' Refers also to their visits to Mrs Prescott, Mrs Millar, and to Mr Somerset's rooms.

Reports that after they left Cambridge Annie [Sidgwick?] and she parted at King's Cross, and presumes that the former is now at Hastings. States that the 'London Expedition' with Henry's Aunt Henrietta was a failure because the heat caused Mary Sidgwick to be ill, and she came home to Rugby the previous day, while Henrietta went to Wellington College. Wonders if Henry is angry with her for having brought away 'the manuscripts', and assures him that they are safe and that she will send them back if he desires to have them. Reports on her rose tree, and claims that Arthur looks well. Admits that she does not feel up to going to 'the Schoolhouse Lunch and speeches that day' and has decided to stay at home. Reports that she met Henry's old friend Edmund T[ ] at the station some days previously, who asked after Henry. Explains tht the books 'were all taken back with the bag and the key the man at the Porter's Lodge took.'

Sidgwick, Mary (d 1879), mother of Henry Sidgwick
Add. MS a/199/11 · Item · 1833-1882
Part of Additional Manuscripts a

Drafts of poems and printed poems by Shilleto, Robert Burn, Sir William Hamilton, Morris Moore, Richard Okes, as well as those signed with initals only: J. B., H., and W. S. [William Selwyn?]. Poems include Hamilton's "Sonnet on the Meeting of the British Association at Cambridge, 1833", W. S.'s "Experience of Magnetic Belt", four lines by H. starting "The Lytteltons give all the time up to cricket," Robert Burn's "Piscator," Morris Moore junor's formal address to Thompson, 30 July 1869. On the verso of one set of poems is a printed list of freshmen, 1882.

The collection also includes a letter (in French) dated 9 March 1869 from A. Bos, Italian translator of G. H. Lewes's Physiology of Common Life asking about a report from the Evening Standard that the students have been served donkey at Trinity.
The collection is accompanied by two letters from W. Wollaston Groome to Mr Dykes dated May 1919 relating to the provenance of the verses, and his personal memories of W. H. Thompson.

Thompson, William Hepworth (1810-1886), college head
Add. MS d/1 · Item · c 1865- c 1869
Part of Additional Manuscripts d

Accounts of the 'Kennedy Professorship Fund' with contributions at the beginning of the book and expenses at the back. Printed letter from E. Atkinson, Vice-Chancellor, to the Public Orator, Rev. W. G. Clark, expressing thanks to the subscribers for offering the fund to Cambridge University for the establishment of a Latin Professorship; a list of subscribers and their contributions is also printed.