2 Square Latour-Maubourg (VIIe), Paris - Received her letter and the letter of Sir Ronald Ross; as she desired, will write to Sir Ross to give him the information he wanted to have; is going to recover health in the Côte d'Azur, thence to Syria on an inspection.
1 Aigburth Vale, Liverpool - Has been studying malaria in Greece and asks Frazer's opinion on when it first appeared; is of the opinion it is the plague referred to in Pausanias.
The Incorporated Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine - Thanks him for his advice on the question of when malaria first entered Greece, will write to Clifford Albutt [Allbutt] as he suggests; gives further information about how malaria spreads and his theory that the decline of Greece is related to the arrival of malaria; mentions Dr. Nuttall of Cambridge as the greatest expert.
Royal Colonial Institute, Northumberland Avenue, London - Is studying cannibalism in Fiji in his spare time, and would like to hear of traces in other parts of the world; his friend Sir Ronald Ross asks to be remembered.