25 Craven Hill Gardens, Hyde Park, W.2.—Will be glad to help. Suggests sending notices to various other colleagues. Is looking forward to reading Chambers’s new book (The Elizabethan Stage).
p.t. {1} 25 Craven Hill Gardens, Hyde Park, W.2
Dec. 28. 23
Dear Mr Chambers,
Certainly, I shall be glad to help in any way I can. Thanks for asking me. It is worth while to send notices to my colleagues, Professor R. Dewar & Mrs. Dodds & Mr. R. Bennett; also to the following:— {2}
Professor J. Crofts. University of Bristol
Miss Birkhead. [University of Bristol]
Mr L. C. Martin. [University of] Liverpool
Mr A. M. Clark. 7 Harrison Rd. Edinburgh.
Miss Kimpton. 32 Leigh Rd. Highbury. N.5
Miss S. Rose. The Firs. Yeovil
Miss M. L. Lee. 77 Banbury Rd. Oxford.
Mr Ch. Singer. 5 North Grove. Highgate Village. N.6.
May I congratulate you on the appearance of your book {2} which I long to read?
Yours sincerely,
Edith J Morley
Please don’t address me by my title {3} in private life: it is meant only for official use.
Chambers struck through the last paragraph and the postscript before sending the letter on to McKerrow with MCKW A3/8a.
{1} ‘Post to.’
{2} In the MS the succeeding names and addresses are arranged in two columns, and the words in square brackets are represented by ditto marks. A full stop has been supplied after some of the names.
{3} The Elizabethan Stage.
{4} Professor.