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MCKW/A/3/9 · Item · 9 Jan. 1924
Part of Papers of R. B. McKerrow

67 Selborne Road, Southgate, N.14.—Chadwick has declined to join the panel.



67 Selborne Road, Southgate, N.14

I am sorry to say that Chadwick refuses: I have had a letter from him, and he says he has so much other work he can undertake no other liabilities. Sorry

R. W. Chambers

[Direction:] R. B. McKerrow Esq. | 3 Adam St | Adelphi | W.C.2.


Postmarked at Palmers Green at 11.30 a.m. on 8 January 1924.

Add. MS b/36/72 · Item · c 1947-c 1955
Part of Additional Manuscripts b

10 Wood Lane, Highgate, London, N.6. Dated 23rd. May 1930. Confidential - Describes the department at Cambridge, what it was in 1926 and how it evolved and what courses are now given, what the students are like, mentioning [H. M] Chadwick, [M. C.] Burkitt, Navano [J. M. de Navarro?], [R. U.] Sayce, [E. H.] Minns.

Add. MS b/36/250 · Item · c 1947-c 1955
Part of Additional Manuscripts b

Didsbury College, Manchester. Dated 9.3.03 - Suggests he read 'Pupula duplex' by K. F. Smith in 'Studies in Honor of B. L. Gildersleeve' on mannikins in the eye; has [Hector Munro] Chadwick's paper on the Thunder-god, but prefers Frazer's explanation of the connection of oak and thunder.

Add. MS b/35/164 · Item · c 1947-c 1955
Part of Additional Manuscripts b

St. Keyne, Cambridge. Dated 1 Sept. 1910 - Asks if he is summarising the female descent of the kingship in Scandinavia correctly; most of it is from Chadwick's 'Origin of the English Nation'. With a typescript note at bottom noting no reply survives, but there is a Genealogy of the Ynglingar in Chadwick's handwriting.

MCKW/A/3/16 · Item · 1 Feb. 1924
Part of Papers of R. B. McKerrow

University of London.—Wyld has intimated that he would like to be added to the advisory panel.



University of London, University College,
Gower Street, London, W.C.1

Feb 1 1924

Dear McKerrow

H. C. Wyld writes in a letter to a friend of mine

“I dont know what it is he asks me to join, but I am sure that if he approves of it it will not commit me to a recognition of the Soviet Government, nor to membership of the Sanhedrin, nor any other movement likely to strike a blow at Church or State”

So with perfect confidence you may add him to the list. That completes my bag of Wyld & Gordon: Chadwick cries off as too busy.

Yours sincerely
R W Chambers

Add. MS b/36/14 · Item · c 1947-c 1955
Part of Additional Manuscripts b

Chetwynd House, Selly Oak, Nr. Birmingham. Dated Nov. 21/03 - Has been reading articles by A. B. Cook and thinks Frazer has nearly converted him; [Hector] Chadwick sends a quotation about twins from Bede; mentions a belief about the Angel Gabriel and a fountain in the Asia Minor village of Habusu and finds a similarity with a Burmese New Year.

Add. MS b/36/13 · Item · c 1947-c 1955
Part of Additional Manuscripts b

Chetwynd House, Selly Oak, Nr. Birmingham. Dated Nov. 13/03 - Points out a correlation between the signs of the zodiac who liberate the sun and the Gemini who liberate the daughters of the Sun in Greek legend, thinks it was [Hector Munro] Chadwick who pointed out that the signs must be twins.

MCKW/A/3/12 · Item · 14 Jan. 1924
Part of Papers of R. B. McKerrow

Park Lodge, Wimbledon, S.W.—Rejects Nichol Smith’s criticism of the prospectus, and discusses the composition of the panel.



Park Lodge, Wimbledon, S.W.
14 Jan. 1924

Dear McKerrow

We got home this afternoon & your letter arrived an hour later. I found one from Grierson accepting & wishing success.

I dont think Nichol Smith is in any way essential & as he was declining I thought his criticism unnecessary. {1} I told him I agreed generally that the most fruitful work of the last gener-ation had been English & not German but that that did not seem to me any objection to the sentence in the circular. I also said that while I had no desire to minister to German swelled head still less did I wish to pander to smug English selfcomplacency. So I expect he felt his knuckles rapped but being a nice fellow I hope he wont bear a grudge.

I am glad the appeal has been a success. I am not sure what representation we have from Cambridge—except on that score Chadwick is not the least essential. A. C. Bradley—except as an advertisement—would be no use at all me judice. {2}

Ever yours
W. W. Greg

I hope to be lunching on Thursday. {3}


{1} See MCKW A3/11b.

{2} ‘In my judgement.’

{3} 17th.