Wallington, Cambo, Northumberland. - Glad to hear about Elizabeth; will be glad when she can get home; good of Miss Martin to come. Caroline thanks Robert for getting her the watercolour. Sorry there are delays about Robert's book ["Polyphemus and other poems"] but it will soon be out. Agrees that George seems full of 'just and wise ideas'. Caroline comments that since Miss MacCracken brought back and started reading "The Dutch Republic" ["The Rise of the Dutch Republic", by John Lothrop Motley?], 'we have been suppressing two Dutch republics'. Amused by Robert's account of [James?] Welldon and of the Master [of Trinity, Henry Montagu Butler]; encloses a note which Robert can burn which bears out his comments on the Master's 'vivacity'. Has sent something towards a subscription for Mrs Farmer [widow of John Farmer?]. Has almost finished reading Lucan and is now getting on quite easily with the Latin.
21 Nov 1901
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan