Wallington, Cambo, Northumberland. - Glad that Elizabeth and Robert were at Holly Lodge [for the unveiling of the blue plaque commemorating Lord Macaulay]; envies him that and [his reading of? Aristophanes's] "Birds". Has just read the "Epidicus", and enjoyed it, though thinks Jeremy Collier was 'preposterous' to call it Plautus's masterpiece. Very pleased with Robert's opinion of "The American Revolution" and relieved by what he says about Wesley and the soldiers [see 46/87]. Will be glad when the settlement with the Vaughan Williamses [for the land on which to build Robert and Elizabeth's new house] is concluded. Will enclose a few letters: two from historians which are 'satisfactory testimony' to his accuracy; and three from James, Colonel [John] Hay the Secretary of State, and [Joseph Hodges] Choate, which he asks Robert to show to nobody but Elizabeth. A postscript on a separate sheet says he will send the letters in a few days. Asks if Robert could look at a book in an auction for him which as 'a lover of Horace'. he is thinking of buying.
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Archival description
Add. MS c/218/8
29 May 1905
Part of Additional Manuscripts c
4 Dec 1903
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan