(The former is by E.C.B. (Edith C. Batho). The latter is unsigned.)
1A Brompton Avenue, Liverpool.—Congratulates him on the first issue of the Review, and comments on it.
20 Dec. 1924 1a Brompton Avenue, Liverpool
Dear Dr McKerrow,
let me congratulate you on your first issue—print, turn-out, and learned contents. One great point is that you have, by limiting the field to English, found more room than any other jour-al—such as the excellent M. L. Review, which we hope may still flourish—for due discussion. The Elizabethan matter—as to which I confess myself in arrear, having attended so much to later times—is of much price. I hope, however, that you will be able, later, also to give space to the xviiith Century,—which is now getting back some of its own.
In my article (which is proud of its company) I have after all found a horrid false concord (p. 36, l. 6 from end) and a ‘this’ for ‘his’ (p. 27, l. 11 from end) and must apologise for letting such misprints remain.
Miss Batho’s ‘Summary’ is most useful It will save the seeker a lot of exploring.
With best wishes for your venture for 1925.
Yours very faithfully
O. Elton
Do not trouble to acknowledge this.