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PETH/7/138 · Item · 30 Aug. 1901
Part of Pethick-Lawrence Papers

The Green Lady Hostel, Littlehampton.—Sends a review by Chesterton and other information, and asks whether Miss Judge will be coming with him.



The Green Lady Hostel. | Littlehampton.
30. 8. 01.

Freddy—I know you are not very great on the Papers so am sending you one of Chesterton’s reviews—The Mystery of the Mystics {1}. There is something so blade-straight[,] so fresh discerning in this man’s style & in his apprehension: here are some fine sentences worth keeping—especially one that suits the farthest fibre of me—“True spirituality is as humble as a lover and as careless as a schoolboy.”

There is also one other thing that I noted for you—You remember the question that arose between you & Mr Cope on the title of Neville Chamberlain. You were right[—]it is Field Marshal

Does Miss Judge come with you on Saturday morning {2} or later? We shall be a jolly big party. I do hope that we get a cycle ride tomorrow. I am longing to feel myself on that free wheel again!—

Shall think of you this afternoon—hope you’ll get a good game: Sweetheart—Yours



{1} A review of Eleanor Gregory’s Introduction to Christian Mysticism, from the same day’s Daily News.

{2} 31st.