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TRER/12/252 · Item · 2 Aug 1916
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Wallington, Cambo, Morpeth. - Would like to see Robert and Julian in the hay. Their own hay-making was 'deplorable' last year, but the crop has been wonderful this year and was 'practically made in the course of a week'; this makes a difference to the household, as a tea has to be sent out each day to the hay-makers. Strange how children 'like young nations' take verse for their first 'natural channel of literary production'. Is beginning to read Aristophanes in chronological order, with Latin between each play; is currently following up the "Acharnians" with [Cicero's] 'marvellously interesting speech on Sextius'. Judges Cicero to be the best 'orator who reads well': Macaulay reads very well, but 'it is primarily literature'; Gladstone is 'so deficient in matter'; Demosthenes and Bright lack 'the volume of historical and literary, and philosophical matter. Plans to read many of Cicero's best speeches, and Suetonius. Sends a letter from Hilton Young, referring to a 'really beautiful poem of his'; the 'Praed blood' seems to be coming out in him and Geoffrey [a reference to Winthrop Mackworth Praed?] as is 'the old naval blood of the builder and namer of Formosa' [Admiral Sir George Young, of Formosa Place, Cookham, Berkshire]. Has had a letter from Sir George Young about his 'own studies in English prosody, which he is making his old age occupation'; will send it to Robert when he finds it.