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TRER/12/275 · Item · 4 Aug 1917
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Wallington, Cambo, Morpeth. - Thanks Robert for having taken so much trouble; wanted to show George Russell that he had looked into his question [about whether Macaulay was first to use 'tact' for a moral quality, see 12/273] properly, and has sent him Robert's letter. Encloses a cutting showing where Macaulay used 'cabful'; cannot yet identify the other quotation. [Walter] Runciman, his wife, and Edward Grey drove over yesterday for the day. Grey is 'tranquil and not unhappy in his retirement'; has had great trials, including the 'violent deaths of such a wife, and such a brother', his ill health, failing eyesight, and the destruction by fire of the house he loved; he is now 'most eager about books'