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TRER/23/9 · Item · 29 Jul 1918
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

5 Paper Buildings, Temple, E.C.4. - The appeal of N.S.R. [the National Service Representative] against Trevelyan from the Dorking Local Tribunal was heard at Guildford on 27 July 1918. It was decided by the Appeal Tribunal that Trevelyan should have exemption from military service conditional on him remaining employed with the Relief Committee of the Society of Friends.

TRER/15/9 · Item · 27 Dec 1918
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Friends War Victims Relief Committee, A.P.O., S.5., B.E.F., France. - Thanks Julian for the Christmas card, notebook and poem, also 'trust[s] a few months will see [him] home'. Sends a coloured photograph of a Watteau painting as a Christmas card. Hopes Julian is having a good holiday with his mother and the Moores; wishes he could be there, and that Julian could 'fly over in an aeroplane' and see him 'folding up parcels of books', which he is very clumsy at, and his way of 'making an index of the library'. Will write to Elizabeth tomorrow, is sending a program for her of a concert he went to. Wonders whether Julian is 'eating Sumph for breakfast, or Sue perhaps [pigs?]', and how the rabbits are doing. Hears that Mr Moore is reading Captain Cook's voyages to Julian, Dan and Riette. It is wet, the river Seine is very full and muddy, and 'rushes along like the yellow Tiber in "Horatius" [by Macaulay]'

TRER/15/8 · Item · 24 Nov 1918
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Friends War Victims Relief Committee, A.P.O., S.5., B.E.F., France. - Glad to hear from Julian's letter that he is getting on 'quite well' [at school'; he must have enjoyed his visit from his mother; wishes he could have come too. Sorry he cannot be home for Christmas, but will have to stay until March. Glad Julian has heard from Tom Ugle, whom he hopes is better; supposes he will have to 'find a new engine' unless he is going to give up engine-driving. Went on a long train journey last week to Sermaize [les-Bains] to see the relief workers and ask what books he should get for them. All the houses there were burnt in a great battle four years ago [the Battle of the Marne], and the people have to live in wooden huts which are being made for them until proper ones can be built again. Everyone in France is glad the war is over; he hopes there will be no more wars in his own or Julian's lifetime. Is going to lunch with 'Monsieur Coquetot' [Jean Cocteau?], who is 'very clever and writes plays and also draws very well', and is 'very pleasant company' but talks so fast Robert cannot always understand him. Has made friends with 'a very good French painter called [Jean?] Marchand, who talks more slowly' so he understands him better; Marchand paints 'chiefly landscapes, but sometimes portraits or still-life'. Is going for lunch by underground railway: the 'Tubes in Paris are not so deep down'.

TRER/15/7 · Item · 22 Oct 1918
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Paris. - Hopes that Julian got his postcard from Dôle. Travelled back to Paris on a night train which was so busy that for two hours he and his friend had to sit on their knapsacks in the corridor. Is busy starting a lending library for relief workers all over France; is 'allowed to send letters without stamps' but will stamp a letter one day so Julian can have one. Tells him to send any letters to his mother to forward on. Hopes he is happy [at school]; hears his mother is soon coming to visit. Sorry he will not be back for Christmas, but hopes to return in February or March; will come to visit him at school. Does not see many traction engines in Paris. Asks to be remembered to Mrs Fish [the headmistress].

TRER/23/7 · Item · 11 July 1918
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

City of London Hospital for Diseases of the Chest, Victoria Park, E.2. - Examined Robert Trevelyan this morning as requested; found that he is liable to occasional attacks of lumbago due to a back injury 'some years ago'; lumbago is 'very liable to recur' and Gloyne does not therefore think Trevelyan would be able to do heavy lifting or work 'involving a great deal of stooping'. He has 'defective sight', but this is 'satisfactorily corrected with glasses'. Gives his opinion that Trevelyan would be 'quite strong enough' for work with the Friends War Victims Committee in France as long as it did not involve heavy manual work.

TRER/15/5 · Item · 13 Sept 1918
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Friends War Victims Relief Committee, A.P.O., S.5., B.E.F., France. - Originally enclosing three photographs of Paris, where he is now; went up the Eiffel tower 'years ago, in a lift', but has never been on the Great Wheel. Will soon go into the country to work on a farm where animals are bred for sale cheaply to farmers who have lost theirs in the war. Hopes Julian enjoys his last days at home [before starting school], and that Miss Barthorp [his governess] does too. Is sorry that Julian will not now see Tom; perhaps he can write to him. Wonders if Julian has finished the 'history of the Ilond [?]' and the two plays; hopes there will be a performance of the farm play. Must go to work at the office now.

TRER/12/303 · Item · 20 Feb 1919
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Welcombe, Stratford on Avon. -Winter has returned and the world is white again, but there has been a thaw today and he hopes it extends to Paris. Very interested in Robert's account of the 'local arrangements' of his organisation [the Friends War Victims Relief Committee]. Aunt Anna [Philips] much appreciated her visit to Shiffolds, and was glad to see the [Thomas Sturge] Moores. Julian seems to be doing his best to be a good schoolboy; very good that Robert and Elizabeth know so much about the school. Very good to have George back again, though he and Janet have 'the great worry and anxiety' of Humphry having scarlet fever; he is getting excellent care in an isolation hospital at Berkhamsted. Sir George is leading a quiet life and a happy, except for 'public, and above all general financial, and trade, anxieties'; is reading a good amount of the classics every day, and next month plans to read Lucretius in his uncle [Macaulay's] copy, which is 'very copiously annotated, and marked'. Has been reading so much about the Epicureans in [Cicero's] "De Natura Deorum" and "De Officiis" that his curiosity has been revived; like a man who has been reading [Pascal's] "Provincial Letters" and wants to know 'what the Jesuits have to say for themselves'.

TRER/12/298 · Item · 15 Sept 1918
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Wallington, Cambo, Morpeth. - The first letter he has written to Robert in France [with the Friends War Victims Relief Committee]; is unsure what is safe to put in; will take his cue from Robert. Glad that Elizabeth will have friends staying with her while Robert is away and Julian is at school. Charles has let his London house to his friend Buckner; supposes he will stay at his father-in-law's when Parliament begins its session. George has returned to Italy; what he and his comrades has done seems to be greatly appreciated; [the Italians] are 'a delightful people, worthy of their great past'. Has just finished the letters of Pliny, which he first read thirty-eight years ago at Nanty-frith [sic: Nant-y-Ffrith]; then he disliked Pliny's 'egotism and naïve vanity' so much that he has not touched them since, but he must be 'more charitable, or easy to be pleased' now; glad to find 'how much good Roman feeling had survived the bad emperors, and how grand a fellow Trajan was'.

TRER/12/296 · Item · 26 Sept 1918
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Wallington, Cambo, Morpeth. - Robert's sight of Paris [working with the Friends War Victims Relief Committee] 'in these times' must be one of the 'greatest... scenes in the world's history'; since 'one knows Paris so much better even than London', any material or social change must be observable. Wonders what Balzac, Grandville, or Gavarni would have made of it. Supposes Dole is a headquarters of the Society; will be interested if Robert goes there, as he remembers going with his parents, while he was still a schoolboy at Harrow, 'on the immortal road [to Italy] with which Ruskin has made the world familiar'; reminisces about his journey; Ruskin's 'account of his boyish delight in that route makes one sick with longing that oneself, and the world, might be 65 years younger'. They have had 'delightful letters' from Elizabeth.

TRER/12/295 · Item · 28 Aug 1918
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Wallington, Cambo, Morpeth. - Glad Robert is going [to France with the Friends War Victims Relief Committee] with Mr [Thomas Edmund?] Harvey; has heard excellent things about him. Disappointed not to have Elizabeth and Julian with them, but agrees with her decision, as the trains would have been crowded with school-children returning from holiday and 'every sort of roughter holiday-makers who have to take their time off when they can', and it is now more than a day's journey from the Shiffolds to Wallington. The grouse have failed most unaccountably: Charles only got a sixth of the normal bag; the Swinburnes write that they have no grouse at their 'excellent moor of Mounces'; and Keilder [sic: Kielder], mentioned in Macaulay, which the Duke of Northumberland had let for 300 pounds, only provided a brace on the first day - the Duke gave back the rent. He himself has not fired a gun since 1914 'and never shall'.

TRER/12/294 · Item · 18 Aug 1918
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Wallington, Cambo, Morpeth. - Most interested to have Robert's definite arrangements [for his work in France with the Friends War Victims Relief Committee]. Very sorry about the Toveys' 'calamity' [Grettie Tovey going into an asylum]; would have been most surprised if they did not know from experience 'how definite a physical illness mental disturbance is' and that the 'most helpful and strong-minded people' can be subject to it; hopes for the best for them both. H[enry] Y[ates] T[hompson] and Dolly are visiting. Was very sorry to finish Aulus Gellius.

TRER/21/26 · Item · 28 Jan 1923
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

552 North Waller Ave., Chicago. Ill[inois]. - Thanks Bob for the 'charming translations' [of Aeschylus's "Oresteia"] and letter; hopes Lewis Gannett's copy will arrive safely. Has forwarded Gannett's letter to him at New York; he is an editor at the "Nation", and Binder thinks he will make sure a reviewer sees it if he does not review it himself. Suggests other publications Bob should send the book to. Has given his copy to an associate on the "Chicago Daily News", which 'has an excellent book review section for an American daily', who is a professor of classics and 'also a bit of a poet' [Keith Preston?], asking him to write a review and return it. 'Midwest dailies do not give much space to classical literature', but this may help bring it to the notice of classics lovers; will send Bob a copy. There are of course 'learned journals' in the States who would review the book, but he does not know them well, and expects Bob sees most of them. Glad that Francis [Birrell, with whom he and Bob worked in France for the Friends War Victims Relief Committee] is 'prospering'; hopes to see them all again some day. Has been on the staff of the "News" for some months; it is 'the most powerful of the afternoon papers in the United States and rather a nice sheet to work for'. Dorothy [his wife] is managing to write a little, but their son is keeping her 'pretty busy' and their second child is due next month; they are, however, not to busy to enjoy Bob's Aeschylus, which he hopes 'has a good response from America'.

TRER/46/253 · Item · 12 Dec 1919
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

The Shiffolds, Holmbury St. Mary, Dorking. - It is a 'great pleasure' to be home from Spain, and to find Bessie and Julian well; Julian has 'improved in many ways since the summer, and is much stronger, and also more vigorous mentally'. His current 'chief interests' are astronomy and 'making architectural plans'; therefore, he is much looking forward to the visit next week Bessie's cousin Jan Hubrecht, who 'will tell him all about sun-spots'; also to the visit of Robert's friend [Kenneth] Croos tomorrow, who 'was one of the architect of the Mission des Amis' in France. Bessie reads Wells' new Outline of History to Julian in the evenings, which 'seems quite well done'; so far however, they have 'only reached the beginning of the Pleistocene or thereabouts'.

It has been a 'great pleasure' for them to read [Theodore Roosevelt's] correspondence in Scribner's [Magazine]; thinks the 'strongest feeling' he got from Roosevelt's letters is what 'for what of a better word [Robert] would call his charm'; that indeed is his 'chief memory' of Roosevelt from when he met him at Welcombe. Roosevelt's 'wide reading and interest in everything would have made him interesting in any case', but it is 'something more personal than that, something which made any difference of opinion or point of view seem of little importance.

Had a good time in Madrid: got to know 'some quite interesting young men, and laid the foundation of at least a literary knowledge of Spanish'. Is preparing a 'book of translations from Lucretius', which will in total come to 'rather more than a third of the De Rerum Natura. Sends ;ove to his mother.

TRER/46/246 · Item · 16 Mar 1919
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Paris. - Has just received her last letter - probably her last to him in Paris, as he starts for home on Friday. Has just returned from the Verdun district, where he 'spent several days, and saw most of our [the Friends War Victims Relief Committee's] équipes'; these 'seem to be doing quite well on the whole'. Spent a day at Verdun itself with [Francis] Birrell. Seems that the Shiffolds 'will be very full' when he returns, but this 'can't be helped, and we shall pack in somehow'. Hopes Bessie 'won't have any invalids on her hands by that time'.
Glad to hear that Booa [Mary Prestwich] is 'well, and enjoying house-cleaning. It is a great contrast to a few years ago, when she was always in bad such health'.

His last few days in Paris will be 'very busy' finishing his work and saying goodbye to friends. Seems to have found 'quite a competent successor in Hotson, a young American'; there are 'more Americans now than English in the Mission'. Expects the Mission's work should 'not go on later than October this year', by which time the French authorities should take on the work; 'So far they have done almost nothing, at least in the districts we have to do with'.

Supposes Charles and Molly are now at Cambo. Julian 'seems to be happier at school, though he sometimes writes as if he did not like it'; things seem at any rate 'better than last term'. Sends love to his father.

TRER/46/245 · Item · 9 Mar 1919
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Paris. - This is his 'last fortnight in France'; will be about a week in the Verdun district with [Francis] Birrell, leaving for there tomorrow morning, then a week more in Paris, after which they will start home, he expects around the 23rd. Has found a 'competent successor as librarian, a young American [John Leslie Hotson]', who Robert expects will need to move the books to the Verdun district before long. More than half the books are 'already in the country équipes'. Thinks the 'library has been a success, and the books have been a great deal read'; though it 'ought to have been started two or three years ago'.

Is very glad that Aunt Nora was 'not in a state to know about Truelove's death', as he understands from his mother's letter. Aunt Nora was 'always exceedingly kind' to them all, and Bessie too. Truelove was a 'very nice man', and Robert will be 'very sorry not to see him again'; met him in London last year, and he was 'as handsome as ever'. Hopes George's son Humphry has recovered [from scarlet fever, see 12/303]. Has 'quite good reports of Julian'.

Glad his father is going to 'read Lucretius through'. Has recently translated the whole of the fifth book; there is 'rather a tiresome part about the stars and the sun, but the first few hundred are fine, and the last 700 superb'. May do another book soon. Even when Lucretius is 'dull and absurd and unpoetical' he interests Robert, as his 'power of exposition seldom fails him, and the movement and texture of the verse is usually at a high level'. Acknowledges that 'his astronomy was bad, even for his time'.

Hopes to see his parents soon.

TRER/46/244 · Item · 15 Feb 1919
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Nice. - Is here for a week's holiday with Francis Birrell, 'staying with a friend two miles outside the town'; the weather has been unpleasant, but changed yesterday for the better. Birrell caught a 'bad chill in Nice, and was in bed for two days', but is now up again. They are both glad to have a change from Paris where it was dreadfully cold, particularly in their 'badly warmed hotel'.

Soon after his holiday, he will go to the Friends War Victim's Relief Committee's 'new headquarters at Grange le Comte, in the Verdun area, to make arrangements about the library', which will need to be transferred there gradually. Also needs to find a successor to carry on the library when he returns home in March. The FWVRC are 'more and more concentrating on the Verdun area, where there will soon be one big metropolis at Grange le Comte, and a number of small équipes scattered about in the surrounding villages'.

Has had generally good news from Bessie about Julian, though he 'still seems to have his difficulties'. Bessie has sent him the 'very kind letter [12/302] which his father recently wrote to her saying he would give them fifty pounds towards Julian's education. Thanks his parents for the 'great kindness both of the thought and of the act'; is sorry he cannot thank them personally, but hopes he will be able to do so before long.

His mother's letter has just arrived; is glad to hear his parents are both well. Hopes they are by now having good weather. This morning he and Birrell 'sauntered up the road, and got a fine view of the distant Alps. The near country is very Italian, and it did one good to see terraces and olives and ilices after so many years'. Physically, this area is 'as much a part of Italy as Genoa'; the people also talk a 'sort of half Italian half French patois'. Nice is 'crammed full to bursting, chiefly with Americans', and the trains are 'terribly crowded'; however, they have got seats on next Tuesday's train. The cost of living is higher than in Paris, and 'what one gets is less good'.

Very glad to hear George will 'soon be getting back to writing history'; was a 'great pleasure seeing him in Paris last month'. Sends love to his mother, and thanks for her letter.

TRER/46/243 · Item · 4 Feb 1919
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

F. W. V. R. C. [Friends War Victims Relief Committee], A. P. O., S. 5, B. E. F., France. - Thanks his mother for her letter; fears she is having 'a cold time'. It is cold here too, but he does not much mind it; he and Francis Birrell are anyway going to Nice for a week on Friday, where it may be warmer. Hopes to return to England towards the end of March. Julian 'writes cheerfully, and seems to be getting on well so far [at school']; Bessie also 'writes cheerfully', and seems to have been staying with Charles and Molly in London.

The [FRCVS] library 'goes on the same as usual', but soon it will all have to move to the Verdun area. Is currently looking for a successor, and has just written to 'one of our men', whom he thinks 'will probably do'. Has never read The Roll Call; indeed, has not read several of [Arnold Bennett's] earlier books. Admire him 'a good deal' in some ways, but does 'not really find him sympathetic, even in the Old Wives' Tale, which he likes best so far. Also likes The Card, 'slight though it is'.

Had 'a good look at [Woodrow] Wilson on the day of his arrival' on the Champs-Élysée, and also when he passed under the FWVRC windows on his way to the Hôtel de Ville. Paris 'gave him a far warmer welcome than it did to the kings'. Will write to his father soon; hopes he is 'not feeling the cold too much'.

TRER/46/242 · Item · 22 Jan 1919
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

F. W. V. R. C. [Friends War Victims Relief Committee], A. P. O., S. 5, B. E. F., France. - Hears from Bessie that she and Julian have returned safely from their 'very enjoyable visit to Welcombe'. Julian has 'just gone off to school, a little reluctantly, but quite ready to make the best of it'. No doubt Bessie will feel 'a little forlorn at first'. Has been very busy recently with the [Friends'] library, on a new list of books for a supplement to next month's Reconstruction; also has many parcels to send and letters to write, since he is the only member of his department. This does have its advantages, since 'one does not depend on any-one else'. The weather has recently been very cold, and he works 'in a great coat to save the mess and trouble of keeping up a fire' in his room. The Seine has returned to its 'normal limits'; thinks 'no great harm was done, but a slightly further rise would have been serious'.

His friend [Francis] Birrell has been away for a week at 'Verdun and elsewhere in the warzone', and should return tonight. He and Robert may go for a week's holiday to the South of France next month. Robert will probably come back to England towards the end of March, but is not yet sure exactly when.

Fears the text of Theocritus [see Sir George's letter, 12/300] is in a 'very bad state'; however, a recently discovered papyrus which contains a number of the Idylls is 'said to have some very interesting readings', which are presumably older than any previously known manuscript. Does not think it has been published yet; it was found at Meroë in Egypt. Likes some of the Theocritus epigrams a great deal; gives example, with quotation in Greek.

Sends love to his mother. A fragment of his Agamemnon translation will appear in next month's Reconstruction; will send it to his father.

TRER/46/241 · Item · 16 Jan 1919
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Paris. - Hears from Bessie that she and Julian have 'greatly enjoyed their visit to Welcombe'. Thinks Bessie must have been in need of a rest. Is glad his mother found Julian 'improved'; hopes to be back at home by the time of his next holiday. Has been 'very busy' recently, but has now got things more in order. Expects he will take a week's holiday in February with Francis Birrell, come back to England some time in March, and probably not return here.

The weather is now better, and the Seine 'getting slowly better'; little harm was done, though it may have been serious if the river had risen a foot or two higher. Has 'little time for reading', but sometimes hears music performed in the evenings and occasionally goes to the theatre. Has 'several quite interesting French friends', and understands what they say better than when he came. Owes Aunt Annie a letter, and will certainly write to her soon; she may have sent him a diary for 1919 but he thinks it was his mother - never thanked her for it, 'being much rushed at the time', but does so now. It 'will be most rushed in several ways'. Sends his love to his father, to whom he will soon write, Aunt Annie, and Booa [Mary Prestwich].

The envelope accompanying this letter is addressed to Lady Trevelyan at Welcombe, Stratford on Avon, Warwickshire, Angleterre and also marked 'Service de Santé Militaire, Mission des Amis - R. C. Trevelyan'.

TRER/46/240 · Item · 27 Dec 1918
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

F. W. V. R. C. [Friends War Victims Relief Committee], A. P. O., S. 5, B. E. F., France. - Is spending a 'very pleasant Christmas and New Year' in Paris; they had 'plum-pudding on Christmas evening, though only chicken, not turkey'. Generally the food in Paris is 'quite good, though not cheap'. Francis Birrell has come to Paris 'to edit Reconstruction [the F.W.V.R.C.'s monthly] and manage our Publicity department', and is sharing a room with Robert. He is 'very good company', and Robert imagines that he is 'rather like his father [Augustine Birrell]'; certainly he quite resembles him in appearance, though he is 'much smaller'.

Expects his father has seen George by now; spent 'a very pleasant evening with him when he was on his way through Paris'. Is glad to know that Bessie hopes to come to Welcombe soon with Julian, who 'seems to have developed a good deal during his first term at school'. They are having 'very wet cold weather, and the streets are horribly muddy. Also the Seine is very full, and about the colour of the Tiber in flood'. Paris is 'crowded as never before, and it is impossible to get rooms anywhere'; the 'streets and the metros are packed'. No interesting plays on at the moment, except 'a few good farces'. Notes that '[o]ne really never sees bad acting here, as one does in London', and that even the plays, 'though often trivial and incredibly risqué, are at least well written and well put together'.

Went to the Musée Grevin [showing waxworks] recently; the 'old revolutionary scenes were there still, and looked as well as ever. The new war scenes were good enough, but nothing out of the way.' Sends love to his mother and Aunt Annie.

TRER/46/239 · Item · 9 Dec 1918
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Paris. - Is glad that his parents 'have made a safe migration to Welcombe', and that his mother is well. Has recently been very busy preparing his catalogue [of books in the Friends War Victims Relief Committee's library], which is 'now printed, and will appear tomorrow as a Supplement to Reconstruction, our Monthly paper'; will send his father a copy. Has bought almost six hundred books for 971.80 francs, and thinks has got his money's worth on the whole. The other books 'belong to various members of the Mission, or to local équipe libraries'. 'Already, nearly a hundred books have been taken out by individuals'; has 'also lent about 350 to the local équipe libraries, and shall lend more from time to time'.

Sometimes sees 'quite interesting people' in the evenings, French, American, and English. Young [Francis] Birrell, his 'chief friend on the Mission', is coming up to Paris from Verdun soon 'to look after our publicity department, the purpose of which is to get money from America and England to carry on our work'. Robert follows politics as closely as he can from the newspapers, but 'of course hear nothing at first hand, except sometimes about French politics'. Does not know 'what will come of it all'; is 'not very hopeful' for his own lifetime, but 'cannot help hoping that the new world will be a better world one than the old one for Julian and his contemporaries when they are men and women'.

Is glad Aunt Annie will stay with his parents 'for some time'; asks his father to give his love to her when she comes; also to his mother, to whom he will write soon.

TRER/46/238 · Item · 21 Nov 1918
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

F. W. V. R. C. [Friends War Victims Relief Committee], A. P. O., S. 5, B. E. F., France. - Thanks her very much for 'paying the library bill'; encloses 'two bills for books to Constable [no longer present] and asks if she could send him the balance of the five pounds 'in penny stamps, which are always useful here to our Treasurer', who would give Robert French money for them. Thanks her for the subscription, which has 'proved very useful'.

Went to Sermaize [les-Bains] last week 'on library matters'; it is 'in the old war zone, having been destroyed in the first Marne battle' but is now 'largely rebuilt'. The countryside is 'very beautiful in a quiet way'. It is 'about our largest équipe'; expects they will soon start moving into the Verdun area, which will be 'the chief scene of our activities next year'. Has been corresponding with George about him sending them 'men and possibly motors early next year when his [ambulance] unit breaks up [see 14/101].

Hopes the move to Welcombe goes well; is very glad Annie [Philips] will be with them for some time. Everyone here is well, and 'the influenza seems to be decreasing'. Is glad to have 'so good an account of Julian from Bessie; he seems to be doing well [at school]. Is 'sorry to miss his first holiday, but hope to be at home during his second'.

Has been very busy recently getting a 'complete list' of the library's books 'to print in Reconstruction, our monthly, as a supplement'; there must be over a thousand by now. The weather is fine but cold. Sends love to his father.

TRER/23/121/2 · Part · [1920?]
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

On headed notepaper of the National Liberal Club, Victoria Street, S.W.1. - On returning to London, he talked to Ruth Fry, Roger's sister, who is the president of the 'Mission des Amis' [Friends War Victims Relief Committee]. She said that communication with Russia was very difficult at the moment, but that if Marchand wants to arrange to get his niece [actually Olga Lewitska, daughter of Sonia Lewitska -see 22/56] out of Ukraine, it would be best to write to [Maxim] Litvinoff at the Hotel Cosmopolite, Copenhagen, asking for his help and advice as the one responsible for admitting foreigners to Russia and getting them out. Ruth Fry doubted that Litvinoff would consent to helping with such a case, but it might perhaps still be worth trying, and strongly suspected that it would not be possible to get the girl out. Might be possible to send letters to Kiev through Litvinoff.

Trevelyan will write to [Francis] Birrell to go and see Marchand as soon as he arrives in Paris; Roger Fry will also give his advice when he arrives. If it is better to send a letter as soon as possible, advises him to write to Litvinoff and send that letter to Trevelyan, who will ask Ruth Fry to send it as she is in communication with Litvinoff; this may make him pay more attention to the matter. Necessary to decide before writing whether they want to try and get Marchand's niece out of the Ukraine, or simply to send letters. Wishes he could give more definitive advice, but will do his best to help if he sends a letter. Marchand knows how much Trevelyan is sorry for the pain Madame Marchand [Sonia Lewitska] is experiencing at the moment, and how much he would like to help if he could.

TRER/23/13 · Item · [July 1918?]
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Copy of report on Trevelyan's appearance at the Dorking Rural Tribunal from the "Dorking and Leatherhead Advertiser", 6 July 1918. The tribunal sat on 4 July 1918 and was formed of F. D. Grissell (Chairman), H. C. Lee Steere, E. T. Arthur, H. E. Ponting, C. Knight and A. J. Canter; also present were A. Percival Keep, the National Service Representative, and W. J. Down, the Clerk. Trevelyan said he 'had a very strong moral objection to taking part, either directly or indirectly in war of any kind, or of doing work that would release others to take part in war'...'; also objected to his medical grading. Further points about his appeal for conscientious objection. Had ascertained that he could join the 'Friends' Reconstruction Committee in France'. In reply to Mr Keep, he said that he would object to ambulance work as he would 'object altogether to being under military orders', explained further his objections to fighting and taking life, and maintained that his was a not a political objection to war. The Tribunal granted conditional exemption on 'Mr Trevelyan undertaking work to be found by the Committee on work of national importance within 21 days'.

Report of the County Appeal Tribunal held at Guildford on 12 July 1918, from unknown source. The Natural Service Representative appealed against Trevelyan's conditional exemption. In reply to Captain Courthope, Trevelyan said that 'his conscientious objection was not based on religious or political grounds, but on a strong moral objection to taking part... in war of any kind, and not merely this war'; he rejected Courthope's suggestion of mine-sweeping or Red Cross work, maintaining that 'both were directed to carrying on the war more efficiently'. Lord Middleton said the Tribunal were satisfied that Trevelyan had a 'convinced conscientious objection to everything that was desired or directed to assist the prosecution of the war' and that he must be exempt from military service on condition that he performed work of national importance; the case was therefore adjourned for fourteen days for a report from the Pelham Committee.

TRER/14/101 · Item · 12 Nov 1918
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

British Red Cross Society, First British Ambulance Unit for Italy, Intendenza IIIa Armata, Zona di Guerra. - Thanks Bob for his letter of 5 November, and for forwarding Pease's letter. Has spoken to Edwardes and thinks it possible that he and Sykes will return to Fr[iends] War Victims Relief work in France when the ambulance unit disbands, which George hopes will be early next year; has asked Edwardes to speak to anyone he thinks suitable, so that they can offer their services to [Edmund] Harvey when the time comes. Asks Bob to tell Harvey that George will do all he can to help; would be useful to have up to date information about the FWVRC's 'recent and prospective work', and what kind of people are required, as well as whether this work is all unpaid.

TRER/14/100 · Item · 24 Oct 1918
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

British Red Cross Society, First British Ambulance Unit for Italy, Intendenza IIIa Armata, Zona di Guerra. - Thanks Bob for the 'paper re Molly's moves', which he has signed and sent back to Sir Hugh Bell. Glad to hear where Bob was and what he was doing; expects the work of [the Friends War Victims Relief Committee] will 'come in more than ever' during the armistice, whenever that begins, and 'a library if well chosen may be very much to the point'. Sorry to hear about the death of Bass [Sebastian Burtt?] Meyer's brother [Philip?]; if Bob sees Meyer, he should tell him that George's unit 'hope to get the Star lorry on the road again before demobilization': he will understand. George's unit have had a 'quiet year', except for one week in June. He has started writing again, and the 'beauty of the sub Alps and Iuganeans [Euganean Hills]... is in itself a resource'. Notes in a postscript that the unit's base is 'within 2 miles of Petrarch's house' [at Arquà] which is as genuine as [Shakespeare's] house at Stratford, with the 'cat that was in his room when he died' stuffed and mounted over the door of the room.