5 Parkfield Road, Didsbury, Manchester.—Declines to contribute to the Review for the present, but offers to join the advisory panel, if older scholars have not been purposely excluded. Jonson (Herford and Simpson’s edition) is now going through the press.
5 Parkfield rd. | Didsbury | Manchester.
11 Feb. ’24.
Dear Dr. McKerrow,
I am very glad to hear that the English Review, of which I had heard rumours, is now definitely in prospect. I would rather not undertake anything definitely for your first number, but I shall hope to be able to at any rate later on. In the meantime all good wishes for it.
Is your Board of Advisers intended to spare old stagers?—I see that it does not include names so honoured as those of Bradley & Saintsbury. But though technically on the retired list I hope I am not shelved in work; Simpson’s & my long-protracted Jonson is, as you probably know, now going thro’ the press. At any rate I am quite ready to join if you think proper.
Yours vy truly
C H Herford.