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TRER/12/342 · Item · 7 June 1922
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Wallington, Cambo, Morpeth. - Asks Robert to look at the catalogue enclosed and share anything he knows about the Meryon and Whistler publications; Campbell Dodgson 'is a high authority'; Robert's friend [Laurence Binyon] might tell him something; cannot write to his 'particular friend' Kenyon about the books of a colleague. 'A Prince Conti of Volaterra' [sic: Piero Gineri Conti?] a 'very imposing and attractive Italian' was brought for a visit by Sir Charles Parson, and much struck by the Trevelyans’ Francia, which he recognised 'with real emotion as an Italian masterpiece'.