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Add. MS c/99/120 · Item · Apr 1867
Part of Additional Manuscripts c

Announces that he would like to hold a dinner party, to which he would invite Temple, [Jex-]Blake, Scott, Wilson, Kitchener, Philpotts, [Lee?] Warner, or some of them. States that she may leave the 'other matter' until he comes. Explains that he does not want [Robert] Williams asked as his friend, as he has only just met him, and believes it to be quite strange 'to make that sort of advances to men'. Undertakes to entertain the man if he is asked entirely on his mother's and William's account. States that he will come on Friday at 7.

Add. MS c/93/131 · Item · 21 Aug. 1867
Part of Additional Manuscripts c

With regard to Sidgwick's essay, declares it to be well-reasoned, and expresses his supreme satisfaction with it. Asks for Sidgwick's criticisms of his [Farrar's] essay, on which [Charles Stuart?] Parker had given him 'some very valuable hints'. Is pleased that Sidgwick praises his friend Mr Joseph Payne, and informs him that Payne and Dr [William?] Hodgson are two very leading men at the College of [Preceptors]. Refers to a book on education by Mr [ ], which he declares to be 'thoroughly shallow'. Refers to a conversation with [William] Johnson [Cory], in which the latter mentioned a conference with Sidgwick, and asks him to explain a reference Johnson made to it. Expresses his hopes in relation to the latter's essay. Predicts the volume of essays [Essays on a Liberal Education, edited by Farrar] to be a valuable one, speaks favourably of the writings of Wilson, Seeley and Sidgwick, and judges Bowen's to be 'a little disappointing.' Reports that Lytton cannot contribute because of an illness. Expresses his intention of returning to Harrow on 27 August. Includes a list of queries about, and suggested changes to, Sidgwick's essay.

Add. MS c/93/132 · Item · 22 Aug. 1867
Part of Additional Manuscripts c

Refers to letter he sent that morning. Expresses his satisfaction with the progress of the Essays [on a Liberal Education, edited by Farrar], and praises those of Wilson, Seeley and Sidgwick as being 'most weighty and excellent'. Expresses the hope that he can secure some reviews, and asks Sidgwick to use his influence in that direction also, with, for example, Lord Houghton. Declares his intention of writing to Dr William Smith, and of trying 'to get the Quarterly [Review] to speak.' Asks Sidgwick for suggestions with regard to the preface. States his intention to try 'to get up a gathering at my home before the end of September.'

Add. MS c/101/139 · Item · 8 Jul 1874
Part of Additional Manuscripts c

Expresses her delight at receiving word from Henry, and at knowing that he is not ill. Explains that she came to Budleigh Salterton to be with Miss Temple 'who has been poorly for many weeks'. The latter was disappointed that she could not go to Rugby for the Speech Day with her brother and nieces. Reports that William wrote to say that he was glad she was coming and thought 'that it was imprudent not to compress the business of moving into as short a space of time as possible'. States that she reached Exeter on 27 June with Katie and Agnes Temple, and came to Budleigh Salterton having spent two nights at the Palace, to which she returns on Saturday. Hopes to be at Rugby again the following week. Describes the scenery and the beneficial effects of the sea air.

Reports that she left Arthur and Charlotte well, and that Mr Whitel[ ]d 'is so poorly in a sort of low fever, as to be quite unequal to his work'. Adds that Mr J. Wilson's brother Charles 'is come to do what he can to help'. Reports that Mr Phillpotts has been away 'owing to the illnes of his eldest boy who is away from Rugby', suffering from some kind of fever also. States that Miss Temple read her 'part of a letter to the Bishop [her brother Frederick] from a clergyman of the name of Hawkins', who asked the Bishop's opinion on the subject of spiritualism, and promising to send him some 'Photographs of "Incarnate Spirits"' Adds that she has not seen the Bishop since, but hopes to ask him about the matter when she returns to Exeter. States that she talked to Mr George Woodhouse on the subject, and expresses her own interest in it.

Reports that Isabel's brother Reginald Thompson 'is lately married to a Miss de Morgan a daughter of the Mrs de Morgan who is a great spiritualist. Refers to Professor Clifton, who told Isabel and her 'some wonderful stories told him by the elder [Mr] de Morgan now dead.'

Relates that Minnie has been suffering from toothache, and that Edward is in full residence, and that they will not move away from Lincoln until the end of September or beginning of October. Adds that their boys, Martin and Arthur, are going for scholarship at Winchester and Eton respectively, about 21 July. Remarks that she thinks that 'C[harlotte] S[ophia] S[idgwick] is a great favourite with all who know her', and doesn't believe that Arthur 'will find any great defects of which he was not aware - such as want of higher culture etc.' Adds that she has 'a sweet gentle temper', which is 'very winning.' Is anxious to hear from Henry, and is glad that he wrote to Mrs [ ]well, from whom she has not heard since.

Sidgwick, Mary (d 1879), mother of Henry Sidgwick
Add. MS c/101/171 · Item · 4 Sep 1866
Part of Additional Manuscripts c

Reports that she has received another letter from Arthur, dated 29 August, from Chiavenna, Lombardy. He was making his way with William, and Roche and Graham Dakyns, to Bellagio, then to Zermatt, and finally homewards. He enjoyed his time in Pontresina, and does not mention William. Remarks on the beneficial effects of mountain air. Wishes for fresher air in Bedford, where it has been very humid for the past several days. Explains that she has stayed there longer than she had expected to, as she has had a repetition of the invitation to Captain [Cheese]'s, and since no one is at home, she has accepted it. She intends to return to meet Arthur and William about 17 September.

Announces that she goes to Aylesford on 6 November. Regrets to hear of the death of Professor [John] Grote of Trumpington, and also of one of Sir George Young's brothers, who died as a result of a fall from Mont Blanc. Reports that Mr James Wilson has also had an accident at Oban. Claims to have been very amused by The Initials [by Jemima von Tautphoeus]. Discusses her views on the proper behaviour of young women towards young men, with reference to the book, and one of its characters, Hildegarde. Reports that Mr Francis Ward [brother of Henry's aunt by marriage, Mary Jane Sidgwick] has lost his eldest son to diptheria, with which he was taken ill in Switzerland. States that his parents have only one other son 'who is going to Oxford.'

Refers to the abundance of rain in Bedford in the previous few days. Announces that there is a 'School Regatta' that day. Reports that Edward and Minnie stay until the following week at Llanfairfechan, then bring their children home and go to see a friend at Winchester. Announces that Eleanor and Ada 'begin their term with two pupils of 16 and 17, nieces of Mr. Gaythorne Hardy.' Adds that both the Dakyns are with Arthur and William, and will come home with them.

Sidgwick, Mary (d 1879), mother of Henry Sidgwick
Add. MS c/99/18 · Item · [1] Dec 1862
Part of Additional Manuscripts c

[Sent from Haileybury]:- Remarks on the unfairness of the fact that because Arthur does not write to her, she does not write to him: Henry arrived at this conclusion from a message he got from [J. M.?] Wilson when he saw him at Trevelyan's dinner. Reports that he is 'pretty well' and 'tolerably busy'. Has been examining a school lately, and has made good progress with his Arabic. Adds that his eyes are pretty well. Reports that Trevelyan has gone down for good; his father has been appointed financial member of the Indian Council and his son is to be his private secretary. Observes that Trevelyan is the last of the friends that he made as an undergraduate, but declares that there are lots of nice men still at the university, and that he has not lost the power of making friends. States, however, that he feels that he is growing old, and 'probably appear[s] a great Don to freshmen'.

Is anxious to hear the result of the Great Ladkin case; asks 'is the monster subdued or have [they] had to "eat the [Leck]". Reports that Mrs Kingsley enquired after his mother; Mrs Kingsley has had quite a long illness, from which she is now recovered, and he has not seen anything of the Kingsleys this term. Declares Miss [Rose?] Kingsley to be 'a very nice girl.' Asks whether his mother has seen Kingsley's letters in the Times, and comments that most people at Cambridge think that he has done good by them, but observes that he has been 'as usual hasty and one-sided.' Believes that the Manchester people ought to have spoken before. States that he saw Temple's letter, which was 'very good as always', and comments on his testimony as to conduct of manufacturers.

Reports that Arthur is very well, and that he himself is staying with [A. G.] Butler in Hertfordshire. He saw Miss Mulock, who was staying with [Alexander?] Macmillan, some days previously; she 'looks pleasant and sympathetic, yet hardly capable of the powerful delineation of passion one meets with in her books'; she is said to be 'odd' and to 'come to evening parties in her morning dress'.

Attributes his mother's epistolary silence to dissipation, and asks if everybody on the Bilton Road asked her out to dinner, and whether they shall 'entertain "all manner of Dukes" as Arthur says' when they return. Asks if any family catastrophe has occurred. Tells her if she meets any Trinity man she may tell them that [J. L.] Hammond is going to be Bursar. Declares that Mr Martin is looking better every week; that Professor Sedgwick is flourishing, and is expected to lecture the following year 'for "positively the last time" as he has said any time the last ten years.'

Add. MS c/99/191 · Item · 2 Jan 1878
Part of Additional Manuscripts c

[Sent from Whittingehame, A. Balfour's house in Lothian]:- He and Nora were very busy up to the end of the previous year, until they escaped to Prestonkirk on New Year's Eve. They arrived in Cambridge on 26 December, on Thursday morning they were completing their arrangements for the Conference of Schoolmistresses on the following day, and their friends arrived that evening 'and educational talk began lasting without intermission till Friday evening...' On Saturday he began to prepare his answers for the Cambridge University Commissioners, and finished them on Monday morning, before his journey to Scotland.

Reports on the conference itself, which 'made up a compact and business-like meeting at the Townhall.' States that he was impressed with the schoolmistresses, who 'said what they had to say in a clear, short, practical way'. They 'fixed a limit of ten minutes for the speeches, but the only speaker who showed the least desire to exceed it was a Man..' Mentions that among the speeches made was one by Professor John Mayor. A short paragraph about the conference was sent to the newspapers, and got into the Times. Among those who came were James Wilson from Rugby with his sister Annie, who is head of a school at Grantham; Annie Marshall from Leeds, Professor Green from Oxford 'with his professorial honours fresh upon him', and Eve 'who used to be at Wellington College. States that Arthur was not able to come because Charlotte was not well enough to be left.

Reports that they have 'delightful weather' there in Prestonkirk, and that his brothers-in-law are all assembled. Claims that he has got the burden of his article pretty much off his mind. Describes the 'lovely winter view' from his window. Sends on Nora's love. Adds that they did not hear any political secrets at Hatfield, but reports that Myers, whom they had seen in London 'had seen Dizzy at Windsor Castle and reports that he bore a remarkably swaggering and triumphant aspect', and they are afraid that 'that Hebrew has been brewing some ill for his step-native land!'

Add. MS c/100/246 · Item · 12 Sept. 1873
Part of Additional Manuscripts c

Thanks Myers for his verses, which impressed him very much, apart from the third one, from which, he claims, he does not seem to derive any idea 'except of the girl's complexion'. Longs to see Myers. Reports that he has 'simply vegetated brooded and written a page a day of a stupid book [The Methods of Ethics]', which will appear the following year.

Announces Arthur's intended marriage to James Wilson of Rugby's sister [Charlotte], who is described by their mother as 'simpleminded and intelligent'; is curious to see her. Sidney Colvin told him that the Lewes' 'were not [to be] in the Chiselhurst house till October', and so Sidgwick has decided to defer his visit; mentions 28 September as a possible date. Is going to Rugby from 22 to 27 September inclusive; asks Myers to send him a line as to his movements as soon as he arrives. Will stay [in Cambridge] until Monday 22 September, and asks Myers if he will go there, and/or meet him in London on 28 September. Encloses 'AS's Communication' [announcing Arthur's impending marriage; not included], and states that he will never forgive him for not putting it on a postcard.

TRER/12/404 · Item · 7 July 1927
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Wallington, Cambo, Morpeth. - Read Robert's letter aloud to Caroline; they were both very interested by what he said about the [solar] eclipse, which was similar to their own experiences; also by the account of Canon [James Maurice] Wilson who has always been 'something of a myth' to Sir George, since his closest associates mentioned Wilson frequently but he himself never met him; he must have been an 'extraordinary genius' given what Robert says of the 'relative powers' of Henry Sidgwick, with whom Wilson shared the Bell Scholarship. Julian will remember knowing such a man all his life. George has been staying at Oriel [College, Oxford] to read at the Bodleian and reports seeing a 'beautiful mural tablet' to Arthur Sidgwick' at Corpus [Christi]; quotes and discusses the last line. He and Caroline both value Robert and Bessy's letters, but he does not know how they can 'adequately answer them': Caroline is 'incapable' of writing letters 'with any business in them' and cannot really exert herself to write at all, while he has a great deal to do about the estates and domestic management but is 'very weak and often ill'.

Add. MS c/104/57 · Item · 1 Mar 1905
Part of Additional Manuscripts c

Having returned from a Wellington College meeting, he finds that he has so much to do that he is unable to attend Mr Freshfield's lecture, but it was kind of Nora to have given him the opportunity. Remarks that since Henry won the Craven Scholarship in 1857 'no Rugby man has gained that particular distinction till [his] nephew Ralph' a few days previously. Declares that he believes that no Rugbeian since 1857 or earlier has won 'the Battie, the Browne, the Pitt, or the Waddington', and that in 1858 C.H. Tawney won the Davies scholarship, 'as Franklin Lushington had done in 1845'. Adds that Arthur Sidgwick won the Porson Scholarship/Prize in 1861. States that in 1856 the Bell Scholarship for sons of clergymen went to A. Holmes, Henry Sidgwick, J.M. Wilson, and in 1860 to Arthur Sidgwick, and that in 1858 Henry won the Browne Medal for a Greek epigram. Adds that the Browne Medal for the Greek ode was won by Arthur Sidgwick in 1861 and 1862.

Butler, Henry Montagu (1833-1918), college head