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TRER/11/193 · Item · 14 Feb 1925
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Welcombe, Stratford on Avon. - Elizabeth's letters to Sir George and Caroline gave them great pleasure; delightful to think of spending a fortnight with her and her 'book, and [her] violin'. Very glad that Robert 'faced the gale', which is 'the policy for a single man', and Sir George has 'more than once tried it'. Notes in a postscript that Wednesday is the best date [for her visit]; Mrs Stinchcombe

TRER/12/394 · Item · 26 Apr 1926
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Welcombe, Stratford on Avon. - Glad Robert had so good a time in the Netherlands; Caroline had a 'very full' letter from Elizabeth today with news of herself and Julian, and the 'whole plan' seems to have been very successful. Mrs Stinchcombe [the Welcombe housekeeper] has had a visit from a nephew, whose father is the manager of a 'boot-business at Northampton'; Sir George sends an enclosure with information about his achievements; his aunt had not realised how well he was doing until his fellowship at [St]. John's. Sir George 'never saw a more modest, good looking, impressive young fellow'. His own health is declining, and he is 'less and less fit for work or for general company', but can expect nothing else. They hope to go north in June; will let Robert know nearer the time whether they will be well enough for a visit before then.

TRER/11/77 · Item · 7 Apr [1925?]
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Welcombe, Stratford on Avon. - Enjoyed Elizabeth's long visit; did not realise 'the weeks had gone so fast' until she had left, and misses her very much; is 'pleased & touched' by what she says about her feelings. Sorry she goes home to 'such bother & discomfort' and hopes things improve soon; has just seen Stinchcombe, who will send 'a cake & some potted meat tomorrow' which will help Elizabeth 'get through'.