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MCKW/A/1/9a · Item · 26 Oct. 1904
Part of Papers of R. B. McKerrow

10 Sheffield Gardens, Kensington, London, W.—Gives information about the Arundel Club.

(With envelope.)



10 Sheffield Gardens, Kensington, London, W.
Oct. 26th 1904.

Dear Sir.

I enclose a prospectus of the Arundel Club. In reply to your questions.

1. The reproductions are not limited to any particular school.

2 & 3. Ordinary silver photographs not exceeding 12” x 10”.

4. Anyone joining the club can obtain the 1st series which has not yet been issued. The photos number 15.

5. At present the reproductions or photos are entirely of pictures

faithfully yours
Robert Ross.

R. B. McKerrow.

[Direction on envelope:] R. B. McKerrow Esq | 30 Manchester Street | Manchester Square | W.


Letter-head of the Arundel Club. Ross’s name is printed as Honorary Secretary. The envelope was postmarked at Kensington Sorting Office, W., at 12.15 a.m. on 27 October 1904, and at London, W., at 4 a.m. the same day.

{1} The printed prospectus sent with this letter (MCKW A1/9b) notes that the club was established ‘for the publication of photographic reproductions of works of art in private collections and elsewhere’. See also the Burlington Magazine, vi (1905), 500.

TRER/13/20 · Item · 5 Feb 1904
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

22 Willow Road, Hampstead. - Finds it hard to write what he feels about the suggestion put to him by [John?] Withers: Bob's 'constant and affectionate interest' is 'one of the most precious things' in his life; if it were necessary he would accept [the offer of help], which he cannot imagine doing from someone like Bob; expresses his gratitude and 'the sense of perfect reliance and affection'. His father has given him some help, and B.B. [Bernard Berenson] has managed to sell the Venetians; Fry has also nearly finished three restorations. When he has done so, and written some reviews, he intends to get to work on Bob's 'rabbits' picture [see 13/17]. Helen is not quite recovered, but nearly; the nurse has gone and she is taking an interest in household things; Edith [her sister] is making sure everything runs smoothly.

The Old Masters [exhibition at the Royal Academy] are 'the chief interest in now' London; disagrees with the attribution of a picture in it to Dürer, but [Charles] Holmes 'committed the Athenaeum' to it while Fry was away. Bob might like to join the new Arundel Club, fpr the reproduction of works of art in private collections. The "Burlington [Magazine]" is doing well and Holmes is showing 'infinite energy & business capacity' [as editor]. Relates a scandal created when [William Bell] Paterson asked Fry for his opinion on a painting, which Fry judged to be largely modern paint over the possible outline of a Giovanni Bellini; the painting turned out to have been sold by K[err] Lawson to Coates [unidentified] for a large sum; 'always feared that K.L. was not over scrupulous about his ascription of pictures' and thinks this may damage him 'considerably'; Kerr Lawson has 'sent his "Titian" as a Bonifazio [Veronese] to the Old Masters [exhibition] and ought to sell that.

Would be 'jolly' if Bob could write [Fry's sister] Margery's masque [for the opening of the new library at Somerville College, Oxford, see 4/55 and 4/104]; hope he has forgiven the suggestion he could 'polish it off quickly', as Fry likes to 'think of a poet as a perennial fount, bubbling up and overflowing with limpid words', and praises his skill with mythology. Has written 'an extravanganza on Blake for the Burlington' ["Three pictures in tempera by William Blake', Burl. Mag, Mar 1904 4 p 204]. Julian is very amusing, and has begun to sing a little; Edith has a cello here and Fry is accompanying her 'in very simple things' - tells Bob not to let his wife know - which Helen enjoys.

HOUG/HA/10 · Item · 30 Jan. 1873
Part of Papers of Richard Monckton Milnes, Lord Houghton

Florence. 6 Lungarno Torrigiani. 1ᵒ pᵒ [primo piano]. Envelope addressed to Browning at 19 Warwick Crescent, Upper Westbourne Terrace, London. - Death of Miss Isabella Blagden; attended her funeral yesterday; she had been slightly unwell since her return from England this winter. She 'has not ceased to live, as Bibi [his daughter Imogen] and I know, for we have had tidings of her through Regina, whom you remember' [Kirkup was a spiritualist and believed that he remained in communication with his first wife Regina, who died in 1856].

Isabella Blagden is buried near Browning's wife, south of her monument, 'the most magnificent in the place'. Remembers that Browning was dissatisfied in some way with 'Mr Leighton's part in the erection' but not 'in what way it was imperfect'; assures Browning that 'its general effect is imposing'.

Further discussion of spirits: they are 'alive & kicking - that is, flying with their legs, as I have often dreamed - none of our spirits have wings. They are like my master Fuseli's angels, who float by Will, not by wings'. Has 'obtained four photographs of spirits, real ones, not artificial imitations, which wd have been perfectly impossible with my precautions'.

Has much to tell Browning but cannot write or read for long; has parted with his books, 'besides, thieves had begun to steal the most valuable'. Has had to leave his old house as his landlord wanted to live there and has 'altered it and spoiled it'; his new house is 'prettier' with a 'much finer prospect. I see the Cupola as I lie in bed'. Invites Browning to visit him before he moves in May to Leghorn [Livorno], on the instructions of Isacco [a spirit]. Bibi is as tall as Regina was; has had her legitimised 'at Regina's pressing request' and she is now a 'courtesy Baroness... all vanity!'

Asks how [Browning's son] 'Penino' is; also enquires after Robert Lytton, Henry Layard, 'the poet Wilberforce' and Frederick Locker. Asks who 'Mr Addington Symonds' is: he has sent Kirkup his book on Dante. Asks whether Miss [Fanny?] Haworth is married. Never sees the Landors: gives news of 'Carlino' [Charles], Walter, and Julia. [Thomas] Trollope has 'been obliged to sell his villa, books & every thing - he had married his daughter's governess'; believes they are all in England [in fact they had moved to Rome]. Florence is 'much changed & immensely increased - millions on millions spent in building when it was the capital'; now 'no English' there.

Signs off, but adds a long postscript: spiritualism ('Spirits are almost my only friends here'); does Browning see the Rossettis or Trelawny? Discusses Lady Westmorland and her family, and Lady William [Russell?]. Has received two copies of Forster's life of Landor; wonders if he can send one back. Hates the Florentines 'for their treatment of Dante's monuments'; asks if Browning has a copy of the Arundel Society reproduction of Kirkup's sketch.