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Add. MS b/36/40 · Item · c 1947-c 1955
Part of Additional Manuscripts b

Inch-ma-home, Cambridge. Dated 19 April, 1901 - [Franz] Cumont sent a copy of a defense of the Acts of St Dasius; regrets that [Andrew] Lang is publishing a book and has not been in contact since writing the 'Fortnightly' articles; he had not heard of [F. B.] Jevons' article, and notes that [E. B.] Tylor hasn't written to acknowledge the book Frazer sent; could not vouch for Miss Lister's information; there is no need to say anything in print about his review.

Add. MS b/36/39 · Item · c 1947-c 1955
Part of Additional Manuscripts b

Inch-ma-home, Cambridge. Dated 2 April, 1901 - Agrees with his view of avoiding controversy; thanks him for the reminder of the cases of prayer among the Dieri [reported by Alfred Howitt], and for his distinction between religion and worship; does not think, and neither does [Franz] Cumont that there is reason to doubt the Acts of St Dasius; admits he has not read Grant Allen's 'The Evolution of the Idea of God'; obtained information on the survivals of paganism from Miss Roma Lister, who helped [Charles] Leland collect folklore; offers notes to counter [Andrew] Lang's 'last tirade against me in the "Fortnightly"', including an exaggeration of a disagreement with [Theodor] Nöldeke, but is inclined to think Lang right in saying that the Crucifixion even on Frazer's theory would not have contributed to the deification of Christ and will strike that out in a new edition, and asks his opinion.

Journal of a Stay in Rome
FRAZ/34/12 · Item · 1900-1928
Part of Papers of Sir James Frazer

20 pp. diary kept from 10 Dec. 1900 to 28 Feb. 1901 listing J. G. and Lilly Frazer's movements in Rome: places visited, and people seen, including [Giacomo] Boni, Wickham Steed and Madame [Clémence] Rose, Professor and Mrs [William] James, R. A. Neil, and A. E. Shipley. J. G. Frazer makes notes from a meeting on 16 Jan. with Miss Roma Lister, who gathered Italian folklore from peasants, and mentions her colleague C. G. Leland. On 19 Jan. he makes notes from a meeting with Dr [F. H.?] Burton-Brown, who lived amongst the Naga tribes in Assam. On 31 Jan. he describes an expedition to Nemi. On 27 Feb. he leaves Rome for Perugia. At the back of the volume are 2 1/2 pages of a bibliography of anthropological works, and two page list of 'Books Lent' from 1894-1905, to F. M Cornford, W. Ridgeway, A. B. Cook, W. H. D. Rouse, Miss [Aelfrida?] Tillyard, S. A. Cook, A. A. Bevan, and Prof. C. Bendall. This is followed by a short list of 'Ovid. Books to be Kept, Sept. 1928'.